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Proceedings Of The Board Of Supervisors Of Washtenaw County

Proceedings Of The Board Of Supervisors Of Washtenaw County image Proceedings Of The Board Of Supervisors Of Washtenaw County image
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THURSDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1895. Board met pursuant to adjourument. poll called and quorum present. Jouraal of yesterday read and approved. M,-. W alter from Criminal Claims No. 1 reported the following bilis and recominended their allowance at sums stated, viz : Claimed. Allowed Adopted. Mr. Tuomey, from Criminal Claims No. 2, reported the following and recommended their allovvance : Clalmcd. Allowed W P lieach, JusUce Í 98 54 f 88 40 WpfercS, Constable "Y..:" 88 8S WW john A. Waruer, wituess 48 48 Report adopted. Mr. Oesterlin, from Civil Claims reported the following bilis and recomraended their allovvance at sums stated, to-wit : Clalmed. Allowed w.W.Wedeiueyer, School Comm isstou er ... $ 4 mi $ 4 uu WW Wedemeyer.Stationery.. 27 22 27 22 WW Watts. Careof Clocks ... 28 50 28 5u TA Wie. Barton Oase. -. 16G 90 106 9Í) M. L. Belser, (Dlaallowed)ExI nsflïit; ■ Mrs N Rice, Stenographer ... 30 U0 30 0-J q. W. ïuruBull, Juslieo Inóuest 3 10 3 10 Frank Staffan, J u ror 150 1S0 GeorgeBlaioh.Jiiror 160 160 Josepliüirdwood, Jaror 15 1 8H Geo P.SlafTan, Jaror 150 1 30 Edw'ard P. Mo'Koiie, Juior 150 150 Thos Wllklnson, Juror 1 5U 1 50 H W.Solimldt, wituess 85 85 F ' W Reeve, post moite m 10 50 10 50 a'('. Collins, wiiness ,. 50 50 Wm B.ColHns, Constable .... 190 190 I, K. Wallace, Juror 7o 7o Willis Pickett.. Juror 75 75 Elmer Jaycox. Juror. 75 o living Pickett, Juior 7o 75 Alfred Wallace, Juror 75 75 C. i: Hitigins. Juror .76 76 A J. Boj-ce Justice a 75 o 7o Mrs. Ferguson, wltness "o 'ö Also that the bill of J. A. Polhemus which the committee reeommended be disallovved. J A. Polhemus. Livery, dlsallowed $6 00 Report adopted. On motion the Board took a recess until 2 p. m. Aftemoon Session- The Board was called to order by the Chairman. Roll called and quorum present. Mr. Case, from Criminal Claims No. 1 reported the following bilis and reeommended their allowance at sums stated, Clalmed. Allowed Harria Ball, Dep'y Sheriff....? 53 50 $ 53 50 C.M. Warner, " .... 148 55 114 32 Isaac Davis, " " .... 52 40 4J 18 P. W.Ross, " ' ... 4 00 4 00 M. C. Peterson. Barton case services 21 16 w Report adopted. Mr. Oesterlin, from Civil Claims reported the following bilis and reeommended their allowance at sums stated, Claimed. Allowed C G iiarllng post mortera. 82 00 $28 00 Frank Bourns, ass't post mortem 7 50 7 50 Wm.Judson.lnquest(Clancy). . 63 84 63 84 J. M. Woods, " ■ "Hin ll tS Samuel W. Beakes, Juror 7 50 7 50 Fred Huhn, " X 2Ü l ïi E. K. Freuauff, " ' 7 50 Peter Lelimau, " 7 50 7 50 Wm.Eldert. ' ' 'M 7 50 JosephH. Ball, " 7 nO 50 Wm. Gerstner, witness 1 w 1 w V. L. Slmnkland, " w 3 lo E. P. Mason, " 3 t 2 85 (ieorge Clancy, " 2 00 l &o Margaret Clancy, " 26 W. F. Vernor, '! ? ü0 9 o J.M. Wquds, ' 1 5j W. L. HrtsenecU, " ? 00 150 Mlchael liays, ■ 5ü ' ■ ' Mrs. Frank Olaney." 13 00 10 75 P W Boy le 200 I o Barría Hall' Corone 59 75 59 75 Report adopted. Mr." Boy le, froin Committeé to examine reports of superintendents of tlie poor, made the Collowiug report : To the Hon. Chairman aud Board of Supervisors of Wiislneaaw Co : Gentlemen- Your committee appointed to examine the areounts of the Superintendent of the Poor, respeetfully report that they have examined the said aecounts and find tliat the stub-book an.l ledger afjiee witli the vouchers and hill.s for the same, and that the business ia conducted in an economical aud factory manner. . We'desire to thank the Supemitendf3ii ts for the assistauce rendered in the Work; also to Mr. and Mrs. Shankland for kindness shown your committee. James Boyle, Emory E. Leiand, Wiu.F. Hall. Mr. Case offered the following resolution which was adopted : Resolved, That the number of officers to wliom compensation will be allowed for atteudunce in circuit conrt be fixed as follows : When a jury is present the sheriff and two deputies- when 110 jury is present the sheriff and oue deputy. Mr. W alter offered the followiug resoIntimi which was adopted : Resolved, That we pay the Prosecuting Attorney the sum of $400 for services in Justice Court and col Lac tion of liquor tax. Olalmed. Allowed Seth C. Randall, Pros. Atfy...400 00 M00 00 Mr. Scott moved that a committee of three be appointed bv the Chair to investígate the dSserepaacy roported to exist between the State Treasurer's and County Treasurer's books. The Chair appointed as such committee Messrs. Oesterlin, Childs aud Davenport. The hour having arrived lor tiie election of Superintendent of Poor, on motion of Mr. Case, the Clerk was instrueted to cast the entire vote of the Board for E. P. Mason. Canied. The ballot was so cast. The hour for the eletítion of School Exauiiner having arrived, Mr. Scott moved that the Board proceed to an informal ballot. Carried. The Chair appointed as tellers Messrs. Boyle and Wheeler. Result of first informal ballot, Herbert Dancer received 13 votes, Thaddens Leiand 15, and Allen Rockwell 1. O;i moüon of Mr. Bibbius the Board proceeded to a formal ballot. Result of formal ballot, Herbert Dancer received 16 votes, and Thaddeus Leiand received 13 votes. On niotion of Mr. Scott tlie electionof Mr. Dancer was made unanimous. On motion of Mr. Case the Board adjourned nntil 2 p. m. to-morrow. Win. Dausiiigburíí, Clerk. H. Lighthall, Chairman. FR1DAY, OCTOBER 25, 1895. The Board met pursuant to adjournrnent and was called to order by the Cliairman Roll called and quorum present. The Journal of yesterday was read and approved. Mr. Case from Criminal Claims Na. 1 reported the following bilis and recommended their allowance at sums stated to-wit : Olaimed. Allowed. P. J. Tucker, detective work (Barton case) 222 62 222 62 Mr. Oesterliu from committee on Civil Claims reported the following bilis and recommended their allowance at sums stated to-wit : Claimed. Allowed. C. P. McKinstry, postage 25 00 25 00 J. A. Walker, ex. fnsane 8 00 8 00 F. O. Wheeler, wit. in probate court 4 00 4 00 Frank Haywood, biinging Insane person to A. A 6 00 6 00 Fred Jedele, wit. in probate court - " 50 50 Win. Dansingburg, pliysieian eert. probate court 10 25 10 25 E. M. Conklin, ex ofinsane- 5 00 6 00 C. P. McKinstry, ex. of treasurer's books 185 50 185 50 Washtenaw Times, printing-1 60 1 60 O. W.Turnbull.justicetnquest 5 15 5 15 üeo. H. Foster.Juror 2 25 2 25 A. C. Pierce, " 2 25 2 25 Albert Wlnans. " - 2 25 2 25 Nelson Dancer, " 2 25 2 25 