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for Infants and Children. THIRTY year' ooservation of Castoria with the patronage ojt million of persons, pormit m to speak of it wlthont gnessing. It i nngnestionaply th best remedy tor Infanta and Children the world ha ever huma. It ia hannle. Children lihe it. It , give them health. It -will ave their live. In it Mother havo something whioh i apsolntely afo and praotioally perfect aa a child'g medicine. Castoria destroyg Worm. Castoria allays Feverishn- a. Castoria prevent vomiting Sotir Cnrá. Castoria cnre Piarrhoaa and Wind Collo. Castoria relieve Teething Tronóles. Castoria core Constipation and Flatnlenoy. Caatoria nentralize the effect of oarponio acid ga or poiionon air. Castoria does not contain morphine, opinm, or other narootio property. Castoria agsimilatea the food, regnlato the stomach and Dowel, giving healthy and natural sleep. Castoria 1 pnt np in one-sie bottle only. It 1 not old in Tmlfe. Don't allomr any one to sell yon anything ele on the plea or promli that it is " jnst a good " and "will answar every pnrpose." See that yon g-et C-A-S-T-O-R-I-A. The fao-simile o' ,rir„ „ " i on every ■ïgnatnro of uxfy -eCc4 irrapper. Children Cry for Pitcher'8 Castoria.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News