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Circuit Court Jurors

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The following are the jurors who aave been drawn to serve at the Deceinoer term fo the circuit conrt : A.nn Arbor oity - First wurd - Ambrose V. Robison. Seoond ward - Albert Schumacher. Third ward - Ernest Dieterle. Fourth ward - Philip Schumacher. Fifth ward - Ernest A. Rehberg. Sixth ward- Wm. Biggs. Seventh ward - Frank Feiner. Anu Arh ■ town - Fred C. Stabler. Augusta - Lee N. Vedder and Eugene M. Childs. Bridgewater - James Hogan. - Richard Whalin. Freedom - Lambert Reno, jr. Lima - Sherman Pierce. LocH - Tobias Lanbengayer. Lyndon - Andrew J. Boyce. Manchester - Herman Leonard. Northfleld- tíeo. Geilach. Pittsfield - Sidney Harwood. Salem - John D. Haywood. Saline-'-Geo. Finkbinder. Soio - D. E. Quish. Sharon - Jacob Lehman. Superior- M. F. Galpin. Sylvan - Frank Stalïan. Webster - Wm. Latson. York - Chas. Blackmer. Ypsilanti - First district - J. M. Chidister. Second district - John Thompson. Ypsilanti town - Geo. Slayton.