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Miss Clide Raadel is]vifiiting at Oreen burg, Iiirï. Mr. and Mrs. John Boylan have gone to the A tlanta exposition. They will remain soine time. Mrs. Boylan has a brother in AtJauta and so the sojonrn there will be for several days. They ■will stop at poiuts in Kentucky aud Ohio on their way hoine. Dr. John Kapp and Renben Armforuster have goue to Grayling Jon a iinnting expedition. T. D. Kearney was in DetroitJVVednesday on business. City Engineer Koy left last night for ■Chicago on a business trip. C. H. Clarke, of Niágara Falls, was in the city Wednesday. jjuring ivir. aua lurs. o. j. muran 5 absence at the Atlanta exposition, A, Jl. Pearson is filHng the editorial ohak for the Register. Mrs.Wm. Feldkamp, of Bridgewater, is visiting her rnother, Mrs. Johu Diehl. L. Spenknr, of Toledo, pharmacist, "was in the city yesterday. Ha was acompanied by his sister. Miss Einina E. Bower's oondition has "been improviug all the week, and her permanent recovery is assnred. B. Frank Bower, of the Cincinnuti Tribnae, who ■was called here by her illuess, returned liome Monday. Mr. aud Mrs. S. A. Moran have gone south, Mrs. Moran for an extended stay. Mrs. 3. T. S wathei waSjfmade the viotim of a small surprise party Friday evening in honor of her birthday. W. J. Pegg and M. E. Barney, of Plint, were in the city Saturday. Theodore C. Christmau, of Jacksou, was called here last week by the illnesï of fais sister, Mrs. Braun, of North Pirst street. .J g Ed. A. and Miss Florence Gartee left Monday for a trip tripthrough Ohio and Indiana. Rev.T. W. Young attended the Washtenaw Baptist associatiou conference at jüanohester this week. Dr. Fred Mann, of Jacksou, was an over Snnday visitor in Ann Arbor Dr. Talbert Slenou, of Jackson, pent Snnday with bis wife and daagher at 90 South State street Miss Clara Phelps, of Dexter, was a gaest recently of Mrs. Walter Seabolt. Mrs. C. G. Huber and Mrs. Nettie B. Harney will represent the Presbyteriait cfanrch Sunday school at the state Sanday school couvention at Detroic Nov. 19-22. ï 'Sápida i" Mrs. Von Miller, of Bethel, N.Y.,is a gjuest of her brother, Dr. O. G. Darliiig, and faniily. Miss Allie Cnrtis is home from a visit ■with Soio friends. Miss Dora Woodard, of Datroit, was a guest this week of Miss MayjWing, 38 S. State street. Alberfc Fiegel and William Couliu spent Sunday in Bátele Creek. Judge C. B. Grant was the guest of Hou. Alphens Feloh duiing hi3 sCay iu the oity over Sunday. Aid. H. A. Prettyman has been in Ohio this week. !j W. G. Vinton. of Detroit, was iu fche city Wednesday. Miss Lízzie Diehl has resigned hev position with Mack & Co. i Mr. aufl Mrs. Homer Hender3ou of Mason, were guests this week at the home of Mr. Hendersou's mother on E. Miss Roaiiue Thorne has returned to h&r homa iu Jackson after a brief stay in Aan Arbor as the gnest of her sister, Mts. Frank White. H. W. Nowkirk, of Dexfcer, ] was iu , the city Taosday. Graad Masonic Lscturer A. M. Clark ■was the gaest of Chas. B. Davison Toesday. Mrs. Heury Pipp, of Atm Arbor is spendiug the week at the home of Edward MoDiaiels. - Howell Democrat. (PMrs. Dr. Wessinger ofj Anu Arbor visited her pareiits at this place the firsfc of the week. - Howell Deinoorat. Miss Jennie Allmand, of West Huron street, is better of aj recent severeillness,. Mrs. W. B. Phillips has'ibeen entertaining hor mother, Mrs. Babcock, of Carthage, N, Y.. JVU-s. Babcock retaraine home this week.


Ann Arbor Argus
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