Horaee Baldwin, 2 25 2 25 Adam Kalmbach," 2 25 2 25 A. J. Eley, wltness 6 25 3 75 Rudolph Schrader, witness 6 25 3 75 John McOreevey, " 6 25 3 75 A. F. Renshed, " 6 25 o 75 Geo.Staffan, " 85 85 Chas. VanOrden, " 85 85 Report adopted. Mr. Hunter from Criminal Claims No. 2 reported the following bilis and recommended their allowance at sums stated to-wit : Claimod. Allowed. Thos. T). Mohs, Justice 23 00 6 00 Thos. D. Ureech, deputy marsbal 14 85 14 85 Geo. Bell, constable 48 60 32 35 Report adopted. Mr. Ball from eommittee on eontagious diseasea reported the following bilis and recoinmended tlieir allowance at sums stated to-wit : Olalmed. Allowed. T. L. Tddinajs, infocted clothes destroyed 30 00 Iö 00 T. Ij Iddings, dlsenfecting house 10 00 5 00 Gpo. C. Vinkle, work 21 50 21 50 Mrs. J. Joys, supplies 190 190 E. F. Chase, medical attendanee 23 00 23 00 M. . Hodzman, mllk 3 01 3 05 Luther L James, disinfectants 5 20 5 20 Joseph Alger, meats... ._ 3 78 3 7K .T. Crnarkin, provisions 2fi 56 26 5fi Christopher Loney, wood 3 50 3 50 Which was agreed to. Mr. Boyle moved tliat the bilis for oil and wood in the above cases be allowed. Carried. Claimed. Allowed. SIlKt Qulsh, oil 10 10 Christopher Loney, wood 3 50 3 50 The eommittee reported the following bilis and recommended their disallowance. Lee fe Quish, sardines 1 30 Kd Croarkin, Clotliing 10 70 W. A Rogers, moving family 1 00 R. B. Honey. health offleer - - 10 00 Dexter Miïling Co., feed 3 00 Davis Bros., bedding 1 88 Committees report accepted and adopted. Mr. Forsyth from eommittee on nuance made the following report: Aim Arbor, Mich., Oct. 25, 1895. To the Board of Supervisors : Gentlemen. - Your eommittee on finance respectfnlly report and r'ecommend that the Board accept the bid ol the Anu Arbor Savings Bank as the plaee of deposit of the mouey of the County. James M. Forsyth, F. C. Wheeler, Wm. K. Childs. Accepted and adopted. Mr. Hall ftom the committee to redistrict the eouiity made the following report : To the Honorable, the Board of Supervisors : Your committee on redistricting anc dividing the county into representative districts, respectfully report that thej have had the subject under considera tiou and do recomniend that the count; be divided into representative districts as now coustituted and herewith submi the necessary order and resolutioi thcrefor. All of which is respectfully submittec and your committee begto be dischargec froni tiie furthèr consideraron of the subject. Dated Aun Arbor, Oct. 25, 1895. W. F. Hall, Joseph Donnelly, S. S. Bibbins. Ry Mr. Hall. Whereas, Under the provisions o Act No. 237 of the Session Laws of thi State for the year 1895, the Oounty o Washteuaw is entitled to two represen tatives in the State Legislatura. Therefore, Be lt Resolved and it i hereby ordered that the County o Washtenaw be and the same is hereb) divided into two representative district to consist of the following territory to-wit : District No. one to consist of th Townships of Ann Arbor, Dexter, Free dom, Lima, Lyndon, Nortlifield, Salem Scio, Sylvan, Webster, and the City Ann Arbor. All of which territory ha according to the census of the year 189a population of twenty-three thousau and sixty-four. District No. two, to cousist of th townships of Augusta, Bridgewater Lodi, Mauchester, Pittsfield, Saline, Sharon, Superior, York, Ypsüanti, and Ypsilanti City. All of wliich territory according to the census of 1894 has a population of twenty thousand four hundred and fifty-two. It is further ordered that the clerk of ïis board do certify and cause this rder and detennination to be certified ■o the office of the Secretary of State of his State and to the office of the Clerk f this County, pursuant to law. Report accepted and adopted. Mr. Whittaker from comraittee to sete with the county officers made the ollowing report which was adopted: Ann Arbor, Mich.. Oct. 23, 1895. Tliis is to certify that Wm. F. Rehfuss ïas on deposit in this Bank on Oct. 1, .895, to his credit as Treasurer of Washenaw County the suni of nine thousand eventy-five and thirtv hundreths dolars ($9075.30). Respectfully, Chas. E. Hiscock, Cash. Oct. 25, 1895. Your committee to settle with the ounty officers beg leave to report that ïey have examined the books and oiichers of the County Treasurer and ind thoni in accordance with the report f the Treasurer, submitted to this ioard, and have procured and attached o this report the certifícate of the Ann Arbor Savings Bank, showing balance n hand Oct. 1, 1895, $9075.30. We further report that we have exmined the accountsof the County Clerk nd iiud the same to be as follows: WASHTENAW COUNTY CLERK'S OFFICE. 0 the Honorable Board of Supervisors of Washtenaw County. We, the Committee to settle with ounty Officers, would respectfully reort that we have examined the acmnts of the Clerk, and report that we nd that an eutry fee of $2.00 lias been aid to the County Clerk in the followng cases : Nos. 565, 566, 567, 508, 569, 570, 571, 73, 575, 576, 577, 579, 581, 583, 584, 585, 86, 589, 590, 591, 592, 595, 596, 598, 599, 00, 601, 602, 603, 604, 606, 607, 608, 609, 10, 611, 612, 613, 614, 615, 618, 619, 620, 21, 623, 626, 627, 628, 629, 630, 631. We also find that the Clerk has colected the jury andstenographer fees in ie following cases, viz : hristian WacKcnhut vs. Andrew Shankland $ 6 00 Ann Walker vs. City of Ann Arbor fi 00 'nilip Leaver vs. August DeFrles 00 Wm. K. Childs vs. Rosella Crawford- 6 liO Alice Kearney vs. John Heaney 6 00 . W. Cleveland vs. John Koch fi 00 erome Williams vs. Solomon Sinith- 6 00 Eugene Helber vs. Martin Schantz 6 00 Amelia M. Darrow vs. Solomon Baumgartner 6 00 ohn Wnckenluit vs. Henvy Brinkman 6 00 :mt!y Sumncr vs. Thos. Leonard 6 00 ophia Barghardt vs. Martin Heber 6 00 Henry Breitenweiseher vs. Elmer C. Clnugh 6 00 3eter Oesterle vs. Frank P. Glazier 6 ' 0 ohn O'Connor vs. Manly Furman 6 00 "red Houck s. Arthur J. Waters 13 00 90 00 1 cases at $2 108 00 Total 198 00 The total amount of money collected y the Clerk belonging to the County s" $198.00. We also fiud that the Clerk is entitled o the following items of credit, te-wit : 'ostage, January $ 2 50 Cxpress, '' -1 50 Postal Cards,-' 2 00 Poslagc, February 8 25 Postage, March 3 05 Express, " f 30 Pnstnirp. Anril _ i 3 00 Sxpress, " 40 Sxpress, May 25 'ostage, " 1 "5 'elegram 25 'ostage, June 1 00 íxpress, " 1 10 íxpress, July 65 'ostage, " 1 9j 'ostage, August 1 00 Sxpress, " 50 Postage, Sept 1 95 quarters P. O. Box rent 1 80 tecordins l98 births, 390 deaths, -228 ïnarriages and certifying to Secretary of State Ge 78 96 Miree term calendara S0 00 Clerk of Board of County Canvassers-100 OU Total 