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Adolph Weimer wears an eye in monrning from falling on an icy side walk Monday. Charles Lang had the misfortune Monday morning to fall on an icy Main ■treet walk and break bis arm. The first Hobart Guild reception will be given at Harris hall Thursday evening, December 12, at 7:30 o'clock. Wadhams, Ryan & Reule have disposed of their Battle Creek clothing business to Jas. N. Riley and Wm. F. Tischer. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Camp say it is the flnest nine pound girl that was ever born in anybody's honse. The arrival was on Saturday. Charles Hermann and Miss Emma M. Hermann were united in marriage Tuesday evening at the home of the bride's mofcher, 89 South First street. The three year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Brown, of 45 Pontiac street, tipped a cup of hot greese over her face Saturday evening, making a bad scald. Ann Arbor was once the home of Mrs. Addie B. Hollan, who has been found guilty in the United States oonrt of embezzling money orders while postmistress at North Grand Rapids. She was sentenced to two years in the Detroit house of correction. Ernest Heiiway, with Goodspeed, shoedealer, had a "sassy" scrap Saturday night with two burly fellows who were under the influence of liqnor They made a request for money which was refused, whereupon they proceeded to chastise Heiiway hip and thigh. Heiiway hung on to his ïnoney, however. Samuel Graham, ex-captain of Hose Co. No. 2, at Ypsilanti, was arrested several months ago for alleged arson. He was released without trial. He makes claim i'or wages from the time of his arrest until the date of his discharge, in order to remove the stain from his name. Ho claims that suit will be cominenced unless the claim is satisfied by the city otherwise. The big M;isonic fair in Detroit has opeued nnd is a groat eoooesB. The deer hunters have retnrned home laden wirh venison and antlers. The time for hunting deer expired Monday. Ex-Cougrossman Allen owing to the storm did uot leoture before the Uiiity club last Monday night, but wül do so at some future date An extra coach had to beadded to tje T. & A. A. excursión train to Chicago Wednesday inomiug in order to accommodate the laï'ge crowd. Miss Mary T. Wadswortü, of Boston, will locture before the Cnity club Tuesday eveniug, December 3, upon Thackeray. The date has been changed to Tuesday evening on account of the Choral Union oonnert Monday evening. Artistic statuary, as fine as anything that has been seeu in Ann Arbor in a long time, granea the front yard of Prof. B. C. Burt, on Washtenaw avenue one day this week. The stataes were made of snow aad were molded very gracefully by one of the professors' sons. Michael Laubengayer died at the res idence of Christiau Eberbach, on Pack ard street, Monday evening, of heart disease, aged 75 years. Death was very sudden, Mr. Laubengayer having jusl finished the evening meal and being about to move his chair from the table when he sank to the floor and iminediately expired. Thanksgiving day, 1895, may be put down as one of the finest days of our early winter. There was good skating where the water was without ourrenl and just enough snow early in the morning to say there was sleighing. Union services were held at the Congregational church and there were a great nuraber of faraüy reunions and general rejoicings among our citizens. Elizabeth Lum has petitioned the probate court to have Noah W. Cheever removed as special administrator of the estate of Merchant H. Goodrich. The petition sets forth that Cheever now ïolds a deed of 22 feet of land next to Sweet's feedstore whioh belongs ti. the estate and that he has failed to come o any understanding with her concernng the ground. The matter will come up for hearing before Judge Babbitt december 2. The Ypslianti Sentinel is not yet eatng his bread and bntter with relish. le insista on standing in the corner with the snlks, jnst because the board of supervisors desired their prooeedings ead and therefore made the Argus and Courier the official printers of them. 7he board will no doubt breathe muoh asier when they know that the Sentinel will nqt sue them, as he claims be nright, and forcé payment, but that he will be content "topoint out tothe Ann Arborgang the unfairness ánd illegality f their action." Tbere was a violent wind storm Monay night whio'u must have awakened very household in town. Many perons arose and lighted lamps and turned. n the electrioity and began to pull own the family bibles and rnb the ust off in thé firm belief that the cylone wnold blowriill the buildings in own down and bringdeathandconsteration in its wake. There was the exeotation next morning of finding much amage done but aside frotn a few trees and branches being laid low no harm was done. The lattioe work at the jail ailed to weather the storm. James Boardman, of Jaokson, was rrested Monday and taken before Justce Pond late that afternoon on a charge 'o obtaining money by the unlawful method of gambling. The complaining wifcness is Henry Hogan, of Ypsilanti. The story goes that two pais of Boardman's acoosted Hogan, telling him they iad a 'sncker" in a third party, who inrned out to be Boardman. Hogan, intead of playing somebody else, was )layed himself and the poker sharps reieved him of $200, $85 of which was eturned. Boardman gave bail to apear Deoember 10 for examination. He ;nrned the tables on Hogan next day by ïaving him arrested on a charge of keepng a gambling room ih tne Franklin ïouse. The two men settled their controversy Wednesday and complaints upon both ides has been withdrawn. ! New píate glass Windows have "Aee put in at the poatoffice. Rosa Grauger's coniraission as cap tain of the Light lufautry has arrived Soveral penple were hnrt while coast ing od Corksorew hill yesterday. On student was knocked seuseless and au other, Brodhead by name, had his lej, fmctured. While takiug down his awning Wed nesday Cl as.' F. Pardon broke one o his piate glass Windows in the front ol his market ou North Main street. Th glass was insured. Emil Conrad and Wm. Hnddy were tried befor8 Justiee Pood Wednesday on a charge of stealing a robe froin Fred Breisch. The robe was found iu the cntter of oDe of the two but tbere was no evideuce showing that either o: the men had stolen it, and they were accordingly discharged. Rev. J. M. Barolay, of Detroit, dis cussed the war from the southern stand point, as the secoud number in the Y M. C. A. course at the Presbyterian nhurch Tuosday night. The war is often heard discussed from the northerner's standpoint but when such men as Gen Gordon and Rev. Barclay teil us the southerner's side, it has a novelty anc charm, which is greatly appreciatfid. Rev. Mr. Barolay's effort was enjoyec by all who heard him. Miss Bertha Weinmann and Mr. Martidf Schaller were nnited in marriage last evening ac the nome of the bride on First street. The bridesmaids were Mis Lizzie Kemper and Miss Weinmann, sister of the bride. The best men were Louis Wenmann,ia cousin. and a brother of the bride. Rev. Max Hein offlciated. The bride was attired in white brocaded satin, and her sister was gowned in a yellow silk, while Miss Kemper wore a light blue silk. The newly wedded couple comtnenced housekeeping at once in finely appoiuted rooms over the Schaller store on Bast Washington street. Mr. Schaller is one of the most prominent of our young business men and the best wishes of scores of friends go with the newly married pair.