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The motto of this year's graduating class in the Pinckney schools seems to be, "Get what yon can and hang on to whatyouget " Bach member is giring ten cents a week now and the olass will charge an admission fee to see the "sweet girl grad" andtowatoh thé contortions of their embryo orators. It is a good time to eleot a class treasurer. Chelsea ponltry dealers" go over to Grass Lake and after the farmers have bronght in tnrkeys to fill orders froin them, they open the coops and take nothing but the choicest gobblers The Grass Lake News alindes to such buyers as "fcnrb-pir fïonrïc " Phil Kerridge wore "conventional black" not many years ago at Grasa Lake, where he gradnated at the higk school. He liked that style of dress so ■well that he will don it for life, for he is studying for the ministry down in Massachasetts. A new bridge stretches it6 bands of steel over the raging Saline in East Dnndee. Rev. W. H. James ha3 converted all the people he desires to at Dnndee and has found a new pasture lot in the Congregational ohurch at Oanandaigua, Leu a wee county. A four months old veal at. Dundee weighed 293 pounds. In Ann Arbor boardiug honses he wonld make veal pot pie for two months, three weeks and twenty-fonr days. Ben. F. Pane, of Perrysbnrg, Ohio, formerly of Azalia, desires to return to Michigan, my Michigan, and has purohased a home and lot at Dundee. "Yes," said one of the justices, "the supervisors cut the jnstices' bilis, but they did not fail to draw pay for full time." - Manchester Enterprise. At a Manchester auction corn was sold for löcentsabushel recently, thelowest price proba bly that seotiou has ever known. John F. Spafard, of Manchester, is feeding for the market 450 Montana sheep, which he bought last week in Chicago. Manchester's fonr hnndred will dance at their Arbeiter hall Thanksgiving night. Mr. and Mrs. W. Bowers, of Maichester, fonnd their fiftieth year of wedded bliss the otherdayand both declare that ruarriage is not afailure, and they onght to know. Frank Gifford, son of JRev. W. M. Qjfford, of Howell, was in front of the Detroit Journal's office whenthe big explosión oocurred. He was riding a wheel at the time and the ' machine dropped in at an open window while Gifford made a sudden cali upon the pavernent. He fonnd the pavement in - or a portion of it, anyway in his face, and everybody says his escape from instant death was a kindly dispensation of providence. i Gifford is enongh of a celebrity now that the Sonth Lyon Excelsior feels called upon to arise and claim him as a "favored son" of that village, as his father once saved sonls there. James Cunningham closed a life of toil and hoDest labor at Chelsea on ttie lOth. FTe leaves a widow and seven children to monrn his loss. South Lyon has a new barber shop, a new tin shop. a new bakery.a new feed mili, and tbere are prospeots of another bauery and feed mili. J. D. Murdok, who strops a razor at South Lyon and talks about the weather in sweet, dulcet tones, had a cióse shave for his life one night recently. He went over to Northville to visit and while there he had a misunderstanding with a sldewalk. The bit of defectivo plank biffed him such a hard rap that wheu he carne to he found he had two fingers out of joint and a knee severely injnred. Queen LilahooJahooladance will write letters from the Hawaiian islands to Lthe Chelsea Standard. She will have an amanuensis in a person who, the Standard says, "has had special experienoe as a traveled correspondent and journalist." Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Welch leave Chelsea to go to Wallingforrl, Conn., wbere Mr. Welch has acoepted a position as mauager of the Hoosatonic manufaeturing company Emmet Walsh, formerly connected with the Chelsea Savings bank, died recently of consumption at Humboldt, Neb. He was a well liked and popular young man. Chiokon pox at Chelsra is making the little ones look as if they had just been caught telling lies. Mrs. Marshall slipped and feil at Ohelsea reoently and broke her wrist. Mrs. Henry Frey died last week at her home in Ohelsea. She leaves a husbaud and ohild. Austin Yooum has entered the mercantile business at Manohester. It was case of Austin, Yocum from Chelsea to Manohester. LHa, ha. Mrs. Lofty, here is one for you from the Grass Lake News : "The aext time you go to a ohnrcb sooial or to a churoh diuner or snpper, just nore how a small band of sisters clap on Ueir aprons and pitch bravely into the work, while otheis of the sisterhood lie baok and fan. The drones no doubt flatter themselves that their indolent selfishness is not noticed, bnt it ie, and provokes comment from all sides. Such people, as they go through life, should be willing to help share oommon burdens of this nature and not saddle Üem all on others. ' ' The County Teachers' Association meet at Manohester tomorrow. All