241 7(1 Money due County 1S8 OU Balance due Clerk $ 43 76 I hereby certify that the above is oorreet. Wm. Dansingburg, Clerk. B. C. Whitaker, James M. Forsyth, Wm. K. Childs, Committee. Oct. 24, 1895. Kxamiued. We wish to extend our thanks .to Peter Lehman, Dept. County Treasurer, and to Wm. Dansingburg.Comity Clerk 'or their kind and valuable assistanee n our work. B. C. Whitaker, t Wm. K. Childs, James M. Forsyth, Committe Mr. Howlett from the committee on per diem made the following report which was adopted without objection Your committee on per diem do recommend that the several sums be allowed to the different supervisors o Washtenaw County as follows : .lames flowlett, John J. FiscJier, Alfred Davenport. Mr. Seott from tlie coinmittee on equalization made the füllowiiijj; report whieli was aceepted and adopted : The undersigned members of your comuuittee on equalization for tbe year 1895 hereby tender their report as fol lows : A. Da venport, Evart H. Scott, Thomas McQuillan, Win. Burtless, M. P. Alber. Report adopted. Mr. Kitson moved that the bill of Dr. Jelser allowed yesterday be reconídered. Carried. On further motion said bill was disllowed. Mr. Wheeler moved that wheu this oard adjournSj it adjourn to meet in jecial session on Monday, October 28. Carried. Mr. Case offered the following resol uion which was adopted : Resolved, That the County Clerk be istructed to draw orders on the contingent fund of the county for payment of ervices rendered in conveying persons i state or city charitable reformatory or enal institutions on presentation of a jroper receipt from the warden or agent E such institution or prison at the folowing ratea : From any point in this county to Vdrian, the railroad fare and $4.00. From any point in this county to Cold■ater, the railroad fare and $8.00. From any point in this county to Ponac, the railroad fare and $ti.5O. From any poiut in this county to ..ansing, the railroad fare and $8.00. From any poiut iu this county to Deroit House of Correction, the railroad ire and $4.00. Froin auy point in this County to Kalmazoo, the railroad fare and $6.00. An assistant to take an insane person o Pontiac to be paid railroad fare and 3.00. Resolved, That the above rates tobe n full payment for all claims and expenes in such cases, including all cash exlenses per diem, mileage, hack hire, neals, lodging and all expenses whatver. The liour for the election of janitor eing arrived, on motion of Mr. Bibbiiig be Clerk was instructed to cast the jallot of the board for Marión Davenort for janitor, whereupon tlie Clerk o cast the baUot. Mr. Case moved that one of the janior's duties be to keep the sidewalk clean around the court house square. Carried. It was moved that the clerk be instructed to draw orders on the contingent fuud for payment of supervisor's services. Carried. Whereupon the Board adjourned uutil Monday, October 28, 1895. H. Lighthall, Win. Dansingburg, Cb airman. Clerk. MONDAY, OOTOBER 28, 1895. The Board of Supervisors of Washtenaw County met in adjourned session in the Supervisor's room in the Court rlouse in the City of Ann Arbor in said County, on Monday, the 28th day of October, 1895. The Board was called to order by the Chainnan. Roll called and quorum present. The journal of Friday w:is ead approved. Mr. Forsyth moved that the Clerk notify the Ann Arbor Savings Bank to file their bond not later than next Thursday. Carried. Mr. Scott ofifered the following : Resolved, That the Coinmittee on Public Buildings is hereby authorized ;o make all necessary repairs on public buildings and to allow all bilis for labor and rnaterials. And the County Clerk is hereby directed to draw orders on the Contingent Pund for the same. And said eoinrnittee is directed to present an itemized statement of their work ;o the next Board of Supervisors. Carried. Mr. Case moved that the Treasurerbe allovved the sum of one hundred dollars for keeping au account of the daily balmces with the bank. Carried. Mr. Oesterlin moved that the sheriff be instructed to put up notice prohibitmg outsiders coming into the jail yard, except on business, and to arrest any one persisting in so doing. Carried. Ou motion of Mr. Kitson the board took a recesa until 2 p. m. Afternoon Session- The Board met pursuant to adjournment. Roll called and quorum present. Mr. Oesterliu, trom the Civil Claims Coinmittee reported the following bilis and recoinmended their allovvance at sums Btated, to-wit: Clalmed. Allowed Harria Ball, Iuquest, (Hodges).... 4 60 S 4 60 Fredertok Hutm. Juror 150 150 E. K. Frueauf, " 150 150 s. V. Beakes, " 1 50 1 50 Wm. Kldert, " 1 50 1 50 P. J.Lebman, " - l 5U l 50 J.H. Ball, " 1 50 1 50 O M Martin, Burial 23 00 28 00 C. O. Darling. Postmortem su on S0 00 Macli & Mack, Bui lal of Soldier 40 00 40 00 G. U. Jacksou, b'd'g prlsonera... 60 óu n 88 Keport adopted. Mr. Tuoiney, troin committee on Criminal Claims No. 2, reported the following bil Ik and recoinmended their allowance at sums stated to-wit : Claimed. Allowed Samuel Knaggs, Constable $10 00 $ ó 00 liuiii's Uoyle, Justice - 15 2 7 40 l'aul Scliall, Constable 2100 15 60 A.. A. Bedell, Juror 2 25 2 25 D.L. Davií, 2 25 2 23 M.B.Schafler. " 2 25 2 25 Ullberl M.Browu, " 2 25 2 25 :.E.Pattee, " 2 25 2 25 David Cady, " 2 25 2 25 BenJ. McGi-ag, wltnesg 48 48 3. E Pratt. ' 48 48 Deíirove Shlpman" 48 48 Louls Howard, " 48 48 íoseph V. Peck, " 48 48 íoseph V. Peek, " 48 48 Krnesi Jacksoü, ' 48 48 Ernest Jackson, " 48 48 James Forsyth, " 48 48 Jhas M. Walker, " 48 48 Deunls Court, " 48 48 Jharles Barlow, " 48 48 üenj.l'age, " 48 48 John V. Oook, " .. 48 48 M.8. Babcock, " 48 48 Willis Dolph, Juror 50 50; Dewilt Pick, " 50 50 rtin. Voorhies, " 50 50 Charles Doly, " 60 50 (Jeorgtt Cady, " 60 50 David Ostrauder, ' 60 60 FrancIsTibbets, wltness 48 48 KliasCooley, " 48 48 1. W. Ross, " 48 4 VVm. H. Lewis, " .., 48 48 Sarah Seipio, '-' 100 190 Tina McCoy, ' 190 190 Francia McCoy, " 190 190 AlbertSmlth, Juror- 100 100 Gilbert M. Brown," 100 100 E.N Colby, ' 100 100 JamesArmes, " 100 100 (lias. Root, " 1 00 1 00 Wm.Thayer, " 100 100 Jacob Schmidt, wltness 48 48 George Ricuel, " 48 48 George B. Paine, " 48 48 Wm.Dermott. " 48 48 Thos. Ruthweut, " 3 00 3 00 Ann Smith, " 195 195 iMaryA. Blrd, " 195 195 George Morris, " 95 95 Charles Andersou," 95 95 Johu Hamllton, ' 95 6 Peter Lehman, " 165 165 Joseph V. Peck, " 48 48 Don R. Peck, " 40 48 Charles Root, " 48 48 Henry TnompsoD," 48 48 Walter Hewltt. " 48 48 Elnier Bycraft, " 48 48 Azro Fletcher, " 4S 48 Seth B. Mereuess, " 48 48 ('. M. Warner, " - 4S 4S JobnThurn, " - 48 48 Ellzabeth Bealey, " - 48 48 David Po,t, " 48 4 Barbara Bassler, '■ 48 4 E. C. Ciark, " 48 48 Chas. Krueger, " 48 48 Dr. J.Kapp, " 48 48 Jacob Bassler, " 48 48 Edward Kinnell, " 2 53 2 53 Stephen Finell. " 2 53 2 53 Siduey Shanguess," 2 53 2 53 Daniel Moore, " 153 15:! Walter Voorhels, " 195 199 U. L Townseud, ' 195 155 Clinton O'Karrell," 5 50 5 70 George Nlssly, " 2 75 2 75 Cha". Younghaus ' 2 75 2 75 Henry Ide, '" 2 75 2 75 Marliu Traub, " 75 2 75 Frank Hoog, ' 2 75 2 75 C. F. Sohaibie, " 2 75 29 Conrad Kenfer, " 2 9í 2 45 Paul Sohveüer, " 144 144 Heo. Seyíried, " :. 