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Local Brevities

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Indian summer was a visitor in town this week. A broker' s office has been opened in the Masonic block. The Presbyterian church is now lighted by eleotricity. R. D. Ferguson, son of Alderman Ferguson, feil while at play Sunday, breaking his collar bone. Joseph F. Keek, of Lodi, and Miss Hannah Stockinger, of Manchester, will be married the twelfth instant. The second faculty concert for the first semester of '95-'96 was given in Frieze Memorial Hall last evening. Jndge Grant, of the Michigan Supreme beneh, will lecture before the young peoples' societies at the Presbyterian ohnrch next Sunday evening at 6:15. There will be a reception held by the Christian Endeavors of the Presbyterian church this evening. All yonng people are invited tojbe present. Refreshments ser ved f ree of charge. Tranips presumably are at fault for the bnrning of a barn belonging to Evart Soott early Snnday morning. Eighfc tons of hay and some farm iniplements, in addition to the barn, were burned. Loss is estimated at $700. The Miohigau Central will issue a publication called "Headlight," in which Ann Arbor is to be one of the chief rays. The oouncil Monday evening appointed a committee to teil the "Headlight" editor where the University is located, together with other points of amusement in town. The Salvation Army will begin their contemplated move against the powers of darkness in our midst, at 20 Fourth avenue, on the 15th instant. They have a half enough chairs for their hall and want more. They want, also, articles of furniture with which to fight the evil one and will acoept anything from clothes pins to stoves and carpets, bed and bedding. Leave oontributions of oommodities and cash with C. A. Bnehlow, 3 Miner street. -;. .Joeí Leiand T. Powers. th impersonator, at üuivernty hall the sfcstcenth. l'ourteen püisuus were reoeived into thu Pres'oyter'nu chnrob last Sunduy. John H. Johnson, oL tliis city, has Deen licensed to niarry Bessie Beasley in Detroit. Circuit court has been adjoarned until November 31. Jndge Kinno is aolding court at Monroe. The full dppartment responded to an ilarm Monday nigbt, cau=ed by the burning of grass on Travar street. Some mi',reant firpd a pistol ball hrouh the hall window of Mrs. Tlannah Price's hojüe at UO South, Fifth avenue. Mrs Cousins, of the South Uiiiviirsity green house, this week preseuted the Y. W. C. A. girls with a unuiber of beautiful potted plauts. County Commissioner Wedemeyer has issued a directory of the public schools of the county, ireluding a list of tne teachers and school directors. It seems to be pretty well settled that Supervisor Lighthall of Lyndon will be a candidato for the democratie nominaton for sheriff this fall. Supervisor Tuomey desires that the fcaxpayers of Ann Arbor township should know that the equalized valuation in ais township was reduced f5,000, instead of not being reduced, as announced ia this paper a week ago. Our market is now well stocked with winter appks, those from New York being very nice and iree from worms, sinooth and of goed size. The writer of ;h''s item found by measarement that a King of Tompkins Oounty was twelve inch es ia circumference. Claribel, daughcer oi ilr. and Mrs. [jabón A. Parsons, of Grass Lake, died at 40 Washtenaw avenue, on Monday, aged 17. The fatal rualady was consumption and the deneased had beeu lere for treatment. The remains were ;akeu to Grass Lake for interment. The Owosso Press' edition this week was printed by the women. It was a dandy and to keep its stand-in with subsoribers the Press will heroaf ter have to keep the staff that did such yeoman work for it in this iustance. Miss Katherine Burns, of the Conservatory of Music, Aan Arbor, has been appointed organist of St. Mary's church, Ohelsea. Miss Burns will make her home with Mrs. C. E. Whittaker, and will be pleased to fotm a class in vocal or instrumental music. - Chelsea Herald. There was a flag raising at the Island school house in Augusta township on Frid-ty, whioh event was greatly en■joyed by a large number of people. There were appropriate exeroises and County School Commissioner Wedemeyer was the speaker. Miss Effie Haight is teacher in the district and bas been engaged for the winter term. Eugene K. Frueauff has accepted the position of city editor on the Owosso Argus. Mr. Frueauff takes with him to Owosso a nose for news, indefatig'ble energy and a gentlemauly demeanor and heart. He began his work of succeeding in his new field last Monday. By this time he knows as many people in Owosso as the ordinary man who has been there a year. Rosalia E., wife of O. H. Butterfield, died at six o'clock Tuesday morning at the family residence, No. 30 South Ingalls street, after a long illness, aged 48 years. The deceased was the mother of Alderman O. E. Butterfield. She came to this city with her husband in 1890 frorn Brattleboro, Vt. Husband and sou left Thursday for Brattleboro with the remainf. Services were held at the house Wednesday afternoon. JRev. T. W. Illman, of Grand Rapids, officiating. The supervisors at last Thursday's session voted to raise $20,000 for the county's ordinary expenses during the following year; county fnnd, $8,000; contingent fuud, $9,000; public building, $1,000; jury, $3,500; interest, $1,000; school examiners, $J,600; stenographers, $1,000; salary,$7,500; fuel, $900; Eastern Michigan asylum, f2,000; soldiers' relief fund, $1,000; total, $39,000. The county tax recommended is $20,000. This amount with the $19,000 estimated liquor tax makes the total income of $39.000. Glen V. Mills, the red covered directory man, of Ann Arbor, was down here the other day. He has heard that somebody has moved, and so is going to get out another County Direotory at once. For $3.50 yon can have your name printed in bold faced type and a book. At least Mills put on a "bold faoe" and made us such a proposition. So smoothly did he talk that we agreed to it, but we now think of contesting the debt on the ground of over-persuasion. The Mills of Washtenaw grinds but once a year, but he grinds exceediDg fine. - Ypsilanti Commercial. Work on the new route of the Ann Arbor luarl bus efased at Alma. Eugene Gregory h is heen granted a pateuc fora buok anti the binding thereof. ■ Frank Everett Legg and Franc C. Dorr were licensed to marry last evening. Geo. Kempf, of Chelesa, entertained a pumber of Ann Arbor business men Wednesday evening. Christian G. , year oíd son of Mr. and Mrs. Emanuel Fiegel, of Freedom, died Monday of inflammation of the lungs. W. G. Palmer, Frank Hess, Wm. Conlin, A. C. Pack and Ralph Miller are new members of the Ann Arbor Light Infantry. James Drumming, Chicago, was sent to jail for two day? Tuesday by Jnstice Pond for being so drunk that he didn't know his name. The Wolverine cyclers will exercise their pedal extremities in a different manner than their accustomed one the evening of the 21st,when they willhave a dancing party at the armory. John Rathfuss, an old inmate of the county house, died Sunday evening of old age. The remains were interred Wednesday afternoon at the Germán cemetery in this city. Mrs. Betsey Crippen, an old resident of Superior township, died last week, at the advanced age oí 85 years. She had resided in Superior for about 65 years, taking np government land. A meeting of the direotors of the Washteuaw County Mutual fire insurance company has bien called for next Monday. The assessment will be unusually large this time. In 10 days there have been $4,000 fire losses. Ex-Goveruor Ashley, of Ohio, will lecture in the Unity cotirse next Monday evening on "Public Life in Washington with Abraham Lincoln." The ex-governor was in Washington at the time aud will draw upon personal reminescences for the material of the leoture. A Thanksgiving festival will be given in-St. Thomas' school by the pupils of the oonservatory of mnsic on Wednesday evening, November 27. A ohoice selectiou of mnsic, both vocal and instrumental, will rnake up the program. The minims of the coaservatory will give a delightful matinee on the saine day at 2 :30 p. m. The Salvation Arnjy had a regular footbáll scrap at Ypsilanti the other night. Souie roughs tried to rush iuto the hall without contributing to the collcution. This occurred just after the captain had called down a member for being more vociferous than devont in his prayers. The captain was badly beaten. The g. o. p. papers say : "This democratie howl about state taxes will deceive no one." That's rich. The naked truth relative to the state taxes this year is all we care to impress the taxpayer with. We wouldn't deceive the people on this niacter if we could. The truth ought to sink the present administration out of sight. - Mt. Pleasant Democrat. The twenty-ninth anniversary of Ann Arbor Workingmen's society was held Saturday night in the A O. ü. W. bail. Speeches were made by Louis Liesetner and other, the Phoenix siuging society appeared for a vocal program, and a report the doings of the society since its organization was read by John Mayer. Since its organization in 1866 there has been a death record of 53 members. There were no less than a dozen dogs holding a rception on the eourt house square yesterday afternoon. Mr. Spaniel and Miss Poodle led the stately minuet, while Mr. Bulldog and Miss Spitz evoluted a few late steps much to the admtration of the rest of the mongrel group. Like "Finnegan's Ball, " the aff air ended in a fight. If the city has a dog catcher, where is he at? The Ann Arbor Organ Co. expects to occupy its new factory within the next three weeks. The concern will then ba able to produce from 4,000 to 5,000 organs per year. Plumbers and steam fitters are laying the pipes for heating and the carpenters are just completing the office, stock room, sales room and tuuing rooms. The e is s-.;H few hundreü dollars worth of scook to be purchased with the company. John Springman, of Lodi, had his pension sfopped last December o account of some irregularity and he was lefc in hard shape and without hopo of paying for his little homestead. Jnst as the place was to be taken ou mortgage foreolosure this weak Uncle Sam restored the pension with baok pay and Springman is a boy again in feelings just at present. His battle wound was received at Gettysburg when he was badly shot in the hand.