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Proceedings Of The Board Of Supervisors Of Washtenaw Coutny

Proceedings Of The Board Of Supervisors Of Washtenaw Coutny image Proceedings Of The Board Of Supervisors Of Washtenaw Coutny image Proceedings Of The Board Of Supervisors Of Washtenaw Coutny image
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MONDA Y, OCTOBER 14, 1895. The Board of Supervisors for the Connty of Washtenaw met in the Supervisors room in the Court House in the City of Ann Arbor on Monday the Uth day of October, 1895. Theroll was oalled by the Clerk, and the following Supervisors responded to their names to-wit : Ann Arbor City - First VVard- Wn. K. Childs. Secoud VVard- Eugene Oesterlin. Third Ward- John J. Fischer. Fourth VVard- Joseph Donelly. Fifth VVard- James Boyle. Sixth Ward- Arthur J. Kitson. Seventh Ward- Evart H. Scott. Ann Arbor Town - Cornelius L. Tuomey. Bridgewater - George Walter. Dexter- Thomas McQuillan. Freedom - Micnael P. Alber. Lima - Walter H. Dancer. Lodi - Michael Grosshans. Lyndon - James Howlett. Northfield - Emory L. Leiand. Pittsfield- Morton F. Case. Salem- Fred C. Wheeler. Saline - Edward A. Hauser. Soio - B. C. Whittaker. Superior - Walter Voorheis. Sylvan - Hiram Lighthall. Webster - Edwin Bal!. York - Alfred Davenport. Ypsilanti Town - John L. Hunter. Ypsilauti Cily- First VVarrt - Sumner Damon. Second Ward - James Forsyth. On motion of Mr. Scott, Mr. Hunter was declared chairman pro tem. On motion of Mr. Forsyth, the Board adjonrned until 1 :30 p. m. AFTERNOON SESSIOK. The Board was called to order by Chairman pro tem, Hunter. Roll called and quorum present. Mr. Whittaker moved that the Board proceed to the election of permanent charman. Carrïed. Messrs. DaveDport and Case were appointed tellers. First ballot - Whole number of votes cast, 28 of which Mr. Lighthall received 16, Mr. Dancer 3, Mr. Case 4, Mr. Davenport 1. Mr. Bibbins moved that .the Board proceed to a formal ballot. Carried. The whole number of votes cast were 28, of which Mr. Lighthall receivd 21, scattering 7. Mr. Lighthall was declared elected. Mr. Oesterlin moved that the Chairman appoiut the usual committees. Carried. Mr. Oase moved that a committee on Cpfltagious diseases beappointed. Carried, Mr. Dancer moved that the same rnJes be adopted that were in use last year. Carried. Mr. Davenport moved that the basis of equalization be flxed at $25,000,000. Carried. Mr. Childs moved that until further notice othf r business hours of the board be 1 a. m. and 2 p. m. Carried. On motion of Mr. Whittaker, Mr. Hunter was elected chairman pro tem. Mr. Case moved that Thursday next be the day on which the board would ■visit the couuty house. Mr. Childs offered an amendmen that the Chair appoint a committee of fonr to visit the oounty house and report to the board. Lost. Original motion carried. On motion of Mr. Wheeler the board adjonrned until tomorrow, 10 a. m. H. LIGRTHALL, Chairman. WM. DANSINGURG, Clerk. TÜESDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1895. The board met pursuant to adjournment, and was called to order by tbe Chairman. Roll called, quorum present. The journal of yesterday read and approved. The Clerk presented to the board the report of the Auditor General in reference to the state taxes to be raised in Washtenaw county. This report was, on motion, received and referred to committee on Apportionment of State and County Taxes. The following is the report : Auditor General's Office, Lausing, Mich., Oct. 9, 1895. Clerk of the County of Washtenaw : Dear Sir - In the statement recently gent to you from this office an error was made in copying the amount of state taxes apportioned to your county for the year 1895. The amount apportioned to your county is $82,682.75 instead of the amount named in the statement previously sent you, whioh in al -other respacts is correot. You will please lay this statement before your Board of Supervisors. Stanley W. Turner, Auditor General. State of Michigan, 'I Auditor General's Office, Lansing, Sept. 24, 1895. To the Clerk of the County of Washtenaw, Michigan: Sir - Pnreuant to the provisious of Section 35, Act 200, Public Acts of 1893, you are hereby notilied that a State tax has beeu apportioued to the severa! countios of the State, nccording to the last returns of the aggregate valuation of raxablo property thereiu made to this office, as is equalized aurt rieterruined by the State Board of Equalizatiou at theirsession in Angust, 1891. The aggregate valnation of real and personal estáte in Michigan as equalized by the State Board of Equalization in the year 1891, is $1,130,000,000.00. of which amonnt $31,000,000.00 is in Washtenaw County. The aggregate of State taxes apportioned to the several counties of tho state in the year 1895 is $3.013.919.52, of which amount $81.940.77 is appoitioned to Washtenaw Connty. The several items of the State tax of 1895, and the suna of each, are as follows, viz. : University of Michigan Sec. 1, Act 1, 18931, 1-BMIll Tax $ 188,333 33 Univerbity of Michigan, Sec. 1, Act 367, 181)6, construotkm of Buildlugs , „__ for Homeopathie College Zo.000 00 Soldiers' Home and Dormitory, Sec: 1, Act 114, 189, Current Expens. es, etc - 88,uuu uu State Normal School, Sec. 3. Act 171 1K95, Current Expenses, etc. . W,4oU uo State Public School, Sec. 3. Aet219, 1895, Uurrenl Expense, etc 43,024 90 Agrieultural College, Sec. i. Act ■ 65, 1895. Kepairs, lmprovements, eCi 13,000 UU Michigan Asy urn, Sec. 3, Act 168. 1895, KepHirs. lmprovements, etc. 19,260 00 Northern Michigan Asylum, tec.3, Act 213, 1895, Kepairs, Improveinents, etc 12,500 00 U. 1'. Hospital for the Insane. Sec. B, Act 196, 1895, Current Expenses, Building, etc 100,000 00 Asylum for Dangerous und Criminal lusane. ec. 3, Act 169, 1895, Repairs, lmprovements, etc dñ.uuu uu Home for the Keeble Minded and Epilepuc, Sec. 3, Act Öl, 189a, Current Expenses, ete 2&.000 00 Michigan School for the Deaf, Sec. 4, Act 214, 1895, Current Expenses, etc -- - jl,ui uu Michigan School for the Blind, Sec. 2, Act 92, 1895, Current Kxpenses. cto 2'' .000 "O Industrial School for Boys. Sec. 3, Act 172, 1895, Current Expenses, etc Ï5.250 0 Industrial Home for Girls, Sec. 3, Act 195, 1895, Current Expenses, ejL _ 61,547 60 Ml bigan Mining School. Sec. 4, Act 167, 1895, Current Expenses. etc 40,000 00 Michigan State Prison, Sec. 3, Act 828,1895, Kepairs - 10,000 00 State House of Cirrection and Reformator}', Sec. 3. Act 228, 1895, Kepairs. lmprovements, etc 18,000 00 State House of Correction and Braneh Prison, U. P., Sec 2, Act 17u, 1895, Kepairs, lmprovements, eQ. 5,675 00 Board of Fish Comniissioners, Sec. 3 Act II, 1895, Current Expenses, etc 32,500 00 State lioard of Health, Sec. 2. Act 211, 1881 2,000 00 Stsfte Weather Servtoe, Sec. 5, Act 26,1895 1,000 00 Michigan National Guard. Sec. ÍWJ, A.Ctl98,iat3 y! - 8:65 64 Michigan Naval Militia, Sec. 36, Act 811,1895 2,802 05 Copymu; Records in Adjutant General's Oinc, Sec. 3, Act 30, 1895 .. 4,r0 00 State Liurary, Sec. 10, Act 28, 1895, Purchase of Books, etc 5,000 00 Dairy and Food lnspection, Sec. 12. Act 345, 1S95 9,400 00 Michisran Dairymen's Association, Sec3. Act 249, 1895.. 1,000 00 State Horticultural Society, Sec. 4, Act 144,1895 - --- 1.500 CO Agricultural lnstitutes, Sec. 6. Act 166, 1895 5,100 00 rity of Kalamnzoo, Sec. 3, Act 173, 1895, Sewer for Michigan Asylum 4,000 00 Monumento for National Military Park at Chickamauga and Cbattano ga. Sec. 3, Act 8. 18a5 20,000 00 GeneralEx penses of Staie Government, Sec. 2, Act 265, 1895 l,9O0,CO0 00 Total Tax Apportioned $3,013,919 52 Tnere is also to be levied as a portion of the connty taxes, as required by Section 35, Aot 206, Laws of 1893, (unless paid prior to October lst) the indebtedness of your Connty to the State on the first day of July, 1895, then amounting to $503.28. The indebtedness of the County must not be added to the State Tax. Yon will canse the above to be laid before the Board of Supervisors of your connty at their session in October, 1895. Please acknowledge immediately the receipt of this notice. Very respectfnlly, Stanley M. Turner, Auditor General. The report of Inspectors of Jails was presented to the Board, and ordered printed with the proceedings. The following is the report : REPORT OF INSPECTORS OF JAILS FOR THE COUNTY OF WASHTENAW OF INSPECTION MADE ON SEPTEMBER 24, 3895. To the Honorable Board of Supervisors : The undersigned Inspeotors of Jails for the County of Washtenaw, in compliance with the provisions of law (Seetons 9649-9654, found on page 2318 of Howell's Annotated Statutes of Michigan, as above amended) wonldre speotf ully report : That on the 24th day of September, 1895, they visited and carefully inspected the county jail of said county, and found as follows : 1. That during the sixmonths immediately preceding such exainination there had been confined at different times 206 prisoners, charged with ofens(s as follows: ó OFFENSE.' ■ % I g ■ a &. & Drunk 30 Drunk and disorderly 13 Assault --- 1 Assault and battery 10 Adultery 1 2 Threats to do harm 2 Insane - 3 1 Horse stealing 4 Rape... 1 Arson - .