144 144 Mrg't E. Llddell, " : 48 14 Courad Reufer, " 2 13 2 8 Paul Sobofker, " 85 83 George Seylried, " 85 35 SethB Mereness, " 138 135 Joseph V. Peck, " 133 188 FredM. Green, " 138 138 P. J. Lehman, " 48 48 James Ilurkins, ' 50 50 Geo. V. Goodrich," 50 50 BenJ. F. Watts, " 50 50 E. b: Smith, " 5) 50 Robert Leonard, " 50 50 LewisMiller, " 50 50 W. J. Rowlaud, " 85 85 Sarah Prescott, " 48 48 M.C Peterson, " 48 48 Chas. Walker, " 48 48 Henry Gage, " 48 48 K. Buclianan, luror 150 160 AlfredDavis, " 150 15(1 L. D. Alley, " - 1 50 1 50 Ufred Phelps, " 150 150 L.C. Rodman, ' 150 150 D. M. Llwhfleld, " 150 150 Stephen Crane, wltness 1 10 1 10 George Bell, " - 110 110 Isola Slarks, " 4 05 4 05 Krcd Alley. Juror 100 100 Edward Frenen, " 100 100, S. Jeuney, ' 100 100 Geo. Vinkle. " 100 100 David Vinkle, " 100 100 WillardHenry, '.' 100 100 Fred Norman, witness 115 115 Mr. Oesterlin f rom cominittee on Civil Claims reported the bilí of Chas. H. Kline and recommended its disallowauce. Claimed. Allowed C, H. Kline, Professional services in inquest (Johnson) ?25 00 Mr. Tuomey, from Criminal Ghums No. 2, reported the bilí of Wm. Kelsey without recoinmendation. On motion of Mr. Scott said bilí was referred back to eouimittee for further exainination. Mr. Scott moved that the Game Wardens of Washtenaw county be allowed not to exceed two dollars per day and actual traveling expenses for work done in Washtenaw county. Carried. Mr. Case offered the followina resolution which was adopted : Resolved, That the amount to be allowed the sheriff for board, lodging and turnkey of prisoners at the jail the ensuing year be fixed as follows : For each meal 12) cents ; for each lodging 12l cents, and 10 cents turnkey for each prisoner. Resolved, That the county clerk be authorized to pay 75 per cent, of the sheriiPs board, lodging and turnkey bilis quarterly from the contingent fund of the county, said bilis to be subject to final review and adjustment by this board. Mr. Case moved that the Finance Committee report to this Board the amount they deem necessary to raise for Soldier's and Sailor's Relief Commission. Carried. Mr. Case moved that the Committee on Printing be instructed to get bids from the two Germán papers separately. Carried. Mr. Kitson moved that the whole matter be referred back to the Committee on Printing to report Wednesday. Carried. On motion of Mr. Walter the Board adjourned until to-morrow at 2 p. m. H. Lighthall, Chnirman. Wm. Dansingburg, Clerk. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1895. The Board niet pursuant to adjournmeut. Roll ealled and quorum present. The Journal of yesterday read and approved. Mr. Case, from committee on Criminal claims No. 1, reported the followinK bilis and reuommended their allowance at sums stated to-wit : Wm. JudSOD, Sheriff... ?T55 43 700 9g A. M. Uauntlet, Dep'y Sheriff. 95 71 69 54 .1. Staffan, Dep'y Sheriff, Inquest 3 61) 3 63 J. Staffun, Dep'y Sheriff 110 22 82 40 ZenasSweet, " " eo .Vi .m 28 Wm. KlUert, " " 174 4ÍI 12 96 Jay Wooda, " " - 226 34 1S1 04 L. Caníleld, " " 682 95 457 25 Mr. H linter, from Committee on Crimual Claims No. 2, reported the following bilis and recommended their allowance at sums stated, to-wit: Goorge B. Paine, Constable $33 05 $25 81 Jacob Rlddle, wltuess 2 35 2 85 F. Sohaiblo, " 2 95 2 95 Jacob Knapp, " 2 86 2 35 Thos. Kennedy, " 4S 48 John Weinman, " 48 48 Paulina Bauer, " 98 98 Herman Hulzel, " 1 33 1 38 May Friefjel, 48 s Adam Seyfried, " 48 48 W. W. Wallace, " 48 48 J. J. Smlth, " 48 48 Veder 8hankland," 2 04 2 04 Adopted. Mr. Ball, Cornmittee on Coutagious Diseases reported the following bilis and recomrnended their allowance at suma stated to-wit : E. Forayth, Wood $ 4 00 4 00 Isaac Hume, Bedding 23 50 23 50 Win. MaJyer, Grocerles 25 49 25 49 C. F. Unterkirche, Pbysiclan... 158 28 142 35 Wm. Xorgate, Wood 2 50 2 50 O. M. Martin, burial 36 00 36 00 J. W. Babcook, services 60 00 50 00 Anna Seitz, services . 50 00 50 00 James H. Steere, Services 50 00 50 00 James H. Steere, Supplies 8 66 8 48 J. W. Babcock, clothesdestroyed 20 UO 20 00 C. W. Vogel, meats 2 60 2 60 Chas. Morgan, digglng graves. 9 00 9 00 Austlu Todd, clothing destroyed 29 38 29 38 G. L. Larraway, pliysiclan 11 00 11 00 D. A. Post, physlciau 6 00 6 00 Mr. Hunter moved that the bill of Geo. H. Jackson be reconsidered. Carried. Mr. Bibbins moved that the bill be referred back to the Committee aud that they report to-morrow at 10 a. m. Resolved, That a committee of flve meuibers of this Board be appoiuted by the chairman ; that such committee be invested with power and authority in their discietion to settle, adjust and compromise the liability of Paul G. Sukey and his bondsmen, to the county, such adjustment to be made for such sum as the committee may deem just, reasonoble and fair. That the committee do advise with the prosecuting attorney relating to matters of a criminal nature pertaining to the administration of the office of County Treasurer. Mr. Forsyth moved that said resol utitm be indefinitely postponed. Mr. Wheeler moved that the Board adjouru. Lost. Mr. Qase moved that aution be postponed until 2p. m. to-morrow. Carried. Mr. Scott moved that the bill of Chas. II. Kline, disallowed yesterday, be allowed as claimed. Carried. Chas. H. Kline, inquest $ 25 00 $ 25 00 On motion of Mr. Whittaker the. Board adjourned until to-morrow at 10 a. m. Wm. Dansiugburg, Clerk. H. Lighthall, Chairman. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1895. The Board met pursuant to adjournment. Roll called and quorum present. The Journal of yesterday was read and approved. Mr. Oesterlin from committee on civil claims reported the following bilis and recommeuded their allowance at sums stated to-wit: Claimed. Allowed. H. J. Brown, supplies for jail 15 95 15 95 S. A. Crane, game warden 7 00 7 00 Geo. Speechly, wit. insane 2 00 2 00 John Kapp, Inquest 5 00 5 00 Harris Ball, coroner 6 35 6 35 Andrew Court, witness 75 75 I.izzio Covert, " 75 , 1b Mrs. Andrew Court, " 75 76 Ltzzie Fitzgerald, " 75 75 James Hosklns, " 75 75 David Collins, " 75 75 Johu Kapp, " 75 75 Paris Banfleld, " 75 75 Frank Otteam, " 75 75 W. W. Clark, juror 2 00 150 J Hession, " 2 00 1 50 V. J. Laairop, ' 2 00 1 50 F. JC. Cleaver, " 2 00 1 50 Henry Schutt, ' . 