the eduoators in the connty will explain teelatest and most soientiflc methods of using the rod and making spare the ohi2 . . Lew Watkino, residing near Grass Lake, is a sweet temperad angel. When te boys and girls oame ont from the village Hallowe'en night and began to have "fun" Lew went and hitched up tbe family team and took them all back to town, "jast to get rid of them. " TheGrass Lake News editor anmounces that he has "gone into trainiag for Thanksgiving. " He proba bly oxpeots to be able to eat au hydraulfo ram by the time the turkey day cnmes roond. Ered H. Blosser, of the Manchester Enterprise, is another one of those bleated newspaper men who has gone to the Atlantao Exposition. He stopped at Cinoinnati to teil the Ohio press assooiation how he runs a country newspaper so that there is money in it to take a jannt occaaionally, and also enquired at the Enquirer office if there was "any mail from home. " Manohester banks were found O. K. the other day by a deputy banking com■tissioner. ; Here ia the view the Manchester Enterprise man takes of it: "Tom Swan.a Detroit saloon keeper, offers to give the reoeipts of his bar to the relief of the sufferers from the explosión, if the other saloon keepers will do the saine. That wotild be fair, beoanse if Thompson had not gone ont to talk with that man who went to get a drink, he might have been looking after the boiler and the explosión have been arerted. ' ' Maj. Geo. Winans, of Hamburg, has jast retnrned home from Okiahoma, where he has business interests. He says the dronght is oausing great hardships to settlers there. Capt. Fallón, who was egged at Ypsilanti recenily, fignres that Grand Bapids' eggs are of the china variety, and has gone there to ornsade. The Xpsilanti Seatinel says" Ypsilanti kseps her nnderwear. ' ' In other words, she keeps her shirt on, as the report tkat the whole Hay-Todd concern is coming here was without foundation. "Jaok, the Peeper" is being looked for with a doublé barrelled sbot-gun at Müan, Milan wants a few more electric lights. Milan is not so strong as it used to be. A new garbage ordinance has gone UI CO QttüOt. There are more deer being killed in the north woods by hnnters from the Borthern and western part of the oounty taan ever ran aoroas a clearing, more stags than ever "at eve had drnnk theirflll. " The Grand Rapids Press says that Mxs. Chas. B. Pratt has gone to Dexter t visit relatives and friends for several weeks. - Petoskey Demoorat. Erastus and Dodson Webster, the Hamburg dyuamiters, have baen sentenoed to two years each in the branoh state's prison at Marqnette. Tohmspon, of the Dexter Leader was ia Ann Arbor to see the hyptotist last week. He must have been badly mesinerized for the Argua reoeived no copy of his paper last week. The physiology class examined the anatomy of a beef 's heart yestarday bnt did not encoeed in flnding the seat of affection. - Sohool Notes in Saline Observer. Children, when yon older grow you will flnd that dead hearts never have affeotions. E. A. Hanser, of Saline, will answer to a $10,000 claim for damages in the circuit court in December, Clifford Shaw olaimant. Marian Mnrray once went to school at the Normal, and now she has oomnaitted suicide in Detroit. Her father says her head "wan't right. " Ypsilanti taaidons will "tnmble roand 'neath a big moustache. " Anyway, eome of them will for Ypsilanti youch have formed a whisker clnb and the one who looks like Peffer first will be given a red necktie. The jewelry flrm of Stone & Carpenter, at Ypsilánti.has been dissolved, Mr. Stone retiring. Commissioners of Pablic Works Bedell and Curtis have resgined at Ypsilanti on account of disrnption with members of the council. Northville sees a new windinül factory and telephone exchange. The uew woman threatens to reign at Pinckney. Tho street lighting was recently discontinued on acoount of the expense, and now the women have all signed a petition asking the village oouncil to make it possible for their hnabands to find their way home nights. The village of Chelsea pays $140 a month for its elpctiic lights. A gymnasium wUl oocupy the old " Presbyterian churoh -. Ypsilanti. Er City Clerk MoKinstry of Ypsilanti j haa depositad a certified oheek for $1,405 as an evidenoe of good faith that he will make good the shortage in the city clerk's offloe, his illness having caused delay in adjusting the matter. Howell and Pinokney will play foot ball Thanksgiving day. The marriage of Geo. Van Horn and Miss Mary Leece, of Ham burg, ooonrred last Satnrday at Hamburg. Chas. Gates, of Pinokney, who was arrested on complaint of Mrs. Nanny Beebe who clairued he was gnilty of laroeny in taking crops from hor farm which did not belong to hiin, has now tnrned the tables and broaght snit against Mrs. Beebe on the grounds of false imprisonmont. He was acquitted on the charge Mrs. Beebe made on his hearing in justice court.