-- 1 Burglary 11 Vagrancy 6 1 Larceny 13 1 Bastardy 1 Entering freigrht cars 34 Stealing rides on f reight care 24 Lettinj? auimals run at large 2 Non-support 2 Cruelty to animáis 1 Carrying concealedweapons 1 Forgery 2 Malicious trespass 2 Indecent exposure 1 Reoeiving stolen property.. 1 Gambling 1 Disorderly 21 . Breakingfnto R. R. office... 1 Order of prosecuting attorney 1 Fire Bug 1 Breaking into house 5 Highway robbery 1 Slander and threats 1 Falsepretense 1 Flghtfng on street 1 200 8 I 206 2. There are now in jail, detainpd for trial, ;! ; serving seutence, 6; under 16 years of age, none; awaitiïig ment, none. Nnmbrc now in jail, male, 10; female, 2; total, la. Prisoners detained for trial huve beeu held in jail in tbe following number of da s eaoh, 18, 29, 13, G, 4, 7. Prisouers awaiting comniitinent have been held since scutenee. . . .days each. Number usuallyconfiued in one room by day.all males over 16. Nnmber osnally confii:ed in oue room at 4. Emplryment, no regular work. 5. Coudition of bedding, only medium. Condition of cells, only medium. Condition of halls needs immediate repairs. Condition of water elosets, fair. 6. What discinotiou, if auy, is inado in treatnient oí prisouers? None. 7. Are prisoners under 1 6 yers of age at any time, day or night, permitted to mingle or associute with older prisouers? See Sec. 2000, page 5-10, Hovvell's AnQOtated Statutes of Michigan. No. 8. Are prisoners arrested on civil process kept in rooms separate and distinct froin prisuners held on criminal charge, as required by Section 8941, Howell's Statutes? No. 9. Are male and female prisouers oonfined in separato rooms as reqaired hy Sectiou 8942, Howell's Stacutes? They are. 10. Is there a proper jail reoord kept, and is it kept properly posted and does it comply with Section 9664, page 2320, Howell's Annotated Statutes of Michigan? There is, but more systera is needed. 11. What, if any, evils, eitherinconstrnction or management of jail are fouud to exist? The jail is too small and the lot on which it stands s also too small and can be approaohed on two sides from the street. J. Wsllard Babbitt, Judge of Probate. Elisha Loomis. Charles H. Kempf, E. P. Mason, Superintendents of Poor. D. B. Greene. County Agent. The report of the Judge of Probate in regard to persous comrnitted to the insane asylum was read and ordered printed. The following is the report : To the Honorable Board of Supervisors for Washtenaw County, Mich. : Gentlemen : - Herewith I have the honor to submit my official report of Commitments to the Eastern Michigan Asylum foi the Insane for the year onding Sept. 30, 1895. i c " i ■■■" - ' w - ■- ' - ■ - - ■ ■ - ' - - "Z iili ilP ; ; : : S: ::":::;:: D ;:::::: i ? ce -o s - ; a 2.&SB so-c = =-a z.s 2 Ï3S-1".?" 3 O 1 2.S ÍS C"rt'íC c-"-" O. -? C - c y Ir rtCT 03 m$í -: p Mí&l ni Pa' 3. -ag gg -a gP3." 3i ' odá 'O Si O t Qi CT Ct gjl Ol O' O ?líS'8f?gífisÍliM?s!aÍf?S o,o o 3 = -""3 o. D ?' "ti ÍfIl!iIi!i!lMi!!?p 5" S I 5S r r f 5 t L Respectfully submitted, J. Willard Babbitt, Judge of Probate. Dated, Ann Arbor, October lst, 1895. The report of the Secretary of State in regard to corporations that have not flled a report as required by law, was presented, and, on motion, was ordered printed with the proceedings. The fol. lowing is the report. Lansing, Sept. 24,1895. William Dansingburg, County Clerk, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Dear Sir - Your attention is respectfully called to Sec. 3 of Art. 4 of the Constituiton of this State ; to Sec. 485 of Howell's Annotated Statutes, and to Act No. 237 of the Public Acts of '95. These sections will, I believe. give you all the information neoessary to the redistricting of your county by the Board of Supervisors at their next annual meeting. Respectfully yours, . Jos. W. Selden, Deputy Secretary of State. Lansing, Sept. 23, 1894. County Clerk, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Sir - In accordauce with the provisions of Section 12, Act 232, Public Acts of 1885, I herewith transmit the names and locations of all corporatious, located in the County of Washtenaw, which are subject to the provisions oi said Section 12, and who have failed to file, in this office a, report for the year ending December 31, 1894. Very respectfuly. Washington Gardner, Secretary of State. Ñames and addresses of corporations c looated in Wiishteuaw CouBty, gájj, whioh failed to file tlnir annnall reporta for the year euding December 31, ! 1894, iu the ofïice of Secretary of State: Aun Arbor Ladder and Trestle Co., Aun Arbor. ! f Ann Arbor Brick, Tile and Sewer i ( Pipe Co., Auu Arbor. . Babbitt Sand Stone Co., Ann Arbor. Combination Screen and Awuing Manufaotnring Co., Ann Arbor. 1 Doctor Rose Hoptouic Co., Anu Aror. Qeo. W. Ballis & Co., Ann Arbor. Laugley Eleotrio Light, Aun Arbor. Michigan Purniture Co., Anu Arbor. Morgan Cowell Crossing Co., Ypsianti. Peninsular Soap Co. . Ann Arbor. Paragou Mineral Water Co., Ypsianti. Saline Manufactnriug Co., Saline. Steinbach Manufactnring Co., Ann Arbor. Ypsilanti Miueral Spi'ing Co., Ypsianti. Ypsilanti Creamery Co., Ypsilanti. Ypsilanti Dnderwear Co., Ypsilanti. Ypsilanti Woolen Mannfacturing Co., Ypsilanti. Corporations named in the following ist have made no report to the Secreary of State for the past two to tweaty ears. Letters and blanks sent to their ddress, have been invariably returned, ndorsed by P. AI. , as f ollows : ' ' ünlaimed, " "Out of business," "No such ompany here, " etc, etc. Ann Arbor Butter and Cheese Co., Ann Arbor. Beunett Harrow Co., Milan. Inventora Manufacturing Co., Ann Arbor. Michigan Farmers Grain Co., Ypsianti. Spr ng Lake Ice Co., Ann Arbor. Tfce following Standing Committees were then reported to the board by the Chairman : Equalization - Davenport, Scott, McQuillan, Burtless and Alber. Criminal Claims No. 1 - Walter, Case and Howlett. Criminal Claims No. 2 - Tuomey, ïunter aud Hall. Civil Claims - Oesterlin, Ball and Vhittaker. To Settle with County Officers- Whittaker, Childs and Forsyth. On Salaries of County Officers - Janeer, Kitson and Walter. JL_On Apportionment of State and County Taxes - Grosshans, Hauser and Voorheis. Public Buildings - Oesterlin, Hunter nd Dancer. Rejected Taxes - Alber, Wheeler and Donnelly. To Examiue Accounts of Superineudents of the Poor - Boyle, Leiand and Hall. Finance- Forsyth, Childs and Wheeler. Fractional School Districts - Voor}eis, Hauser and Tuomey. Drains - McQaillan, Bilbins and Grosshans. Printing - Donnelly, Damon and ïauser. Contagious Diseases Ball, Boyle and Leiand. Per Diem - Howlett, Fischer and Davenport. To Redistrict County - Hall, Donnely and Bibbins. Mr. Wheeler moved that a committee of two be appointed by the Chair to procure conveyances to convey the Board to the county house. Adopted. The Chair appointed as such committee Messrs. Tuomey and Scott. Mr. Scott moved that a oommittee be appointed to investígate the cost o putting in fire proof vaults in the Conrt Eouse, and report the same to the Board at the afternoon session on Monday next. Carried. The Chair appointed as such oommittee Messrs. Oesterlin, Hunter and Forsyth. On niotion of Mr. Bibbins, next Tuesday at 2 p. in. was made the special hour for the election of School Examiner. Mr. Caso moved that Friday next at 10 a. m. be made the special hour for receiving the reports of the Superintendents of the Poor. On motion of Mr. Kitson the Building committee was instructed to procure extra desks and racks for coats and hats. On motion of Mr. Forsyth the Board took a recess until 2 p. m. AFTERNOON SESSION. The Board was called to order by the Chairman. Roll called. Quorum present. Mr. Case moved that the clerk be instructed to advertise for bids for medicine, medical care, and surgical attendance on prisoners at the County Jail, the bids to be presented no later than Tuesday, October 22nd., 1895, at 2 p. m. Carried. Mr. Hunter moved that Wednesday the 23rd. at 2 p. m. be the special day