2 00 1 50 Samuel Smith, " . 2 00 1 50 D. A. Post, physician 00 9 00 John Kapp. " 5 uo 5 1 0 .1. F. Ohlinger, ex. of insane 6 00 6 00 lllch. Telephone Co., probate office 36 00 36 00 Chas. H. Bell, game warden 56 54 43 10 Mr. Hunter moyed that the corumitee's report be accepted and adopted. Vlr. Case moved to amend by accepting ;he bilí of M. J. Cavanaugh, whieh irnendment prevailed by the following rote, the yeas and nays being called for. Yeas- Alber, Burtless, Bibbins, Ball, 3ase, Damon, Dancer, Fisher, Grosslians, Hall, Hauser, Hunter, Howlett, Kitson, Lighthall, Leland, Scott, Voorheis, Walter, 19. Nays - Boyle, áDavenport, Donnelly, Forsyth, Oesterlin and Whittaker, 0. The motion as amended was then Eidopted. On thfi motion of Mr. Dancer the bilí was laid on the table uutil tomorrow at 10 a. m. Mr. Case from conimittee on criminal claims No. 1, reported the following bilí and reconnuended its allowance at the 3um stated, to-wit: Claimed. Allowed. Byron MeCauley.deputy sberiflr__tlO 48 32 34 Report was accepted and adopted. Mr. Alher from committee on rejected taxes made the following report : To the Honorable Board of Supervisors of Washtenaw County : Yourcornmittee to whom was referred the subject of rejected taxes would respectfully report that they have exauiined the list furuished by the Auditor Geueral and find charged to the several supervisor diatricts the following sums, to-wit: Aun Arbor City- $13 22 Dexter „ 18 15 Lodi - - - 75 Northfleld 284 Saline - la 24 Vork 3 15 Ypsilantt, lst Dist 10 31 Ypsilanti, 2d Dist 3 80 Yonr committee also tender their thanks to John R. Miner and Gustave Brebm for their aseistance in making out report. All of which is respectfully submitted. Dated Oct. 30, 1895. Michael P. Alber, Fred C. Wheeler, Joseph Donnelly, Committee. Mr. Voorhies of committee on fractional schools submitted the following report: Decrease. Arm Arbor .208 Ann Arbor Town .171 Augusta .232 Bridgewnter .142 Preedoin ,238 Dexter .n Lima . . 072 Lodi .106 Lyndon .193 Manchester . .211 Northfleld 21 Pittsfield .081 Salem .02-1 Saline .089 Scio - .045 Sharon .209 Superior .14 Svlvan .147 Webster .07 York .207 Ypsllanti Town .194 Ypsllantl City (lsl District) 16 Ypsilantl City(2l District) 145 Walter Voorhies, E. A. Hauser, Committee. Report accepted and adopted. On motion of Mr. Childs the board took a recesa until 2 p. in. AFTERNOON SESSIOX. The Board met pursuant to adjournment, roll called and quorum present. Mr. Case from committee on criminal claims No. 1, made the following report, which was accepted and adopted. Claimed. Allowed. Joseph V. Pack, deputy sheriff, 49 51 37 71 George Bell, deputy sheriff" 32 40 32 40 Mr. Oesterlin from committee on civil claims reported the following bilis and recommended tlieir allowance at sums stated, to-wit: Claiined. Allowed. Frank Staffan, burial soldier- 40 00 40 00 Eberbach Drug Uo., repairing cali bells 7 40 7 40 E A. Clark, ex ofinsane 5 00 5 00 Conrad Georg, ex. of iusane 5 00 5 00 H. J. Post, " " " 8 00 8 00 W. F. Breakey," " " 5 OU 5 00 The committee also reported the bilis of F. S. Bourna and W. S. Hamilton without recommendation. Mr. Scott moved that said bilis be allowed as claimed which niotiou prevailed. Claimed. Allowed. W. S. Hamilton, post mortem of twocows 10 00 10 00 F. S. Bourns, analysia of chicken 5 00 5 00 The corninittee also reported the bill of George H. Jackson which was reconsidered yesterday and recommended its allowaucfi as follows, to-wit : Claimed. Allowed. George H. Jackson, boarding prisoners 60 50 52 00 The coinmittee's report was accepted and adopted. Mr. Judson haviug made some explanations in regard to his bill, Mr. Scott moved that said bill be reconsidered. Cairied. On motion of Mr. McQuillan $1.15 was added to said bill. Motion carried. William Judson, sheriff 1 15 1 15 The clerk read a communication from C. II. Munly, Secretary of the Soldier's and Sailor's Relief Committee, which on motion of Mr. Childs was accepted and ordered printed with the proceedings. Aun Arbor, Mich., Oct. 30, 1895. To the Honorable, the Board of Supervisors of the County of Washtenaw : Gentlemen.- By direction of the soldiers relief commission, I most respectfully report to your honorable body that there has been expended from the soldier's relief fund of said county for the year 1894, - $ (25 73 For the year 1895, - - 508 10 Total to November 1, 1895, $1,133 83 The coininission are of the opinión tbat one-twentieth of a mili on the assessed valuation of the taxable property for each township and city of this county will be ampie to meet all just claims on said fund. C. H. Manly, Secretary. To the Honorable Board of Supervisors of the County of Washtenaw : Gentlemen. - At a meeting of the board of commissioners of soldier's relief, and of various representatives of the different townships of this county, held in the court house, the following resolution was unanimously adopted : Resolved, That it is the sense of this meeting that the Board of Supervisors are hereby requested to spread upon the assessment roll of their respective townships, the one-twentieth of a mili upon the assessed valuation of the property in the said townships, the same to be. used in the relief of destitute soldiers and their families, as required by the statutes of 1889. And be it further resolved, that the action of the Board of Commissioners, in calling the representatives of the different townships to meet with them at their annual meeting, instead of calling at the different townships, is a saving to the county and ought to be approved by your Honorable Body, and that a rea" sonable per diem and traveling expenses ought to be allowed each of such repreL'illlil I M'ilü Ont T11íH fvv f 1 rt . . . i i . , - , - BCiiLíiwvr íiiiu puin Jiuill Lile UOUIliy fund, and that the clerk of tliis meeting be reqtiested to deliver to the Board of Supervisors h copy of these resolutions. Oct. 28, 1895. C. H. Manly, Clerk. The committe on printing made the following report : Ann Arbor, Oct. 30, 1895. To thp Hon. Board of Supervisors : Gentlemen. - Your committee on printing wou ld respeetfully subrnit the following bids and would reeoinmend the bid of the Keue Washtenaw Post, it being the lowest bid received for printlng proceedings in Germán language. Also we would submit the joint bids of the Ana Arbor Argus and Courier and the Ypsilanti Sentinel for your consideration. Respectfully, Joseph Donnelly, Ch'ni'n. Suinner Damon, E. A. Hauser. Mr. Scott moved that the report be accepted and printed with