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V B. NORRIS ATTOKNEY AT LAW. Does a general law collection and conveyanclng business. A moderate share of your ïatronag-e respectfully solicited. Uffice 16 E Huron Street, upstairs. TECJCK AND STORAGE. C. E. GODFREY. Residence and Office, 48 FourthfAve., Nortb Teleptaone 82. jym A. MAC LACHJLAN, M. JD. Diseases of the EYE, EAK, NÓSE and THROAT Office, cor. of Main and Washington Streets. Reoldence, 14 S. State Street. Residence telephone, No. 128. Office telephone No. 134. Hours: 1O a. m. to 1 2 and 1 to 5 p. m. f!ilch?tcr' Enl!h BIninond Brani. J JYR6YAI PILLS r, Orlglnul and Only Genuine. A "T'N safe, :ilw;ivi reliable. ladiss ak v fcS ti-V DrugéisÉ for Chtchester Snalüth Dia JL fa4Í3VO,moíi-íZ lirnn.i in Red and (Jtiid nieiallicVVfc TAMboxes, p i.:i wiih blue ribbon. Tuke i I fw tions and imUdtümê, Al Drugists, oraoini4c. 1 W JY In ttampa ftr particulars, testimoniáis anJ tP i "Relief for Ladlem" in later, bj return -X IF Muil. 10,000 Testlmoülbla. v,tntc Paper. f ('hlclit'HterCnemlcalCjiluilNon "(iui -, ■oid br aü Local Drugjjuia. i.iiilnau.t l'a. Ej REWARE OF fOlXTEBFrlTS. ■f Theoiily areand always reliaWe Relief ■■ for LaciiPs, Accept no worthless and uanB emiis imitadons. Pave monpy and guard Wê twalth liy tatiing nothing luit the crnly cenu■f lnp and oriifinal 'Uiloox ( ■inrniunl Tansy Mf Pllls. ín mota! br.xes hearing shield trade 0V mark. j.riro f2.00, n 11 druggists. Pend 4 ets. for Wonian'sSafe Gward srnrply malled. wurox spüriFif co„ 328 Sonlb Eighlb Street, Pliila., Pa piRE INSURANCE. CHBSSTIAN MACK, Jkent lor the followin First ülass Companicji repreaenting over twenty-eipht Million Oi'llarn Assets, issues polioieu at the lowentrates ■ ♦ ■ Btna of Hartford $9,192,644.00 Franklin of Fhila 3,118,713,00 Germania of N. Y 2,700,729.00 American of N.Y. 4,065,968.00 London Assurance, Lond'n 1,416,788.00 Michigan F. & M., Detroit 287,608.00 M. Y. Underwriters, N. Y. 2,S96,679.0Ci National, Hartford 1,774,505.00 Phenix,N.Y 3,759,036.00 ySpeclal atteütion glveu to tbe inauranoe ol iweliinfrii, schools, churenes and pablic building a term of tbren and flre vaar mm k mum UEll GROCEEÏ AND FLOÜR AND FEEO STORE, We keep consuuitly on hand BREAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, 4o. For Wholesale or Betall Trade. We shaii also keep a supply ol OSBORIVJE'S GOLD DUST FLOUR. J. M. Swift & Co.' a Best White Wheat Flour, Bye ïlour, Buckwheat Flour, Oorn Meal, .7)ed, &c, &c, &c. At Wholesale and Retail. A greneral stock ol ÖEOOEJIES AND PEOVISIONS constantly on hand, which will be sold on as reasonable terms as at any other house in the city. tyCash paid for Botter, Eggs, and Country Produce enerallv. HTïoods Deiivered to any part of the city with ont exfri chari-e. Riney & Seaholt. EISENBARTH LIVER PILLS Will stimulate a sluggish system into healthy action. MANN'S DRUG STORE, 39 S. Main Street. ZE! White Tokay The Best for all Purposes, MANN BROS., Druggists, 30 S. Main St. TANN ARBOR


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