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Dr. Miles' Nerve Piasters lor Eheumatlsm. Or. Miles' Nerve Piasters 25c. at all druggists, The Only One To Stand the Test. Rev. William Copp, whose father was a pliysician for over flfty years, in Isevv Jersey, and who himself spent many years preparing for the practiee of medicine, but subsequently entered the ministry of the M. E. Church, writes: "I am glad tto testif y that I have liad analyzed all the sarsaparilla preparations known in the AYER'S is the only one of them that I could recommend as a blood-purifier. I have given away hundreds of bottles of it, as I consider it the safest as well as the best to be had."- Wm. Copp, Pastor M. E. Clmrch, Jackson, Minn. ■ B THE ONLY WORLD' S FAIR Sarsaparilla When in doubt, askfor Ayer's Pilis Commissioners' Notice. QTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY OF C Washtenuw. The undersigned havinK been nppninted by theProbüte Court for ai'J f'ounty, l'imiiiiissioners to reeive, examine and adji'st all claims -n(] demnnds ol' all persons gninst the estáte of Daid G. Kose, late oi snid Oounty, decensed, hereby give novice that -ix inmitliB froro date are allowed, by order of s:iid Probnte Court, for Tred i tors to present their claims agaiust the estafe of said deceased, and that thoy wiil meet at the hiwofflcé of A. F. and F.M. FreemaD in the vlllagè of of Maiichoster. iusaid county,on Cbellth áííy of February and on the Uth d of Mayoext, at ter o'clock A.M.of eacb otsuid days, to receive, examine and arijust said claims. Dated November II, IS95. WM. DUKTLESS, W'M, F. HALL. Commissiorers Terms Of Court for the TwentvSecond Judicial Circuit fcr 1896 and 1897. State of Michigan: The Twenty-Second Judicial Circuit. Terms of Court In and for said Circuit for the Years 1S9C and 1897. I, E. D. Kinne. Circuit Judge In and for the Twenty-Second Judicial Circuit, do hereby fix and appoiut the times of holding the several terms of the Circuit Court in and within the Twpnty-Second Judicial Circuit for the years 1896 and 1S9T as follows, to wit: IN MONROE COUNTY. The llrst Monday of February, the first Monday of April, the first Monday of June, and the first Monday of November. IN WASHTENAW COUNTY. The first Monday iu March, the first Monday in May, the flrst Monday ia October, and the flrst Monday in December. Dated Oct. 14, 1895. E. D. KINNE, Circuit Jüdge. Mortgage Sale. OEFAULT HAVING DEEN MADE IN THE conditions of payment of a certain mortgage made the 9tL day of April. A. D. 1892. by John PflBterer and Mary Pfisterer, hls wife, to John C. Sehmid, adininistrator of the estáte of Christian Grossman, deceased. whereby the power of sale tberein coutalned has become operative, which mortgage was recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for the County of Washtenaw, on the 9th day of April, 1892, in Liber 79 of Mortgages on page 118, which mortgage was duly assigned liy t hu said mortgagee to the undersigned administrator de bonis non, with the wi 1 annexed, by deed of asstgnrnent, dated the lfith day of October, 1895. which assignment was recorded on the last named day in the office of the Register of Deeds aforesaid, in Liber 12 of Assignments of Mortgages, on page 244; on which mortgage there is claimed to be due, at the date of thte nol ice, the sum of eleven hundred an( five dollars, and no proceodings at law or in cquity having been iostituted to collect the 6iid sum of monoyor any part thereof. Notiee is therefore hereby given that on the 27th day of January, A. D. 1896, at eleven o'clock ín the forenoon of said day, at the south front dcor of the Court House, in the City of Ann Arbor, State of Michigan, the sak mortgage will be foreclosed and the lands anc lenemente Vjy the said mortgage conveyed will be sold at public auction or vendue to the bigh68t bidder to satisfy the principal and in terest secured thereby and the cost and expenses of these proceedings, including an attoiney'8 fee of thirty-fivc dollars provided for therein. The lands, teuements and premises in the said mortgage mentioned and thcn and there to lc soldare described as follows: All that certain parool of land situatod in the cHy of Ann Arbor, Mloblgan, bounded and riesorlDed as followa, to-vit: i)ie west onofourth of Lot No. live. in Blork No. three, north of Huron street, Rarige six ea6t, according to the rdcorded plat of the Citj of Ann Arbor, and contaiuing one-fifth of an acre of land. Dated, Ann Arbor. Ootober 8Otb, 1895. JAC'Ori .7 RETCHERT. Administr atnf de .rtotils non witb thewill ani'xi il of tlit; estáte of Cbrlstian Urossmao, doceased. E. B. NORltls. AUorney for issignee ol MortL'age.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News