the proceedings. Carried. The following are the several bids : Ana Arbor, Mich., Oct. 30, 1895. To the Hon. Board of Supervisors : Gentlemen. - We will print the proceedings of the Board of Supervisors of Washtenaw County for the October session in the Germán langusige in the Neue Washtenaw Post for the suni of sixty dollars ($60). Eugene J. Helber, Mgr. Ann Arbor, Mich., Oct. 28, 1895. To the Hon. Board of Supervisors of' Washtenaw Co. : We will publish the proceedings of the Board of Supervisors of Washtenaw County in the Hausfreund und Post for seventy-five dollars. i Lieseiner & Paul. Ypsilaiiti, Miel)., Oct. 25, 1895. Joseph Donhelly, Esq., Ann Arbor, Micli. Dear Sir. - I will print the proceedings of the Board of Supervisors in the pape and in pauiphlet fonn at a uniform rat( of $2.00 per page. Kespectfully, M. T. Woodruff Anu Arbor, Mich., Oct. 31, ]895. To the Cominittee. on Printing and the Board of Supervisors : The Anu Arbor Courier and the Ann Arbor Argus will print the proceedings of the Board of Supervisors for the January and October sessions in the Courier and the Argus and print and bind 1,000 pamohlets with index, 48 pages, for $150.00, more or less pages pro rata. For the past two years the Courier and Argus have united in their bid for the purpose of giving the proceedings the widest publicity and of getting out the pamphlets proinptly after the adjournment of the Board. ' Previous to our joint bids the Board will reinember the proceedings were not printed until some months after they took place. We agree to print them entire in our newspapers and to furnish the pamphlets within three weeks of the adjournment of the Board. We de3re to cali the attention of the Board to the fact that the two papers are of Dpposite politics and their circulation jxtends to every township and that the ;wo odices are ênabled to do the work aromptly because they are especially squipped for it. Respectfully, Beakes & Hammond. J. E. Beal. Mr. Dancer moved that the bids of the Argus and Courier be accepted, wliich motion was lost by the following vote, the veas and nays being called for. Yeas- Messrs. Boyle, Ball, Ohilds, Davenport, Dancer, Douuelly, Fischer, Kitson, Leland, Oesterliu, Scott, Tuomey, and Whittaker, 13. Nays- Messrs. Alber, Burtless, Bibbins, Case, Dainon, Forsyth,Grosshans, Hall, Haaser, Hunter, Howlett, McQuillan, Yoorhies, Wheeler, and Walter, 15. Mr. Diimon moved that the bid of the Ypsilanti Sentinel be accepted, which motion was adopted by the following vote, the yeas and nays being called for : Yeas- Messrs. Alber, Burtless, Bibbins, 'Case, Damon, Dancer, Forsyth, Grosshans, Hall, Ilauser, Hunter, Howlett, McQuillian, Yoorhies, Wheeler, Walter, 10. Nays- Messers. Boyle, Ball, Childs, Daveuport, Donnelly, Fischer, Kitson, Leland, Oesterlin, Scott, Tuomey, Whittaker, 12. Mr. Dancer moved that the Neue Washtenaw Post be the paper selected in which to publish the proceedings in Germán, provided they iuclude the January session. Carried. Mr. Childs moved tliat the bid of the Ypsüaiiti Sentinel be reconsidered. Carried. Ou motion of Mr. Case the matter was laid ou the table until to-morrow at 10 a. m. Mr. Davenport offered the following resolution : Resolved, That a cornniittee of five members of this Board be appointed by the chairman ; that sueh committee be invested with power and authority in their discretion to settle and adjust and compromise the liability of Paul G. Sukey and bis bondsmen to the county ; that sucli adjustnient be made for sucli sum as the committee may deern jusfc, reasonable and fair, providéd, liowever, that this resolutiou or any act of sucli committee shall not be construed to release the said Paul G. Sukey or any of his bondsmen from their liability to the county, until such sum, so afreed as a compromise, shall have been paid in full. Resolved further, That the committee do ad vise with the prosecuting attorney relating to all matters of a criminal nature pertaining to the late admiuistration of the office of county treasurer. On nntion of Mr. Wheeler the subject matter was postponed till to-morrow at 2 o. di. Cn motion of Mr. McQuillan the Board adjourned until to-morrow at 10 a. m. H. Lighthall, W. Dansingburg, Chairman. Clerk. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1895. The Board met pursuant to adjournment and was called to order by tlie chairman, Roll ealled and quorum present. The journal of yesterday was read and approved. Mr. Case from eommittee on genpral claims reported the following bill and recommeuded its allowauce, which report was adopted. Claimed. Allowed. Arehte Gauntlet, deputy sherifl' 15 05 4 85 Mr. Oesterlin from comniittee on civil claims reported the following bilis and recoinmended their allowauce at sums stated, to-wit : Clalmed. Allowed. J. A. Polhemus, livery 6 Ou 5 OU Robinson ifc Co , " 10 00 10 0(1 A. il Holmes, " 8 00 2 50 Pr. JohnKapp, medical service 45 00 45 00 Ensene Oesterlin, typewriting. 2 00 2 00 C. G. Darling, ex. of insane 5 00 5 00 Report was aceepted and adopted. Mr. Tuomey from comniittee on criminal claims No. 2, reported the following bilis and recommended their allowance at sums stated, to-wit: Claimed. Allowed. V. V. Kelsey, justice 5 05 5 05 George Wanty, witness 1 15 1 15 W'illiain Johnson, " 4 ;i5 4 35 Steven Crane, ' 1 10 1 10 Report was accepted aud adopted. Mr. Whittakerfrom special eommittee made the following report which was adopted : Ann Arbor, Oct. 31 , 1395. To the Hon. Board of Supervisors of ' VVashtenaw Co. i Gentlemen. - Your eommittee to . wliom was referred the matter of shortage of liquor tax claimed due the townphip of Bridgewater from the Couuty of - Washtenaw, beg leave to report that they liave liad the same under consideration and that after careful investigatiou are of the opinión that there is now due and unpaid the amount of one hundred and forty-eight dollars and fifty cents froni the county of Washtenaw to the township of Bridgewater. The sanie being a part of liquor tax due said townshïp íor the year 1894. For paynient of which no receipts appear in the office of the county treasurer. And ve respectfully recommend that the county treasurer be instrueted to pay to the treasurer of the township of Bridgewater the said sum of $148.50 claimed. All of which is respectfully submitted, and we ask to be discharged from the further cousideration of subject. B. C. Whitaker, James M. Forsyth, Wm. K. Childs, Committee. Mr. Dancer moved that the bilí of Mr. Judson, recousidered yesterday, oe adopted as corrected. Carried. Mr. Forsyth offered the following resolution : Resolved, That the keeper of the ock-up at Ypsilanti