Local Brevities

The new Bethlehem chnrch will have chimes in its tower. The Michigan Central will carry a fast mail service from the east to Detroit. David Robinson entertained 40 couples of nis friends Wednesday night at cards. Welsh Post G. A.-R. will be inspected by Col. H. S. Dean on Tnesday even - ing, Nov. 2(5. Cari Buoholz died at his home in Northfield Weduesday of Bright's disease, aged 69 years. John R.MinerJisexarnining the books in che city elerk's office iu Ypsilanti in the interests of Mr.McKinstry. The Inland Press succeeds the Register Publishing Co. W. B. Phillips has purchased a half interest in the firrn. A little note to the baldheaded row - Trilby does not appear altogether barefooted at the opera house Monday evening. The Beethoven Quartette will siug before the Webster law society this evening. Everybody is inivited to bear them. Webster hall gives its usual weekly reception this evening at whioh the Beethoveu Quartette sing.by special invitation. Edwin A. Keith has purohased the John Pogerty lot on East Ann street, owned by Chas. R. Whitman, and will ereot a fine residence upon it next smnmer. It is very likely that the city will have a skating rink this winter, as the oval at the athletic grounds is wanted for that purpose by sorne enterprisiug fellow. The next number in the Y. M. C. A. Lyceum course will oocur Tuesday evening next, when Rev. J. M. Barkley, of Detroit, will deliver his celebrated leoture upon "One Yoar in the Rebel Army. ' ' The lecture will be delivered in Harris Hall. „ Lulo Fraser was arrested last avening und lodged in jaü on a charge of keeping a disorderly resort. Frank Glaufleld, who has had the coustrnoton of the Evangélica] Lutheran chnrch, expetíts to fínish the work in abont a week. Boston papers acknowledge that if the Michigan-Harvard game had been played out in the last half, Harvard Wüuld have been defeated. Henry Flannigan was brought before Justice Gibgon for druukenness on Satnrday last by Officer Isabell. Fine of $3 and costs was hnposed. Dr. Fred M. Prettyman, medie '91, a brother of Alderman Prettyman, was married recently to Miss Gertrude von der Slies, at Campiñas, Brazil. The funeral services of the late James Clements will ocenr this afternoon from his late residence, 78 S. State street, Rev. Henry Tatlook conducting the services. Michael Ryan, of Northfield, and Miss Anua J. Bergin, of Osceola, were married on Wednesday, Nov. ia. at St. John's church at that place, Rev. Fr. Hennesy officiating. The Ann Arbor Thompson-Honston Electric Co. will still coutinuejto light the city, having assnmed the contract of the Detroit flrm, whose bid was accepted last spring at $60 per light. Ihomas Sipple, a well known drunk, was arrested on Main street on Wednesday by Officer Peterson and brought before Justice Gibson. He was ordered to leave town within an hour. Dngald Brown, president of the class of 'UO, and at present an enterprising Pontiac merchant, snrprised his friends by being rnarried at Windsor on Monday, to Miss Minnie Harrison, also of Pontiac. f It is claimed that more school room is sorely needed aud that the flfth and sixth ward schools are tne only ones large enough to carefor theirpupils. A central building is deemed desirable, one which would draw from thu first, second, third, and fourth wards. The conduotors on the street cars will ring up their Jast fares Saturday night. Next week the cash boxes and alarm lell systeni goes into coniruission. The Argus very much fears that the cars cannot make the good time they have been doing nnder the present System. At a meeting of the school board Tuesday evening the banks were called upon for bids to keep the school money. The Germán Methodists were ai ven permission to hold churoh services in the second ward school building. Action upon the resignation of L. Gruner was deferred. There was a little hightytighty talk about finances, but no one was fatally hurt. In putting in the State street sewer the excávation did not inake proper connection possible with the residences of M. L. D'Ooge, A. H. Pattengill, F. C. Wagner, Isaac N. Demmon and Sarah M. Gardner. Iu a petition these parties claimed to the coimoil that the fall given fchem was only abont three thirtyseconds of an inch, while the rules of the board of public works provide for a fall of ono-fourth of an inoh. The sewer committee Jooked over the matter yesterday, took no Sstaps, but will very likely make report to council advising that the sewer be made wort-Ji something to the petitioners. The work will entail an expense of about $300. Mrs. Esther D. Büss, a highly respected resident of the city, and the wife of Calvin Bliss, died at her home on Soath Fifth avenue, Sunday afternoon, of general debility, aged 79 years. Mr. and Mrs. Bliss had but recently celebrated the sixtieth anniversary of their wedding. The blow is a very sad one to Mr. Bliss. The funeral services were held at the home Wednesday morning, Rev. J. W. Bradshaw officiating Mrs. Bliss was ono of the oldest residents of the city, having lived her long married life in the house where she died. The four surviving children are Mrs. A. F. Hill, of Detroit, Mrs. Marión Johnson, of St. Paul, Minn., Hale Bliss, of Chicago, and Muuson Bliss, of Kansas City. . Last week tbe Woman's League was iormally admitted to membership in the Michigan State Federaton of Women's clubs. Miss Sonle, the league delégate, presented the cause of the woman's gym, to the federation in the hope of secnring funds from the various clubs there represented. Mucb enthusiasm was shown for this cause as presented, and efforts are now being made through Miss Soule to realize substantial benefit from the federation. Eleven hundred dollars have been pledged for the establishment of a professorship for women hero by the federatiou, but it was hoped that this sum might be diverted from its original purpose to the women's building, which is now onr most pressing need. Mrs. Stone, of Kalamazoo, is an influential supporter of this new plan. - ü. of M. Daily. Roy Parsons. "9 7 C. E., bas retnrned to colJege aíter a two weeks' illuess at his home id Howell. Santanelli, a hypnotist, holding forth at the opeia honse this week, hypnotized a boy Tuesday night so that he will sleep, Santanelli claims, uutil Saturday night. A watch of students is kept over him to see that he gets nothing to eat. Soine people think it is a fake, while others are firtn in their belief that tbe boy is remaiuing in sluinber all this time. This murning the lad was still alive and iu the land of nod. A game of football was played Monday between the senior and sophomore lits. It reslnted in a tie with the advantaye with the class of '98. Wednesday afternoon the tie was played off aud the game was a savage one for the boys were after each other hard. Two '96 men were laid out and the captain of the '98 team was also hurt, none of them very serionsly. The game resulted in a score of 6 to 0 in favor of the sophs. Mr. Louis Boes, parochial teacher of the Ziou churih parish. and Miss Anna Liutz were uuited in marrioge at six o'clock last evening at the Ziou chnrch. The chnrch was handsomely decorated n honor of the event. Miss Boes, sister of the groom, and Miss Amauda üntz, sister of the bride, were bridesmaids, while Karl Kern and Wm. Ganss aoted as best men. The ceremouey was performed by Rev. Max Hein. The lewly wedded couple commenced houseceeping at once in the honse already for ;h(iir reception, at 24 West Second treet. The groom has been parochial teacher of the Zion parish for six years and the bride is a well and favorably known young lady.