and hour in which to receive the Drain Commissioners' Report, and to elect Drain Commissioner. Carried. Mr. Scott moved that next Tbursday the 24th at 2 p. m. be the sp-cial day and hour for the eleotion of Superintendent of the Poor. Carried. On motion of Mr. Wheeler it was dered that Friday the 25tti at 3 p. m. be the special day and hour for election of j au i tor. On motion of Mr. Scott it was order - ed that Messrs. Case anrl Bnrtlesa be a special coinuiittee to invite the County officers to accompanv Supervisors to the County House. Mr. Dancer moved that the cornmittee on priuting be directed to solioit bids frorn the severa' newspapers of his county for poblishiDg tho proceedngs of the Board of Supervisors (Januiry and October sessions) and for furnshing 1,000 copies in pamphlet form, n English, for the use of the Board, said )ainphlet to be ready for distribution not later, than November 25th next. Carried. Mr. Wheeler moved that the County Clerk be instructed to cali for sealed proposals from the incorporated banks of Ann Arbor for the highest rate nf nterest payable on deposits in said iank or banks for the term of one year, commencing January Ist 189fi ; also for the lowest rate of interest on overdrafts on said bank or banks, the in;erest to be paid on the last day of June and December, pursnant to local act 373,approved June 3rd, 1885. Adopted. Mr. Oesterlin moved that the comnittee on printing solicit bids frora the two Germán newspapers of this city to jublish the proceedings of the Board of Supervisors. Adopted. On motion of Mr. Hunter the Clerk was allowed the sum of Fifty Five Dollars for reportingthe proceedings of the January and October sessions. Adopted. On motion of Mr. Case, the Clerk was instructed to cali the roll of townships and wards, in order to allow the memjers of the Board of Supervisors to fill such ■n acancies as may have been made in the list of persons who have the care of the burial of deceased Union sailors and soldiers. The following is the corrected list : Ann Arbor City - First Ward- H. S. Dean. Secoud Ward - Courad Noli. Third Ward- P. Irwin. Fourth Ward - J. Langhlin. Fifth Ward- E. S. Manly. Sixth Ward- H. Marsh. Seventh Ward - HoraceP. Davenport. Aun Arbor Town - Chas. H. Greenman. Bridgewater - Joseph LindeD. Dexter - L. C. ftodinan. Freedom - John Esslick. Lodi- G. L. Hoyt Lima - John F. Waltrons. Lyndon - Ed. Gorman. Manchester - G. B. Sherwood. Northfleld - James Brokaw. Pittsfield- H. H. Webb. S,alem - J. D. Haywood. Saline - Orin Parsons. Scio - A. E. Phelps. Sharon - C. C. Dorr. Superior - T. V. Quaukenbos. Sylvan - John A. Palmer. Webster - Wooeter Blodgett. York - John A. Jackson. Ypsilanti Town- N. B. Tuttle. Ypsilanti City - jlst Ward - O. A. Ainsworth. , 2nd Ward- J. W. Wise. 3rd Ward- E. P. Allen. Fourth Ward- Art Bedell. Fifth Ward- E. Hathaway. On motion of Mr. Childs, the above named persons were declared elected, and so reported to Military Committee by the Clerk. Mr. Childs moved for an adjournment. Carried. H. LIGHTHALL, Chairman. WM. DANSINGBÜRG, Clerk. WEDNESDAY, OCT. 16, 1895. The Board met pursuant to adjournment ; was called to order by the Chairman, the roll was called and a quorum was found to be present. The journal of yesterday was read and approved. On motion of Mr. Childs, the committee to invite the county officers to the county house extends an invitation to representativos of the various newspapers of the county also. On motion of Mr. Davenport this afternoon at two o'clock is made the special hour at which to receive the County Treasurer's report. On motion of Mr. Whittaker the Board took a recess until 2 p. m. AFTERNOON SESSION. The Board met pursuant to adjournment ; was called to order by the Ch airman, the roll was called and a quorum found present. The special hour having arrived the Treasurers report was recei ved, read and on motion referred to the committee to s'jttle with the county officers. To the Honorable, the Ohairman and Board of Supervisors of Washtenaw County : Gentlemen : I herewith transmit my report of moneys received and paid out by me during the time from January 2, 1895, to October 1, 1895, as shown by he books of this offlco n„ ti )f October, 1895. " the flrst day r. Rehfuss Cou"ty Treasurer. KECFlPTg. Anti Arbor i'u„ ;;.ntrrax „m j. L. Tax "')' m í,oílS'C0U"tyTax Uf L L. Tax.. JM PB TCountyTax 2681 „, 'ooïïix0011'1 WtO 55 """""„""," 176 1687 ■ ■t + j, nndoewatcr Tüvtn 3Md .ooomrlStt fSSio, " 5U0 00- 2830 ; State and County Tax ],648 80Fretdom Town m State and County Tax 2229 2229li imo Toion Pwr Tax OountTx 2,513 44 l. l. Tax'.:;; jwu ""V":." 3,120 56 liSoTax C0U"ty Tax -- 2.808 88 UL.aax::;;:;;;;;;;;;;; agJLy. State and County Tax 1,211 l,2u 69 Míinchesíer Town pS.Cmtilta Mgjg L-L-x ■-"::- 3.52017 Nurthfleld Town. Poo'reTax CUnty TaX 2'229 38 u l. Tax ::::::;;;::;;;;;;;;; 2_ 2772 PittsfieldTown. S"d County Tax 3,367 86 Salem Tnwtu State and County Tax 2,793 2,793 43 SaUne Town. State and County Tax 3 436 18 PoorTax 3,534 43 Sitaron Town. State and County Tax 2,284 00 FoorUx - 2,343 80 Scio Town. State and County Tax 3,978 43 loorTax - 134 4,112 95 Superior Town. State and County Tax 2,916 57 loorTax 59 m_ 2j9J6 Sylvan Town. State and County Tax 3,015 3,015 lft Webster Town. State and County Tax 2,610 11 PoorTax 59 8u- 2,669 91 York Town. State and County Tax 2,925 2,925 la Tpsilanti Town. State and County Tax 290130 PoorTax... 59 8U_ 2961 w Cash at Ann Arbor Savings Bank. January 1, 1895.... 67 68- ' 67 68 Cash trom G. Brehm, Januaryl,18H5 17 35 .Clielsea Village. L. L. Tax 3.000 3,000 00 Dexter Village. L-L-Tax - -- 2,51.0 2,600 00 Maiichexter Village. L. L. Tax 3,5"0 3,500 00' Milan Village. L-L. Tax 1,000 1,00000 Saline Village. L. L.Tax 1,833 1,833 34 Coniinyent Fund. Wm. Judson 29 20 Wm. Dansicgburg 500 Wm. Ua,ninf;hurjr 11 ;w Anu Arbor City 6 50- 52 09' County Fund. Wm. Dansingburg 56 00 Win. Dausingburgr lu (JO- GO 00Delinquent Tax 1.6 7 1,807 43 Interest Fund 102 01- 102 01 Jail Fund.. 1140 lnsane Fund 25 00- 25 00 State of Michigan, Primary Money 7,1:68 81- 7,668 31 FlneMoney 273 00- 273 10Superiotendents of Poor, by E. P. Mason 248 24857 Kedemptlon Tax 23 81- 23 81 Teachers' Institute Fund.. 214 00- 214 00(Jau, lioty 223 00- 223 00 Clark Lake Drain 91 76- 9W 76Buck Creek Drain 340 340 28 Lumbard ürain 385 42- 385 42 Saline Uiver Drain 1,278 73- 1,278 73Saline and Bridgewater Drain 1,7110 John Bird Drain. 238 05- 238 05 Ï132.235 71-ÏJ82.23W1 DISBURSEMENT8. 4m Arhor City. Paid Treasurer D. L. T.-..$ 236 66 PrimaryMoney 1,910 52 i'ine Money 156 80 L.L. Tax 8,479 35-10,783 1 Ypsilanti City. Priraary Money 1,026 02 Fine Money 84 10 L.L.Tax. 4,639 46 Ann Arbor Town. Primary Money._ 157 99 FineMcney 12 170 94 Augusta Town . PrimaryMoney 373 93 FineMonoy 2 376 Bridgewater Town. PrimaryMoney 194 59 Fine Money 15 95 L. L. Tax.. 247 458 04 Dexter Town. PrimaryMoney 137 86 Fino Money 149 17 Freedom Town. PrimaryMoney 272 "6 Fine Money 22 294 36 Lima Town. PrimaryMoney 167 75 Fine Money 13 75 L.L. Tax.... 247 429 00 Lodi Tovm, PrimaryMoney 183 00 Fine Money 15 00 I L.L.Tax 445 50 Lyndon Town. PrimaryMoney 116 51 Fine Money 9 56- 126 0) Manchester Town. PrimaryMoney 403 21 Fine Money 33 05 L.L.Tax 32 17- 468 U Northfleld Town. PrimaryMoney 188 49 Fine Money lo 4 L.L.Tax... - 247 45144 Pittsfteld Tovm. Primary Money 183 61 FineMonoy.....- 15 198 06 Salem Town. PrimaryMoney 164 09 Fine Money 13 4o- 177 0 Saline Town. PrimaryMoney 339 7J Fine Money 27 85 DkiverD.1:aÍ"..-aX:.Sa-Une. 180 548 61 Sharon Town. PrimaryMoney - 208 „„ Fine Money V w & w Scio Tuwn. Primaryj Money 332 5 .m m FineMöney & 25 á5S w Superior Town. PrimaryMoney 21106 Sylvan Town. PrimaryMoney 4Ü 435 65 FineMöney 0 "" Webster Town. PrimaryMoney _ m m FineMöney lu Ypttilanti Town. PrimaryMoney l8 B Fine Money lu " York Town. PrimaryMoney u S_ 89183 FineMöney l"j" iioarU 1 119 V School Examinéis1 Fund.. 1,119 37j.l" Ohelsea Village 1,485 09i.w f P„n(] . fi.Ofïi 32- 6.083 32 8LSSSs?-:?.:.r:-ÖiS:aS Vne[ Tí nuf" -'-' 162 HBR6 Insurance mina 1.433 1,433 S Jrtil Vana -2 US 60- 2,f 15 60 Jury ?5?"vVuge."L."L" 1,732 BU-7 1,132 50 M;i' ' i'.ml 5,881 5,844 77 bsSïïs : vsr= stt S'VKehf Per cent "L.L. 3T5 3T5 00 iVveanat AuuAr bor fl2_ Ba," ÍVkP Drun --- WIS 915 87 Clark LakeUiAin 136 136 75 189 189 00 ?,rainHÍwr"DVaTñ'"" 295 295 40 lderuidbyTaxes... 