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The Ann Arbor Savings Bank!

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REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF At Ann Arbor, Michigan, at the close of business, September 28, 1895. RESOURCES. LIAB1LIT1ES. Loans and Dlacouuts, Ï4S8 '46 44 Stocks, Bonds, Morts-ages, eto " 5UIM46 95 Capital stock pald in $ 50,000 00 Overdrafts .Y.'.". ]'32O Ü Surplus f und, 150,000 00 Bankinghouse "..." 20500 00 Undivided profits lesscurrcncexpenFurniture, Fbctures s'917 W ses. Interest and taxes paid 13,103 3 O ther Keal Estáte '_.'_ 7J607 07 Dividends unpaid 109 0 CASH. DEPOSITS Due f rom banks in reserve cities ... 80 907 29 1B?g g W1 deP6lt8' SUbJ6Ct 171 V Nickelsand pennies 330 14 Savings diitB,":."::."::.".'".".":."." 669.R6') lTOrTJin 3?'2M SaviuSscertKlcaieRofdeposlt, 9(i,947 ij'SS 88 Du tobanks and bankers " Ü ■1,153,732 78 ïl.163,732 78 STATE OP MICHIGAN, I County of Washtenaw. f 88I, Charles E Hiscock, eashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statemont is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. Chas. E. Hiscock, Cashier. rz:Sub8cribed and sworn te before me, this lst day of October, 1895. Michael J. Fiutz, Notary PubHe. Correct Attest: Christian Mack, W. D. Harriman, David Kinsoy, Directors. Capital security, - $100,000 I Toal assets, - $1,000,000.00 Capital stock paid in, 50,000 Surplus,. - - 150,000.00 Transacts a general banking business; buys and sells. exchanges on New York, Detroit and Chicago; sells drafts on all the principal cities of Europe. This bank, already having a large business, invites ruerchants and otners to open accounts with them with the assurance of the most liberal dealing consistent with safe banking. In the Savings Department interest at the rate of f our per cent. is paia semi-annually, on the first days of January and July, on all sums that were deposited three months previous to those days, thus affording the people ot tms city and county a perfectly safe depository for their funds, together with a return in interest for the same. Money to loan on approved securities. Dibectors.- Christian Mack, W. D. Harriman, Daniel Hiscock, vvniiam Deubel, Willard B. Smith, David Rinsey, and L. Gruner. Officers.- Christian Mack, President; W. D. Harriman. Vice-President Chas. E. Hiscock, Cashier M. J. Fritz Ass't-Cashier.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News