be notified that tliis Board will pay no bilis for keeping jrisoners after couviction. Accepted and adopted. Mr. Scott moved that the bill of M. J. Cavanaugh for rent of room be allowed. Oarried. M. J. Cavanaugh, for rent of room $-225 00 ?225 00 Mr. Forsy th moved that the bid of the Ypsilanti Sentinel for printing the proceedings be accepted. Mr. tëcott offered an amendment that the bid of the Argus and Courier be accepted, which was carried by the following yea and nay vote : Yeas- Messrs. Alber, Boyle, Case, Cliilds, Diivenport, Dancer, Donelly, Fischer, Grosshans, Hall, Hauser, Howlett, Kitson, Leiand, McQuillan, Oesterlin, Scott, Tuouiey, Whitaker, aud W alter, 20. Nays - Messrs. Bibbins, Ball, Damon, Forsyth, Hunter, Voorhies, and Wheeler, 7. The original motion as ameuded was tlien adopted. On motion of Mr. Forsyth the Board took a recess until 2 p. m, P. M. Session - Board met pursuant to adjournment. Roll called and quorum present. Mr. Oesterlin from committee on civil claims reported the following bilis and recommended their allowance at sums stated, to-wit: C(aimed. Allowed C. P. McKinstry, indexing discharges 8 20 8 20 P. J. Lehman, extra worjc treas. office 65 00 65 00 George's Livery , hack to county house '. 3 00 2 50 W. F. Rehfus, 94S tax certiflcates 237 00 237 00 P. J. Lehman, ex. treas. books 49 00 49 00 W. F. Rehfus, livery 1 50 1 50 Fred Scnleede. book binding. 25 00 22 00 W. F. Rehfus, postage 25 00 25 00 Eberbach Drug Co., sundries forjall 20 50 20 50 Report accepted and adopted. The bill of Twitchell and Palmer was also reported to the committee without recommendation. Mr. Hunter moved that the bilí be aílowed at $50. Mr. Wheeler offered as an amendment that it be allowed at the sum of $40, which ameudineiit was lost by the following vote, the yeas and nays being called for. Yeas- Messrs. Ball, Chüds, Daveuport, Damon, Donnelly, Grosshans, Hall, Hauser, Howlett, Leiand, McQuillan and Wheeler, 12. Nays- Messrs. Alber, Burtless, Boyle, Bibbins, Case, Dancer, Forsyth, Fischer, Hunter, Kitson, Oesterliu, Scott, Tuomey, Voorhies, Whittaker, and Walter, 16. The original motion of Mr. Hunter was then adopted. Claimed. Allowed. Twitchel & Palmer, medical services 80 00 50 00 Mr. Whittaker from committee on civil claims reported the bill of Gustave Brehm without recommendation. Mr. Case moved that the bill be disallowed. Car ried. Gustave Brehm, certifícate for taxes for deedR $220 15 disallowed. Mr. Tuomey from committee on criminal claims No. 2, made the following report and recommended the al owance of the bilis at sums stated, to-wit. Claimed. Allowed. E. B. Pond, juxüce 8 75 8 75 Paris Banfleld, marshal 12 60 12 60 Report was accepted and adopted. Mr. Forsyth from finance committee made the following report: Tu the Board of Supervisors : Gentlemen.- Your committe on finalice respeutfiilly reco turnend that we raise the sum of $25,000 to pay ordinary expenses of county, and we also advise the sum of $2,500 to be apportioned to the poor fund, and we further rneominend the following apportionmeut : To the county fund $ 8.000 Contingent fund 'Juoo Public building fund " i'. oo Jury fund 3 500 Witness funtt i o00 School examinevs ." i'6i)0 Stenographers fund ïduo -alary fund 7'ö'in Fuel fun.l _ '900 Eastprn Michigan Asylum 2 0i.'0 Soldiere relief fund 1,000 Total amount apportioned including poor fund $1,000 County tax amt. recommended-i2ö,000 Estiinated liquor tax 1!),000 Total .$4J,000 Total amount as apportioned- I 39,000 Balance unapportioned $5,000 All of which is respectfully submitted 1 this 31st day of October, 1895. James M. Forsyth, Win. K. ChUilfl, Fred C. Wheeler. Mr. Hunter offered an amendment to i the report that we raise $20,000, which was accepted after which the original report amended was accepted and idopted. Clerk then presented the bond of the nn Arbor Savings Bank, which was iccepted and ordered placed on file. i Mr. Scott moved that a cornin ttee of three be appointel by the Chair to prepare a statement of the county expenses for the past year and have the same published with the proceedings of the Board. Adopted. The Chair appointed as such comrnittee Messrs. Whittaker, Huntor and Oesterlin. Mr. Dancer moved that the Clerk write the report of the equalization conimittee in the journal. Carried. Mr. Danoer moved that the Clerk have a bound volume of the proceedings of th Board prepared and kept in his office Carried. Mr. Damon moved that the Davenport resolution be ameuded, in that the committee be eleoted by ballot, which was adopted by the following vote, the yeas and nays being called for : Yeas - Messrs. Alber, Burtless.Boyle, Bibbins, Case, Davenport, Damon, Dancer, Donnelly, Forsyth, Fiseher, Hall, Hauser, Howlett, Kitson, Ligbthall, McQuillan, Oesterlin, Scott, Tuomey, Voorhies, Whittaker and Walter -23. Nays - Messrs. Ball, Childs, Grosshans, Htinier, Leiand, and Wheeler - 6. The original resolution as amended was then adopted. Mr. Childs moved that the clerk cast the vote of the Board for the fonr old membfirs of the committee, whioh moion did not prevail. Mr. Scott moved that the Board prepare flve ballots and the person having the most votes to be the merubers of the committee. (Jarried. The Chair appointed as tellers Messrs. Wheeler and Boyle. The flve persons having the most votes were Case, Dancer, Hunter, Walter and Ball. Mr. Hnnter moved that the Clerk purchase all necessary snpplies for the various oonnty offices and that he draw orders on the contingent fuud in payment therefor. Carried. On motion of Mr. Case the Board adjourned until tomorrow at 10 a. m. H. LIGHTHALL, Chairman. WM. DANSINGBURG, Clerk. FRIDAY, NOVEMER 1, 1895. The Board met pursuant to adjournment. Roll called and quorum present. The Journal of yesterday read and approved. Mr. Case, from committee on Criminal Claims No 1, reported the foJlowing, -which was adopted. 3 Claimed. Allowoc t Byron Ï.IeCauler, deputy sheriff.S 2 75 $ 2 75 StantoD Fersuson, " " 2 00 disal Mr. Oesterlin, frorn committee on " Civil Claims, reported the following claim and recornrnended payment. Adopted. Claimed. Allowed. . William Seerey, work in Treasurer'soffice $57 00 Ï57 00 Mr. Case moved that rule 33 be suspended. Adopted. Mr. Davenport moved that the bilí of Mr. Knaggs be reconsidered and referred back to the committee. Carried. On the committee's report the bill was allowed as follows: Claimed. Allowed Samuel Knaggs, deputy shorilf ..