4,115 4.115 18 ■S%faV: 9,075 9,075 30 Ohecks out not paid - a 15 Í132.235 71 188,235 71 Ann Arbor, Oct. 25 1895. This is to certify that vsre have examined the within report and fiad the same correct. B. C. Whitaker. Wm. K. Childs, James W. Forsyth, Coinmittee. The Treasurer also snbmitted a report of the fine money eolleoted during the past year. To the Honorable Board of Supervisors of Washtenaw County: Gentlemen - I herewith report to you the amount of flne money paid into the treasnry by the several justices of the peace and other persons frora Jannary 2, 1895, to October 1, 1895. Respectfully submitted, W. F. Rehfusp, County Treasurer. The following is the amount of Fine Money collected from January 2, 1895, to October, 1895, viz: January 7. By cash, A. Brown.. $55 00 Mare 30. ". '.' Wm. Dansintiburif 100 May 10. By cash, Wm Dansln&rburr 10 00 May 20. By cash, Chas. Mav 31. By cash," Ê" B Pond, 25 00 Tune 7. By cash; E. B. Pond, 5 00 June 2U. By cash, G. W. TurnBuil - 1 00 Aug 10. By cash, Thomas D. Mors .-- - 35 00 Aug. 10. By cash, J.D Schnaitman 7 00 Aug. 10 By cash. Jas. Doyle, 10 U0 17. By cash, J.D.Schnaitman 15 00 Au 31. By cash, E. B. 1'ond. 13 00 Sept. 7, By cash. Wm. Dansingburg 16 00 Sept. 14. By cash, Jas. Doyle39 00 Sept. 21. Byeash.J.D.Sehnaitman 3 00 Sept. 30. By cash, E. B. Pond. 27 00 ï-273 -$273 00 Aan Arbor, Oct. 25, 1895. This is to certify that we have examined the within report and find the sarne correct. B. C. Whitaker, Wm. K. Childs, James M. Forsyth, Oommittee. Mr. Oesterlin from committee on Civil CJairns reporteil tho following bilis and recommended their allowance at sums stated, viz: - Claimed. Allowed. 187 Justin E. Emerson, ex. of insane ---------- -- - - „ „ lin 189 F K. Owen, '; " - - 7 00 7 00 190 W. F. Breakey, " - - 5 00 5 OU 191 John Kapp, " " - - 5 00 5 OU 192 Robert B.Honey. " .... b 80 6 6 13 John Kapp, " " - - R 00 5 00 194 E. F. Clmse, " " - - 195 L. P. Kapp, " ' - - 00 5 00 196 C. S. Darling, " - - 5 00 5 0 197 John Kapp, " ' --- 6 00 500 198 M. L Belser, " --- 00 5 00 199 John Kapp, " - - 5 00 6 0" 200 Dr, Jones, 'V ---- o 00 5 OU 201 H.'A.Nichols. " " .- 7 00 0 2Ü2 Kobert B. Honey, " ---- 6 80 H W) 203 Jobn Kapp, ' " - - 5 00 5 00 204 Dr Jones, " " - - 5 00 6 00 205 A. I!. Nellis, " " .... 5 00 5 00 306 W. J Herdman, " " - - BW 6 00 2U7 John. Lee. " " ■■ 6 00 208 C. ü. Darling, " " .... 5 00 5 00 209 Thomas Shaw, " " ---- 7 OU i OU 210 C. G. Darling-. " " ---- 50 5 00 211 John Kapp, " ---- 5 00 2 (H 212 James WChandler, " .... 7 00 7 00 2la E. A. Clark, " " ---- B 00 o 00 214 Edward Batwell. (3 bilis), examinationof insane 21 00 j w 215 Mack&Mack. burial of soldier 40 00 40 00 21B Wallace & Clark, '; "---" f" 99 217 O M. Martin. ' ." --- f0,0" 4 00 O.M.Martin, " " - 00 40 00 218 J. O. Johnson, ex. of lnsane.. 7 00 7 00 219 Eugene Oesterlln, witness in Probate Court 2 00 2 00 220 C. H. Kempf, examidation in insane case - " o 221 Edward Ball, witnees in ProbateCourt ■'50 J 5U 222 O. H. Kempf. Supt. of Poor...l06 72 106 72 223 E. P. Maeon, " " ---86 00 6t 00 224 George W. Doty, copying reeorde of Probate Court 8 '0 2o 00 225 W. G. Doty, po:tage 25 00 25 00 22 JL, forprisoners II á5 11 jo 287 Edward Duffy, grocerles 28 53 28 68 228 Eli8ha i.oomis, Supt. of Poor, 93 55 ft) BB 229 Charles Dwyer, (?rocerie8 3 i5 e i5 Adopted. Mr. Walter from committee on Criminal Claims No. I reportad the following bill and recommended its allowance at sum stated : Claimed. AUowed. 291 Fred Huhn, deputy sheriff, Í188 35 Ï151 70 Adopted. On motion of Mr. Bibbins the Board adjonrned until tomorrow at 10 a. m. H. LIGHTHALL, Chairman. WM. DANSINGBURG, Clerk. THÜRSDAY, OCT. 17, 1895. The Board met pnrsnant to adjoiirnment; roll called and quorum fonnd present. The journal of yesterday was rea and approved. The special hour flxed by the Boarc for visiting the county house having ar rived the Board resolved itself inte committee of the whole and proceedec to the county house, and after beinf absent for a time returned to the Sup ervisor's room in the Court House anc through its ohairman, Mr. Case, askec for further time in -which to make a re port Whereupon the Board adjourned uutil tomorrow at 10 a m. H. LIGHTHALL, Cb airman. WM. DANSINGBURG, Clerk. FRIDAY, OCT. 18, 1895. The Board of Supervisors met pursuant to adjournment. Roll called and quorum fonud present. The jourual of yesterday was read and approved. Mr. Walter from Criminal Claims No. 2 reported the foJlowing bilis and recommended their allowance at sums stated : Claimed. Allowed 230 Frederiok Jorry deputy slieiitt 32 95 $22 25 BH S. A. Fitzgerald, deputy sheriff 18 16 12 06 The hour having arr'ved for hearing the report of the Snperintendents of the Poor, the report was read, aocepted and referred to the committee to settle with the superintendent8 of the poor and priuted with the proceedings. REPORT ÓP THE SÜI'EKINTKNDKNTS OF THE l'OOR OP WASHTENAW COUNTY FOK TUIS YEAK ENDING SEITEMBER 30, 1895. Washtenáw Court House, Oct. 1, 1895. To the Honorable Board of Supervisors of Waslitenaw county : We, the undersigned Superintendents of the Foor of said county, respectfully submit the following report of our work for the year endhig Sept. 30, 1895. We have received moiiey as stated below and from the sources named : Ann Arbor City - 796 80 Town 5 22 Augusta " 178 76 Urna " l7 12 Lpdi " 85 27 Manchester " 8 80 Northfield " 44 52 Plttsfield " 17 lo Superior " .9 80 Sharou " 59 80 Saline " ' Scio 134 5o Webster ' 5y 80 Ypsilanti " 69 o ' City lst District .- 293 93 " 2d ' 880 94 2,480 17 Stock Account- Calves sold ' w Hnttpr ' 41 Al From inmates w ChicUens. $10.72; duck,40c. - 11 12 Beans, Í8.82; corn, 10c; brush, 2oc. 9 li Useof boar. ?l-5o; larl,il.7ü 3 20 Oats, Win. Campbell ' w Jacksoü County, Margaret Kotich i) 70 Universlty Hospital subject 48 00 Burial account, cofflna 8 00 Capt. E. 1'. Allen, burial of Mary Buxton 8 S0 271 02 Accounts for temporary relief in the different cities and towns have been audited by us and paid from the Poor Fund : Ann Arbor City- Food 9o 01 Fuel 99 31 Medical and nursing 37 U0 Transportation to Couuty House 10 00 Superintendent services - 4 85 AugustaFood - 'H Clothing 5 00 Supervisor' services 2 oO Manchester- Food 24 27 Supervisor's services 21 30 4o ö7 Northfleld- Clothing 5 00 Medical and nursing 1 30 Supervisor's services ti 00 Pittsfleld- Food I I Fuel ? 12 Supervisor's services S 50 Salem- Food 7t i5 Vood U 40 Fuel 1 0 Medical attendance and nurslng 43 00 Transportation to County House 2 00 Stipervisur's services 15 35 - -- 72 75 Sylvan- Food 1 45 Fuel 1 W Transportation to Counly House 5 80 Transportation to frieudsoO 23 7o Ypsilanti Township- Food 6 71 Transportation to County House 1 50 Supervisor's services o 00 Ypsilanti City, lst District- Food 45 55 Fuel 4 7o Supervisor's serviceB o 00 Ypsilanti City, 2d DistrictFood 137 30 Transportation to County House 1 Supervisor's services 2MJ0 York Township- Food o 10 Fuel 1 50 Clothlng 9 00 Medical attendance and nureing -.- 00 Supervisor's services 4 00 782 31 Superintendent's Services- C.H.Kempf BW E. 1'. Mason '9 50 Elisha Loomis - 58 5U Trunsportation to Friends- Michigan Central K. R - A 67 Toledo & Aun Albor R. R. 24 50 Outside Belief- Cities and towns 782 31 Superinteudent's services 173 10 Truusportation to frieuds 58 17 We report the following amounts expended at the County House aud on the farm: Help Account- Keeper and matron 600 00 John Hanselman 189 (U Chrislian Frey 00 Charles Wagner 11 00 Help, poor bilis $5.25, $10.10 15 3o Peter Schanz 10 00 Rosa Perkins 85 00 Mrs. Kilurbach 4b Mrs. Thompson 29 50 Ray Smlth 20 28 Polly Tesdale 16 58 Ella Simond.s - 1? 00 Hester M.Tucker U 18 Books and Stationery- V. L. Sliankland 2 io E. P. Mason - } ■ R. W. Beal 1 50 Elisha Loomis M - ■ ■ ■ O öö Blacksmithing- Wuster & Kim 15 a0 15 50 Beef Account- James Geraghty 229 S5 Christian Frey 213 bo Honry Matthews 75 80 X. Zrachman 18 8j J. C. Hoelzle 12 35 Fairchild Bros 3 00 ■ ■■■ O WJ Boots and Shoes- Doty & Felner 44 65 Win. P. Schenk &Co 5 97 W. R. Davls & Son 1 35 Dry Goods and Bedding- Schalrer&Millen 85 40 Win. 1'. Sel. enk Co 23 38 E. P. Mills Co 16 9 Mack & Schmld H 57 Trim 4 MuGregor I ni Kemp! l'i-v i ;i d ('o 8 85 V. ll.-ri.c rt Sweel 1 80 H. 8. Holmes--. -___ ,,„ N, ClotliinK Account- lt ,. Snyder 22 89 Wadbamn Ryan & Beule. ut 95 Win 1. Schenk & Co 7 tió W. Herben Sweet - 6 75 Densnior& Peil 4 98 Lindenschmil & Apfel - 85 C. 8. Wortley & Co 1 25 A. ï. Noble 1 WJ C. H. Kmpf 1 50 J. T. Jacobs Co 95 6H 1 Drugs and Medicines- Goodyear & Co. 8165 :il 6o Frelght Account- Klislüi Loomis 5 7S E. P. Mason 50 V. Ij. Shankland _ - 3J 6 45 Hardware Account - Scbuli & Muehllg 17 95 Harding aml Hhaelt'er 12 50 C. Kbei-bach - 10 18 - 41 43 Farm Impleinents aml Seeda - Studebaker liro. Mfg. Co.. 102 00 Hoiit Harrison i 00 Win Bacou 20 81 o. B. Thompson & Sons.- 10 48 Churlos Klng fc Co " 50 Gaspar JELlasey 4 00 Charles Pearsol 2 50 V. F. Unisón 104 Hay, Grain and Feed- KyerMlUlngCa 131 48 AllniendingerA Snyder .. 45 BS Wm. Bacon.1 29 81 Wm. F. Parker - U 30 Krank Hush 10 2 B, 1'. Mason 5 40 J. .1. MoCullough 40 ig Lu rnber Account - James Tolbert 21 50 21 50 Tobacco Account - Cuspar Rinsey 54 40 54 40 Groceries and Provisions - Charles Klng fc Co 198 65 Caspar Rinsey llu 86 Rinsuy ifc Seabolt 90 97 J.H. Miller 02 33 W'iu. Bacon 44 31 Dean &Co 13 90 A. A. (iraves 13 00 H. F. Frost fe Uo 3 08 Kobert McGardy 2 "o W. F. Stimson 2 02 E. P. Mason 2 50 Chrisüan Kiev 2 40 Ed. B. Dalson 2 34 J T. Berry 2 13 Harris Bros & Co 2 00 S. J. Beardsley 12 65 V. L. Sliankland 45 5bu 34 Paints and OU- C. E. Thompson & 12 02 Hutzel&Co 3 95 _ Medical Attendance- B. tí. Sudwortn, M. D Si 00 9 00 74 00 Repair Account- W uu ter & Kim 16 00 O. E. Thompson & Sons - 12 24 C. N. KinClair 10 UO Luick Brothers 9 79 .1. Fred Hixon 9 00 John Van Range Co 8 11 John J. McCollough 7 15 Elisha Loomls 5 25 Anton Tenl'el 4 lo Charles lving & Co 3 25 Arm Arbor urgan Co 3 00 A. B. Norton 2 2o V. L. Hhankiand 1 75 Hutzel & Co 1 '5 Win. Arïiold 1 00 A. McNtcol 1 6a Louis Rliode 70 Cieorge W. Sweet 50 ïth -1 Stock Account- Isaac Duim 100 00 Fred Schripoer, luirse doctor 14 90 114 i)ü Wood and Coal- ew Plttsburg Coal Co 413 7o O. K. Thompson & Sons - 17 05 430 80 Inrprovement Account- BBÉC.P.Casc 74 02 11. Llgbthall 50 00 H. R Scovlll &Co.. -. ló 74 139 o Flour and Breadstuffs - Deubel Bros 27 31 Kyer MIIMngCó 0 52 Wm. F. Parker 1 25 35 08 Furnlture Account- W. G. Dieterle 14 oO 14 50 Crockery and Glassware - Dean & Co 4 70 4 70 Burial Account- IJniversity Hospital 2 o0 3,900 86 í Help account 1,037 91 jroeertes and provisions oüO 34 ■ Wuod and Coal 480 30 Beef account 658 00 Hay, grain mul feed 2S8 18 Faiming implements and seeds 17!) 88 ïmproveinent account 139 78 Kïour and breadstufïs 35 08 Dry goods and bedding - 99 82 , Repair account 96 47 ■ Olotliing account OS 74 Medical attemlance 74 00 Hardware account 41 43 Tobacco " 54 40 Boots and Shoes 51 07 , Stock account 114 90 Drugs and Medicines 31 05 Paints and OU 15 97 Blacksmithlng account lo 50 Books and Stationery 5 98 Freight account 6 45 Luraber " 21 5j Furnilure " 14 50 (JrocUery and glassware 4 70 Burial account 2 50 Porie account 3,900 86 RECA.PITULATION. Balance in Treasury, Oct. 1, 1894 13 99 Cash deposited from the County House 271 02 Cash clties and towns 2,480 lb Cash appropriated by supervisors - - 2,5uO 00 5,865 17 Orders paid to Sept. 30, 1895 5,058 92 Orders outstanding Sept. 30, 1895 337 33 Balance Sept. 30, 1895 469 82 5,865 17 The following amounts are due the Poor Fund froui citys and towns for last years board and care of their poor at the County House at $1.31f'ü, one dollar and 31nj cents per week : Anu Arbor CityKale Beban, 52 weeks $ 68 32 Jacob Miüer. 44 w, 5 d 58 74 Dauiel Winnegar,52 w 68 32 Thos. Guuuison, 11 w, 2 d- 14 82 Hanuah Stroud 15 w, 8 d- 21 29 Mary Keebler, 33 w, 6 d 44 48 Bessie Keebler, 33 w, 6 d ._. 44 48 Fred B. Hall, 52 w 68 32 N. Bruudage, 1 w 1 31 Wm. Ball, 7 w, 3 d 9 76 Louisa Lowe, I w, 4 d 2 05 ' E. Ehrenburg. 3 w. 3 d 4 60 ('red Standell, 21 w, 5 d 28 52 Tbos. Tuomy. 26 w, 4 d 34 90 Krank O'Dounel. 26 w, 2 d_ 34 53 Osmoii Bailey, 23 w, 5 d 31 15 Harrlson Lucas, 46 w 60 44 Pat O'Neal, 46 w, 1 d 60 63 Willie Wllcox,! w, 3 d 187 James Wilcox, 1 w, 3 d 1 8T Harriet Compton, 20 w 6 d_ 27 40 Thos. Dall, 34 w, 4 d 45 42 Mrs. Rob-son, 38 w 3 d 50 49 Robt. Carrol!, 8 w, 6 d 11 63 C. F. Schafer, 1 w 1 31 Jane Root, 6 w, 2 d 8 25 H. Dancer, 6 w 7 88 812 68 Ann Arbor Town- Win. Davls, 52 W 68 32 Frank Tucker, 7 w, 1 d 9 39 John G. Kberle, 10 w 13 14 90 85 Augusta - Rispan Foster, 36 w, 4 d 48 04 48 04 Lima - John Lowe, 18 w 23 65 George Liudower, 3 w, 2 d- 4 31 27 96 Lodi- Francés Obendorfer, 21 w, 4 d 2S 33 38 83 Manchester - Frank Wright, 53 w 8S 32 08 33 Sortlifiekl- ' , Ropu Wbl teman, 50 w, 1 d. üö 89 05 89 j Superior- Joliu U. Near,52w 88 82 us ga Sliaron - Pred Van Gilden. 52 w 68 32 PelerCook,4 w, 2d 5 3 78 95 : Saline - Einma Murrny, 52v 6K 34 I Jacob Moborter, 5U w, 8 d -. ö6 2t) Mis. Tack Snoward, 4 w, 3d 3 19 : 137 T7 Seio- Cliira Wade. 52 w,._ - - 68 32 Ezra Aütuns, 42 w. ü d 5 31 J. K. Cunuinghám, 2i w,5d : 47 fora Orue, 17 v, 5d 23 27 180 37 Sylvan- Koswell Andrews, 14 v, 4 d 19 15 19 15 i Salem - Joseph Harbor, 11 w, 1 d .-. 18 59 IS 59 Webster- John Darling, 52 w - - 68 32 68 32 Ypsilantl Town - Micliael Owen, 52 w 68 32 HesterTucker.lO w,3 d - 13 7U 82 02 Ypsilanti City, flrst district- Thomas Davis, 52 w 08 82 Kosa Schiappacasse, 52 w._ K8 32 Mary Ellen Rand, 53 w 68 3J James a Pencll, 52 w üS 32 A McPlierson,4d 74 Charles Harper. 2 d 37 Mary Banks, 6 w, 2 d 8 25 282 64 ï'psilantl City, Second Destrict- Poter Shaw, 52 weeks 68 32 Sally Shaw, 52 w 68 32 John Kliker, 52 w 68 32 Willit' Blount, 52 w 68 32 Mtu-y Lambert, 52 w 68 32 Susan Willsoii,52 w 68 32 Slmon Slater, 52 w 68 32 David Conner, 6 d 112 John Wilson, 1 w 1 31 480 67 Ann ArborCity 812 68 Min Arborïüwn 90 85 Augusta " 48 04 Lima " 27 9 I,odi " 28 33 Manchester " - - 68 32 Northtteld " 65 89 Superior " 68 32 Shanm " 73 95 Saline " - 137 77 Scio " 180 37 Nylvan " 64 81 Salem " 18 5 Webster " 08 32 Ypsilanti " - 82 02 Ypsilanti City, lst District 282 6-1 Ypsllantl City, 2d District 480 07 2,599 53 The county farm consista of one hundred and twenty acres. Estimated value of 120 acres @ $60 00 7.200 00 Buildings 14,000 00 21,200 00 Farm products for the year now closed we estímate as follows : 208 bushels wheat @ 60c. 121 80 217 " oats @ 25c 54 25 SKK) " ears of corn @ 20: 180 00 600 " potatoes @ 25c 150 00 180 " rye @ 40 _ 72 0i 25 " beans @ $1.00 25 00 R tons hay @ $12 00 00 Calves sold 45 50 Product of 12 cows @ $15 1S0 00 Garden product 100 00 tëstlmated value of pauper labor 100 on lacrease in swine. 61 pigs(S$l 01 00 Estimated value of personal property : 4 work horses 30 200 00 12 mllch eows, $25 300 00 4 calve, $15 60 00 32 hosfs, $8 256 00 il pigs, $1 61 00 125 cliickens, 25e 31 2o 5 ducks, 2ic 1 25 Estimated value of goods on hand : Fumiture in the house 1,200 00 Clothing 25 00 Boots and shoes 5 00 Iry goodsand bedding 25 00 Tobacco 5 00 Groceries 50 00 25 aards of ft. wood ureoared. Í3 75 00 iOtonssoft eoal,$3 120 00 . Kstimated valueof farm 400 00 Average cost of miüntaining paupers :it tliecounty house, exclusive ol the product of the farm and pauper fabor 1.314-10 Male paupers maintained 79 Female " " 33-112 Average number of paupers 57 Odd help In the hoiwc and on the farm 6- 63 Total number supported at the eounty house 3 NATIONALITIES OF PAUPERS. American 55 Germans lö Irish . 17 Colored Americans 11 English - - 7 Scotch 3 Canadians 1 Italiana i Kelgian 1-112 Whole number of deaths 1" births 0 " " under 16 years of age„ 7 Idlots 3 Mutes 1 Blind 1 We estímate for the ensuing year as follows : .- Beef t 500 Blacksmithing 50 Boots and shoes 10( Books aud stationery 25 Clothing 200 Cook and kitchen help 300 Crockery and glassware 25 Drygoodsand bedding 200 Drugs and medicine 50 Farm implements and seeds 150 Flour and bread stuffs 300 Furiiiture 25 Freighl 25 (looerios and provisions 800 Hard ware. i 50 Improvement 100 Keeper and matron 000 Luniber and fencing 200 Medical attendance 100 Paints and oils 50 Repairs 200 Wood and coal 600 Tobacco 100 Transportation to frieuds 100 Hay, graln and feed 200 Outside relief- temporary 1,000 Farm help 200 6,'2.")O 00 Of the estimated expenses for the ensuing year $2,553.87, twenty-five hundred flfty-three and eighty-seven hundredths dollars, are due from cities ant towns for last year's board and care of their poor at the county house. We have a balance of $409.82, four hundred sixty-nine and eighty-two hundredths dollars, in the hands of the County Treasurer. This will leave three thousand dollars to be provided for. We would respectfully ask your honorable body to appropriate us twenty-five hundred dollars, and with no prevailing disease or other extraordinary expenses we will do what we can to keep our expenses within that limit. All of which is respectfully submitted by the undersigned Superintendents of the Poor of 1 Washtenaw County. Elisha Loomis, Charles N. Kempf, 1 Erastus P. Mason. On ruotion of Mr. Boy Ie, the time foi i election of School Exarainer waf shanged from 2 p. m. Tuesday to 2 p. n. Thursday. Whereupou the board adjourued till ! p. m'. A FTKÜNOON' SESSION. The Board met pursuant to adjournuent. Roll called and quorum found sresent. Mr. Case from Committee on Criminal Claims No. 1 reported the followng bilis and recommended their allowjnce as stated : ( laimed. Allowed :K Preston W.Ross, dep. sheriff. ï 9 50 JÍJ) Preston W. Rosa, " " 4 30 4 20 88 CBher1H: 10 W 1? W ïSi James ii. Arnis, dep. Bberlff, 3 80 a 64 a Edwin Stilt, " " 11 &5 9 "o 3ö Georgp McCormlck, dep. sheriff i3 billa) I7 r' !)