$10 00 $ 2 00 Mr. Tuomey, fiom committee on Criminal Claims, No. 2, roported the following claims and recommended payment. Adopted. Claimed. Allowed Myron Webb. justice $ 8 30 $ 8 80 Peter Heitschen, constable ó 30 5 30 Mr. Grosshans, from committee on State and County Taxes, made the following report, which was adopted : Your committee on apportionment of State and County taxes beg leave to report as follows : N. F. Groshans, Walter Voorheis, E. A. Houser. Mr. MoQnillan, froru cornmittee on drains made the following report wbich was adopted : We have exaruiDed the County Draiii Commissioner's report and have found it correct, and reoommend that the several supervisors spread the tax as fdven, with theexception of BuckCreok Drain, whioh was spread last year. And we fnrther recommeud that the Drain Comuaissioner hereaftei in his report fiilly i itemize the cost of expenditures on each Jrain. Thomas McQuillan, S. S. Bibbins, M. F. Grosshans. Mr. Oesterlin, frorc special commit;ee on jail repairing, made the followng report which on motiou was - HHKM, - - - - - - - - red to coinmittee on public buildings, with power to act. Ann Arbor, Oct. 13, 1895. To the Honorable Board of Supervisors, Ann Arbor, Mich. : Í Gentlemen - We propose to furnish you extra heavy prison window guards, with strong channel iron frame to set in a jam, and put the same into position at the county jail for the sum of $12 (twelve dollars) each. Hoping to be awarded with your contract we remain, gentlemen, Yours, etc, Hutzel & Co., Per, E. C. Spring. Mr. Case offered the following resolution which was adopted : Resolved, That the appointmnt of a committee by this Board to settle with Paul G. Sukey and his sureties shall not be construed so as in any manner to interfere with the progress of the oase now pending in the circuit court against said Sukey and the sureties on his bond. On motion the Board took a recess until 2 p. m. AFTERNOON SESSION. The Board met pursuant to adjournraent. The roll called and a quorum present. Mr. Howlett, from Committee on Per Diem, made the following report, which was adopted : Y"our Committee on Per Diem do recommend that the several sums be allowed to the different Supervisors of Washtenaw Coanty, that six days be allowed each member of the board except the Coflinaittee to whom was assigued the duty of preparing an itcmized statement of the expenses of the county which be allowed two days extra and also the chairman of the board. James Howlett John J. Fischer A. Davenport. Mr. Childs, from committee to settle with county offlcers made the followiDg report, whicli was adopted : Aun Arbor, Nov. 1, 1895. To the Honorable Board of Supervisors Messrs. - Your committee to whom was referred the matter relativo to making new record book for office of Register of Deeds, beg leave to report that they have had the same nnder consideration and would respectfully report and recommend that an additional sum of oue hundred dollars be paid for said work,and that the same be paid only in proportion as the balance of work is eornpleted. And ask to be discharged from further consideration of the subject. B. C. Whittaker, James M. Forsyth. Wm. K. Childs, Committee. Mr. Oesterlin, from the special committee to inquire into the expense of putting fire proof vaults in the court house made the following report, which ou motion, was accepted and ordered priuted with the proceedings. Ann Arbor, Mieb... Nov. 1, 1895. To the Building Committee of the Board of Supervisors of Washtenaw County. We the undersigned hereby agree te build two fire proof brick vaults in court house of Washtenaw connty. aud they will bo bnilt in the f ollowing mauuer: 16 inch brick walls will be built all around with a hollow space between pr.son walls, arched over at top and b jfctojti. and 12 inoh I beams be used in betweea arohes, the top to have 12 inches of sand on top, the inside of the walls to be plastered and the floor to have a Portland Cement bottom. the south sidejwiudow of building will be bricked up with pressed bricks on outside. We will do all work carpen ter work and to leave building in a satisfactory ooodition. The work will be carried out in a workinanlike manner for the sum of eight hnndred and eighty-flve dollors ($885.00). Koch Bro. Mr. Kitson offered the following rosolution : Resolved, That the Board does bereby extend a vote of thanks to Chairman Lihgthall and Chairman pro tem. Hun ter for their constant conrtesy and uniform impartiality during the deliberatious of this Board. Resolntioa adopted. Mr. Bibbins offered the following resolntiou whioh was adopted: Resolved. That the different supervisors aré hereby instructed to assess the several amounts as reported by the committee on apportioument of state aud couuty taxes. including the suldiers' relief fund. also the amount due the county house for support of the poor. also tha amounts appo-tioned in the sevoral supervisors' distriots. as the law provides, also the drain taxes as given by the several drains. and also the rejected tax. Mr. Case offered the follo,viri lutionwhiohwasadopted lgreS" Resolved That this BoirH ates a sum of forty dolíala ,PprPritowards the vmha be appiied Iota in Oak Grove cemete" Or m in the village of CheW frf' R'tuate(1 Place for deceased ÏÏS marines, who have servod in u 8 anA in the late war of tZjl r' armv title to the same to be vSí " Carpeuter Post of the Granrt a K' PRepublio,No 41 ;suo ÍS tlT1 the suchPost of the Grand AlbeheWby Republio and the íif the any such oemetery tí" county when such Post 7Z V, Army of the Republic shali and LorrrLr?í of the Sóidas' Relief commiS8onhav á per dayaDdgix cents per mile one way. Carried. Mr. Soott moved that the Building Comm,ttee be instrncted to oonsteucted vaults ia the court house at a cost not to exceed $1,500. Mr. Wheeler moved that the matter be mdefinitely postponed, which motion prevailed by tbe following vote, the yeas and nays being called for: Yeas- Messrs. Alber.Burtless, Bibbins, Case, Childs. Davenport. Damon. Donnelly, Forsyth, Grosshaiis, Hall' Hauser, Howlett, Leland, McQuillau' Voorhies, Wheeler and Wal ter- 18. Nays- Messrs. Boyle, Ball, Danoer, Fisoher, Kitson, Lighthall, Oesterlin', Scott, Tuomey - 9. On motion of Mr. Scott rale 23 was reiustated. Mr. Childs moved that the Chairman appoint two supervisors in the neighborhood of Chelsea to act with the Chairman in regard to the purchase of thé bnrial lot for the use of old soldiers and sailors at Chelsea. Carried. The Chair appointed as suoh coiumittee Messrs. Howlett and Danoer. Mr. Forsyth moved that the keeper of the lock up atjjYpsilanti benotifled that this Board will pay no billsjfor keeping prisoners after conviction. Carried. On motion of Mr. Case the Board adourned sine aie. WM. DANSINGBÜRG, Clerk. Chairman.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News