(ï) 237 Cha ncey Cruytz, dep. sheriff, 00 4 00 Adopted. Whereupon the Board adjonrned until Monday, Oct. 21. H. LIGHTHALL, ChairmaD. VVM. DANSINGBÜRG, Clerk MONDAY, OCT. 81, 1895. The Board met pursuant to adjournment. Called to order by Mr. Hnnter, chairman pro tem. Roll called and quorum found present. The journal of Friday was read and approved. Mr. Tnomey, from Committee on Criminal Claims No. 2, reported the following bilis and recommended their allowance at sums stated, viz. : Claimed. Allowed. 238 E. A. Ward .iustice 9 2 85 $ 2 H5 239 R. B. Pond, justice 8 6 6 .-.O 240 Frank Haywood, constable .. 9 0O 8 fio 241 G W.TurnbuIl, justice... 2 00 2 00 243 James H. Taylor, constable .. 3 95 I B0 244 Wm H. Bishop, juetice 2 40 2 40 245 David Dixoii, juror --- 100 J 00 246 Isola Starks, witness 4 05 4 06 Adopted. On motion of Mr. Scott Mr. Damon was excnsed for the balance of the day. Mr. Oesterlin, from special committee to report on the matter of putting in vaults in Court House, asked for and obtained further time in which to report. On motion the Board took a recess until 2 p. m. AFTERNOON SESSION. The Board met pursuant to adjournment. Koll called and quorun found present. On motion of Mr. Leiand the hour for receiving the Drain Commissioner's report was changed from 2 p. m. to 10 a. m. Wednesday. Wherenpon the Board adjourned tintil tomorrow at 10 a. m. H. LIGHTHALL, Chairman. WM. DANSINGBÜEG, Clerk. i TUESDAY, OCT. 22, 1895. The Board met pursuant to adjoumraent. Roll called and quorum found present. 1 The journal of yesterday was read and approved. Mr. Oesterlin. from Committee on j Civil Claims, reported the foilowing i bilis and recominended their allowance ■ at sums stated : Ciaimed. Allowed. 47 Emma.T. Gardner, taking testimony - $ 5 60 I 5 W 248 Edward Batwell, exam. of insane 7 00 TOO 249 F. K.Owen, exam. of insane, 7 00 7 DO F. K. üwen, 7 00 7 00 250 G. M. Hull, M 00 14 00 51 Evart H. Scott, witness in Probate Uourt 4 00 4 00 252 John Kapp, exam. of insaue, 5 00 6 ÜO 53 M. L. Belscr, exam. of insane, 5 00 5 iu 254 W. K. Barton, coroner 6 00 6 00 55 S. A. Durand, juror 4 00 S 00 266 A. Ttaan, juror (M 3 00 67 C. Fletcher, juror 4 00 3 00 6H H. E. Dickiueon, juror 4 00 3 00 259 J. V. Peck, juror 4 00 3 00 280 F. A.Oberst, juror 4 0 4 00 261 George Yager, witness 75 75 262 Roben KilTian, witness- 7í 75 263 Mary Killian, witness.- 75 75 264 Alex Whitfurd. witness 75 75 263 Eli jah LeiRhton, witness 75 35 266 Harria Ball, coroner 6 50 6 50 267 Fred H-uhu, juror 160 150 268 Joseph Donnelly, juror 1 5Í 1 áü 26 Charles Dwyer, juror 150 150 270 Wm. H. C'lancy, Juror 1 60 1 60 271 Gilberto. Rhodes, juror 1 50 1 SO 272 James H Murray, juror 150 150 273 Andrew Hughes, witness 100 75 274 Margaret Fuller, witness 100 75 275 August Weidlich, witness 1 ■ 75 277 Jarees K. Murray, witness 100 75 277 D. McClymonts, witness 1 uw t 278 Harris Huil, uorooer 7 10 ï 10 27! M. J. Lehman, juror 1 50 160 Si) J . D. Kyan, juror 150 150 81 Wni. Sturgeon, juror 150 150 283 F. E. Legg. juror 150 150 283 F. H. Wadhams, juror. 1 50 1 50 284 P. J. Lehman, juror 1 50 150 285 Eugene williainB, witness 1 M 75 28e LizzieHiller, witness 100 75 287 Mrs. Webber, witness 1 00 75 288 Wm. Hiller, witness 100 75 28 A, K. Hale, medical examination 5 00 5 00 290 W. G. Herme, witness 100 75 2T2 Harris Ball, eoroner 15 li 15 18 293 G. F. Midgeley, juror 3 00 3 üti 294 Charles Burnham, juror 3 00 3 00 2H5 LeBter Canneld, juror 3 00 3 00 29S Philip O'Hara, juror 3 00 S 00 297 George A. Pea vy, juror. 3 0 rj üü 298 Alvira Hammond, juror 3 00 3 00 299 Alice J. Taylor, witness - 1 50 1 50 300 David Tay lor, witness 150 150 3l Ellen Hurst, witness 1 50 1 50 302 George Spathelf, witness 1 50 1 50 303 Samuel Taylor, witness 75 75 304 John O'Jïara, witness 75 75 806 Frank Campion, witness 75 75 306 Dr. Wessinner, expert exainination 6 00 5 00 307 Wm. Bacon, justice inquest.. 9 99 ft 1 308 M. M. Campbell, juror 3 00 H 00 309 James P. Wood. juror 3 00 3 UO 310 Charles Steinbach, juror 3 00 3 00 311 Fred. Canfleld, juror 3 09 8 00 312 Allen Ötephens, juror.. 3 00 3'0 313 Frank Brooks, juror 3 00 3 00 314 George W Palmer, witness-.1 50 75 315 S. J. Guerrin, witoess 75 3 316 Lawrence Bagge, witness 75 38 317 Cari Bagge, witnes 76 38 Adopted. Mr. Case, from Civil Claims Committee No. 1, reported the following bilis and recommended their allowaoce as stated : Olaimed. AUowed. William Judson, board bill ot prisonere Í2.037 50 12,637 50 WTb. Barton, wltnew 21 Oft ST 00 Mr. Tuoruey, from Cominittee on Criminal Claims No. 2, reported the following bilí and recommenrled its allowance as stated : Claimed. Al'owed. 318 .Tolm Tockl, constable $ 6 SI S 4 88 Adopted. Qn ínotion of Mr. Hunter the Board took a recess until 2 p. ni. AFTEKNOON SESSION. The Board met pursuant to adjonrnment. Roll oalled atid quorum foundl present. Mr. Tuomey reported the following bilis and recommended their allowanoe at sums stuteci : Claimed. Allowed. 319 O. H. Ptannard,.ustice...-$ 5-131 $ 54 31 32 E. B. Pond. jusrioe 254 45 254 45 331 Herhert W. rhilds Justtee, 86 18 (SI 40 ;ti2 An4rewE. Gibeou, justice 104 83 1U4 85 Adopted. Mr. Daucer, from Committee on Salaries of County Officers, reported as follows : The Honorable Board of Supervisors of Washtenav County: -r _ ï ii 3 i.T_ „4. 4-1 --. xour comnnctee recomniena tnai ino Superintendents of the Poor receivethree dollars per day and actual traveling expenses, and respectfully refer the Board to Section 508 of Howell's Statntes, which reads as f ol ows : That the annual salaries of all ealaried County Officers ■which are now or may be hereafter by law fixed by the Board of Supervisors shall be flxed by said board on or before the 31st day of Otober prior to the coinmencement of the term of sucb. offlcers, and the same shall uot be increased or diminished during the term for which such officers shall have been elected or appointed. The Clerk presented to the Board bids from the various bauks for the handling of the County funds, whioh were as follows : To the Board of Supervisors of the Coonty of Washtenaw : in response to the County Clerk's letter of the 16th inst., asking for bids for County funds for the ensuing year we desire to snbmit the following : This bank will pay 4.51 per cent. interest on daily balances and charge 0 per cent. interest on overdrafts. By order of the Board. Chas. E. Hiscock, Cashier Ann Arbor Savings Bank. Wrn. Dansingburg, County Clerk. My Dear Sir : In reply to yonr invit at i on for bids for county funds for the ensning year will say that this bank will pay 4.15 per cent. on all balances that may be deposited with the bauk and will oharge 5 per cent. on all overdrafts. Interest payable on the last days of June and December in each year. Yonrs Very Trnly, Fred. H. Belser, Cashier Farmers & Meohanics' Bank. Wm. Dansingburg, Aun Arbor. Dear Sir : Answermg your comrnnncation of the I6th iust. beg to state hat we will pay at the rate of 3.25 per Dt on daiJy balances, chargiug at the ate of 6 per cent, on overdrafts on the iccount of the County of Washtenaw. Very Trnly Yours, Roberfc Philips, Cashier State Savings Bank. On inotion the above were referred to ?inance Committee. Ou motion of Mr. Childs it was oriered that the Building Committee iníorm the agenta of the various insurance jompanies who hold policies on the Conrt Honse, that nnless settlement of the loss by flre on said Uonrt House, the policies will be chauged to other oompanies at the expiration of the present tena. On motion of Mr. Tnomey.the Board, adjouined until tomorrow at 10 a. m. H. LIUHTHALL, Chairman. WM. DANSINGBURÖ. Clerk. WEDNESDAY, OCT. 23, 1895. The Board met parsuant to adjournment. Roll called and quorum found present. Mr. Tuomey, from Committee on Crimnal Claims No. 2 reported the following bilis and recornmended their allowance at sums stated. Claimed. Allowed. J. D. Schnaitman, justice $10 95 $16 96Mrs. B.W. Negus, witness 48 48 Chauncey Siephens, witneas 48 48 ArthurC. Pieroe, witness.. 48 48 James Van Orden, witness 48 48 Wm. Martin, wltuess 48 48 Hirmn Llhthall, witness 48 48 Hlram Llgbthall, witness 48 48 Arthur C. Pierce, witness (2) 96 96 Kobert Boyd, juror 60 50 ÍAivi Freeman, juror - _ „ 5o 50 Thomas luch, Jr., juror 50 50 J. G. Crowell, juror 50 50 Henry Twanley, juror... 50 50 J. S. Harrinirton, juror ■ 50 50 George Winkle. juror.. 100 100 Emily Bordine, witness 155 155 Leri Bordiue, 'witness 155 1 55 Solomon Baumgartner, wit,. (3).. 144 1 44 John Kapp, witness, (3) 194 194 Stephen A. Crane. witness 2 5Ü 2 58 Emily Otley, witness 48 48 Adopted. Mr. Case, ohairman of the committee' of the -whole to visit the Cotmty House, made the following report : g The Board of Supervisors in committee of the whole visited the County Poor House and Farm on Thursday, Oot. 17, for the purpose of inspection : That the faim had been well managed is abundantly shown by the quantity of prodncts that have been raised the past uniavorable season. The barns and outbnildings were in good condition. The house was thoroughly inspected from Vatenen below to living and sleeping rooms above. Everywhere neatness and good order prevailed. The inmates, iaostly old people, seemed contented, there was no grumbling or oomplaining and all their necessary wants were provided for. We feel that thauks are due the Superintendente of the Poor for the oareful and econornical naanner in whicJ they have managed atïairs relatiug to the poor of tbe County, aud to Mr. aiid Mrs. bDankiand lor tne iuitülul dis charge of their dnties as Keeper and Matron of the County Poor House. Morton F. Case, Chairruan of Cornniittee. The Clerk then preseuted to the Board the following bids of physicians for at tendance npon prisouers at the County Jail. Ann Arbor, Oot. 23, 1895. I hereby agree to furnish medical anc eurgical attendance to the siok of the Connty Jail and furnish medicines for twenty-eight dollars. Yours respectfnlly, M. L. Belser, M. D. Aan Arbor, Oct. 23, 1895. I hereby agree to render medical and surgical services for the Washtenaw County prisoners and furnish medicines for the ensuing year for thirty dollars. Yours respectfully, Dr. John Kapp. Ann Arbor, Oct. 21, 1895. To the Board of Supervisors : Gentlemen : I hereby bid to furnish the medical and surgical attendanoe to the inmates of the jail for the ensuing year for the snm of thirty dollars. Yours respectfully. E. C. Clark, M. D. On motion of Mr. Case the bid of Dr. Belser was accepted. The special hour having arrived in which to hear the Drain Commissioner's report, said report was read and accepted and referred to the Committee on Drains and ordered printed in the proceedings To the Board of Supervisors of Washtenaw County : Gentlemen - In accordance wifch the provisions of the statute in such case made and provided, I have the honor to subniit my annual report as the County Drain Commissioner of the County of "Washtenaw, covering the period from the 'Oth day of October, A. D. 1894, to the 21st day of October, A. D. 1895. The following named drains were left tmfinished at thü date of my last report, towit : The Mili Lake Drain of the townships of Lima and Sylvan ; the Salem No. 1 Drain of the township of Salem, aud cleaning out the Buck Creek Drain, of the township of Augusta, said drains are all completed. The following named Drains have been begun, constructed, and completed by me during the year, to wit: None. The following named Drains have been begun by me, during the year, and are only partly completed, to wit : Cleaning out of the West Branoh of the big marsh drain in the township of Augusta. Said Diain will be completed this fall. I also have au application f or cleaning out a Drain in the township of Lima, I havn't done anything with said drain as yet, also an applioation for cleaning out the Lower End of the Buck Creek drain in the township of Augusta. I have not done anything with said drain yet, exoept looking the ground over. And I do hereby certify, That the above embraces a full and true report of all tbe Drains oonstrncted, flnished, or begun niider my supervisión, or applied for during the year now ending, and that the financial statement of eaoh Drain, which accompanies this Report, is true and correct. All of which is respectfully submitted. Dated this 21sc day of October 1895. D. W. Barry, Connty Drain Commissioner of the County of Washtenaw. FINANCIAL STATEMENT OF MILL LAKE DRAIrl. MILL LAKE DRAIN FÜND. DR. J. W. Babbitt, probate fees $ 5 (0 Jerome Allen, survej'or 35 00 W. B. Sumner, helping survey 4 VS J.C.Taylor, "' " 4 ia Wm. Remnant, ' " 188 Ira Freer, " 150 Frank Taylor. " " 2 25 A. A. Aivu8, printing 4H 4(J CD. Allyn, helping survey, 2 25 Thomas McNamara, helping survey 2 25 D. B. Taylor, board and help on drain. 18 00 li B. Taylor, surveying citations 6 Bi J. W. Barry, help at drain letting 2 25 A. A. Argus, for printing notlces of drain letting. 28 9'D.W. Barrvcom, feea 135 U0 Chae. Koberts, spec. com 19 50 Caleb Eaton " " ÏJ 50 James L. Lowder, " 19 50 G. Hutzel, right of way 35 00 T. Sears, " " 18 75 J. Staplsh, " " 150 A. Sinley. " " 7 50 Mrs. Elizabeth McKwing, right of way. 4 7ü Mts. Lizzie Bumner, right of way 15 00 Wm. Snow, right of way 4 70 Chas. Kempf " " 9 00 John Lingaue " 18 75 Maria Long, est. " 31-0 Dan Hutchingham, contraetor 40 00 37 60 J. D. O'Brien, contractor 28 00 JohnFay, " 26 00 Geo. Boeltner, " 29 20 M (0 JohnFay, " 39 20 Geo. Taylor. " 40 00 JohnFay, " 18 00 W. R. Taylor, " 16 00 D. C. Ketcheson, " 47 60 DanielCorey, " 40 00 35) 35 60 23 60 Peter Cole, ■ 32 00 Kobert Foster, " 21 O1 1 Peter Cole, " 25 60 39 6U 40 00 J. D, O'Brien, ' 46 00 D. C. Ketcheson, " 48 00 Walter Thorn, " 50 00 James Thorn, " 40 00 Geo. Boettner, " 40 00 Thos. McNara, " 8 00 27 60 38 00 WalterThorn, " 23 60 Geo. Boettner, " 18 80 20 00 ü4 00 O. Burlioirame, " lij 00 Geo. Boettner, " 18 40 "WalterThorn, ' 20 00 Geo. Boettner, " 1120 Geo. Whedlock, " 6 00 1619 69 Ten per cent added... 161 97 Total $1781 66 CR. Amount assessed to the township of Sylvan t 203 80 Arno unt assessed to the township of Lima 142 53 Amount assessed the flrst year 1435 33 Total $1781 66 Ï1KANCIAL STATEMENT OF SALEM NO. 1 DR VIN. SALEM NO. 1 DRUN KUND. DR. J. W. Babbitt, judge of probate 5 00 Jerome Allen, surveyor 18 00 Ann Arbor Courier, for printing 16 80 u E. M. Colo. special com 4 fiO Holiort Martin, " 4 5 FrankDuris " " 4 50 Thomas Heeney, helpiiiif survey 2 2b J. W. Barry, " " 2 25 JohnHauey, " " 2 25 Thomas neeney. board and help oq drain.. 7 25 Gratty Forshee, awurd of damages... 100 D. W. fees 73 5 John Stevens, contractor 28 00 ArthurCorkins, " 32 00 24 00 N. A. Wtihie, " 10 60 John Ste7eus, " 37 "0 48 00 James Tliorn, ' 36 00 JohnStevens. " 27 60 E. Minehast, " 19 60 JohnStevens, " 19 80 JamesThorn, " 2ñ 20 ArthurCorkios, " . 3160 Esek Walker, " W 00 ArthurCorkins, " _ 20 00 Esek Walker, " 26 00 JohnStevens, " 23 60 JameaThoru, " 29 60 658 70 Ten per cent added 65 87 Total i 724 57 CR. Amount assessed the township of Salem t 108 69 Amount assessed f or firet year 615 88 Total .: S 724 57 FINANCIAL STATEMENT OF BOCK CREKK DRAIX. BUCKCREEK DKAIN FÜND. DR. Jerome Allen, forsurveying ï 9 00 Ann Arbor Courier, for printing 7 80 H. P Thompson, board and help on drain 2 50 E. Johnson, board and help surveying 2 25 Frank Uranger, chainman 75 Charley Granger, " 75 D. W. fiarry, com. fees 3160 James Fuller, contractor 19 20 20 00 Wm. Wilber, " 30 00 James Fuller, " -- 3120 ïaines Thorn, " 20 00 28 00 Chas. Fuller, " 20 00 " 19 20 Walter Tnorn, " 18 80 23 60 Chas. Sanderson, '" 24 80 309 35 Ten per cent added 30 93 Total 8 340 28 CR. Amount assessed the township of Augusta at largo $ 34 03 Amount assessed the ürst year 306 25 Total $ 340 28 Whereupon the Board took a recess nntil 2 p. m. AFTERNOON SESSION. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Boíl oalled and quorum found present. The Prosecuting Attomey addressed the Board in regard to the liquor tax belonging to the town of Bridgewater and reoornmended the payment of the same. Report was referred to the coinmittee to settle with County Officers. Mr. Oesterlin, from Special Committee made the following report: To the Hon. Board of Supervisors of Washtenaw County : At the last January Session of your honorable Board, you appointed a committee to collect the rnoneys due the County as shortage in the accounts ofjexCounty Treasurer P. G. Snkey, of his bond rnnn. Your committee had two meetings with the Prosecating Attorney, for which they charge per diem as follows : Kugrene 'Oesterlln, 3 days $6 00 $8 00 M. F. Case, 2 days 6 00 6 CO W. H. Dancer, 1 öay 3 00 3 00 E. Ball, 2 days... 6 00 6 00 Frank Durican, 2 days 6 00 6 00 Report adopted Mr. Duncan from Committee on Public Buildings made the following leport which was accepted and adopted. ?o the Honorable, the Board of Supervsors of the County of Washtenaw : Gentlemen : Your committee on Pubic Buildings beg leave respectfully to eport the transactions of your commitee during the past year, relativo to the are of the public buildings of the coun;y. Yonr committee has assem bied on many occasions and the various matters oming before us have' received the paient consideration and all aotions taken y your committee have met. with unaumous approval of your committee. Som e time in the early sprin? of the tresent year it became manifest that the oof of the Court House was in need of onsiderable repair. On examimtion t was found that the paint plaoed Jbereon some two years ago was practially worn out and valueless. After nvestigation yonr committee thought t advisable to close the contraot with be Ravanna Roofing Company to cover be eutire roof with metallic paint for he snm of fifty-six and twenty-five imdredths dollars, which work has been ompleted in apparent good order and is juaranteed to stand for a period of flve rears. Your committee havelaid out and exended on accountjof repairs to the Court lonse other than the item of roofing ums of money as follows : ivetronghs and couductors,Grossman &Sctalenker $ 7 75 Jleanlngcesspool, Frank Howard 15 00 aylng pipe from old cesspool miei cleaniDK pipe from closet, Hutzel & Co 14 40 Ropairing water pipe, FredGeakle 75 íaterial for same. L Ronde 190 Kcpalrtng and sealing closet and constructinir shelving in Reirister of DDeeds Office. O. Helber 7 53 Oiling and varnishing the game 150 Repairing door, screens, etc,, John Walz 9 03 RepairinKOn boiler, L. Sutter.. 5 9i Cash paid for einder rake 1 25 Kepairing water pipes, Hutzel & Co 5 52 Repairinjf office chairs, Martin Haüer. 2 17 Total for Court Hbuse Ï128 95 Your committee feel that while the county bas been fortúnate in the small amount of money required to keep and maintaiu the Court House in reasonably good order and repair during the last year they have not been so fortuanate in the matter of jail repairs. The new sheriff coming is found that many things had to be repurchased and quite extensive repairs made throughont the residenoe part of the jail. ín obedience to a resolution of this ïonorable Board, yonr committee disposed of the stoneyard.settled the mat;er of the rent thereof with Mr. Kittrdge by the payment of forty dollars and disposed of the broken stone on haud to the City of Ann Arbor, uiueteen small loads at sixty cents per load aud turned the inoney to the Connty CiCik amonutiug tu $11.40. Your coinmittee have paid, laid out and expended in repairs and ptirchasing new material íor the jail.snma of nioney as f ollows : Topainting and papering jail resldenee inside, C. F, Stabler $58 04 Paid for pain'irjg jaii kitchen and screens at Court House, Eujrene Oesierlin, jr 17 95 Paid for plastering the ja, Koek & Bros ._.__ 17 50 Prtid for tinware and kitehen materlal 13 71 Paintiuir roof on jail barn, VV. Wheolcr 3 00 Paid. for new sidewalk, west side of jail and repairing yard wallis and cellar door, J. Eltinï 13 13 Paid for handcuffs, new lock and key for closet in Court House, Wagner & Beerman 12 25 Paid for cots for use at tbe jail, Koch & Henne ._ 10 00 Paid for hlankets for use of jail, Goodyear & Pt. James 3 30 Repairmg and plastering at jail, K. Graf 5 00 Kepairinfr beating apparatus at jail, Hutzel &Co 24 46 Paid for new fioor at jail and repairing Windows, J. Eiting 29 06 Repairing water closet to jail, Hutzel & Co 9 90 Paintlng jail outside, briek wall, woodwork. iron work, feuce and lattice by contract. E. Oesterlin. jr 110 00 Forty yards of crash toweling.Schairer & Millen 3 20 Paintlng sereen doors and setting window lights 7 18 To planting trees at jail, Alonzo l'oung 2 00 Paid l'orshoes forprisoners, E. Beal... 9 65 Kepairing shoes for prisoners, Donohue 3 75 Total expenditures at jail $393 07 Your oommittee have made no expenditures whatever on aooount of the County House, exoept the construction of a new wagon house which was rendered necessary to store new wagons, tools and i'uplements purchased by super intendents. Your coinmittee pursued the usual course and asked for bida for the construction of this wagon house aocording to the plans and size suggested by the keeper of the poor house and superintendents of the poor ; the lowest bid obtained theref or was the bid of John Eiting for the sum of $135. 75 includiug the masonry and carpeuteT wort and ! furnishing all rnaterials. The work progressed in the consruction of thiswagou arjd tooi house until its practical cornpletion when a very heavy wind storm arose and blew the wagon shed down. I Your cominittee recognizing the fact that the plan itself was faulty thought it bnt fair to pay the contractor sornething in addition to contract price for its rebuilding,the additional time in re building toe same being paid for by the day at the usual rates. The wagon and tooi house when completed.S the plan being slightly altered to secure stability, cost, $ 174. 97; cash paid paiuting the same, $18; total county house expenditures, $192.97. The whole sum paid, laid out and ; peuded since your committee was j pointed for repairs at the Coart Hous.e, I Jail and County House is the sum of $714.99. Your committee beg leave to recommeud the constuction of a suitable iron ' "enoe around the prison portion of the iail for the purpose of arresting and preventing communication with persons confined therein. Ii; has come to the cnowledge of your committee that tools and implements for jail breaking as well as intoxicating liquors have been repeatedly passed to prisoners under confinement therein. On accouut of the manner in which the jail proper is constructed, being wholly unprotected, it is not within the power of the sheriff except by maintaining a perpetual ?uard thereat, to prevent these ocourrences. Your committee beg leave to cali attention to the fact and we note with )leasure that all small items of repairs at the Court House, such as was fornierly oontained in our reportas wholly absent f rom this report. This absence s attributable in a marked degree to ;he ability of our very efficiënt janitor who seems able and willing to mend as ie goes. Your committee found it convenient ;o make aud oomplete a full inventory of all of tbe furniture ard personal property belonging to the County, sitúate at the Court House and Jail on the i ncoming of the present county offloials, which inventory is on file with the County Clerk, and the said work and repairs have been done under the personal supervisión of your oommittee. Che time which your committee bas devoted to such work and for which compensation '8 expected is as f ollows : Frank Duncan, 17 days, $3 per day, $51. Eugene Oesterlin, 31 days, $3 per i day, $93. David Edwards, 8 days, $3 per day, i $24. All of which is respeotfully submit;ed and your committee beg leave to lave their supervisión of this work approved by your honorable Board. Dated Ann Arbor, Oot. 23, 1895. Frank Duncan, Eugene Oesterlin, On motion of Mr. Childs that portion ! of the report referring to an iron fence aronnd the Jail was referred to the building Committee. Mr. Forsyth moved that the Building Committee inquire into and report to this Board the probable cost of building an iron fence around a poriton of the fail. Carried. The special hour for the election of Drain Comraissioner liaving arrived, on motion, the Chair appointed as tellers Hessrt. Kitson and Alber, and on furher motion the Board proceeded to an nf ormal ballot for Drain Commissioner. fhe result of the flrst informal ballot was as follows : Whole number of votes cast 23, of which Daniel Barry receivcd 16 and Chas. Greenman 7. On motion of Mr. Childs, Mr. Barry was declared unanimously elected. Mr. Damon moved that in the future all board bilis in Drain Commissioner's report be etrickenout. Mr. Whittaker moved that the matter be iudeflnitely postponed. Motion was lost by the following vote, the yeas and nays boing called for: Yeas - Alber, Childs, McQuillan, Tnoniby, Whitaker - 5. Nays - Bibbins, Case, Damon, Dancor, Donnelly, Forsyth, Fischer, Hall, Han8er, Howlett, Kitson, Lighthall, Leland, Oesterlin, Voorheis, Wheeler, and Walter- 17. The original motion was then adopted. On rnotion the Board adjonrned until tomorrow at 10 a. m. H. LIGHTHALL, Chairman. WM. DANSINGBURG, Clerk. (Continuea next weeK.)


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News