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" The Niágara Falli Route. ''"' CENTRAL STANDARD TIME. Taking Effect Nov: U, 1S95. GOING EAST. Detroit Night Bx ....5 40 a, m. Atlantic Express 7 30 " Grand Rapids Ex 11 05 Mail and Express 3 50 p. m. N. Y. & Boston Sp'! 5 00 Fast Ea8tern -Í0 12 GOING WEST. Gd. Rapids Fa't N'pa'r 2 5:! a. m. Boston, N. T. &Ch T 30 Mail & ExpresR _ 8 38 North Shore Limited 9 25 Fast Western Ex 2 00p m G. E. & Kal. Ex 5 5-, Chicago Night Ex 10 2? Pacific Express .12 15 O.W. BUGGLES H. W. HA YES, S. P. ft T. Agent Chicswu. Ag't Ann Arbor. THE ART ÜMATËÜR Best and Larf;est Practical Art Magazine. (The only Art Periódica] awarded a Medalat the Wor'd'sFa.v.) InvaluahU to dl whn wwh tn make thetr living bv art ar tn mnke their homes hetmtiful Fnr lili we wi" son(i a"y one i 0 rui lul inentionins rhis MV tion a specimen copy, with uperb Vr W color platus (íoroopying or ƒ raming) and 8 suppleuientaj'y pages of designs (regular prloe35c). Or fOH 5c we will send alao "Iatmiiiji for Hei{iiiiiers" (90 pagesl MONTAiü'K MRRS, 23 ITiiion Square. N.Y. LIOK m tul iiPi KTJ Via 0H " Via lO Via q'J Pennsylvania SHORT LINES. Most direct from Michigan to the East.Soutb sast and South. Kor details addrews F. M. Bushons traveling Passenger Agent, Detroit, Michigan. CAN I OBTAIN A PATENT? FOT prompt answer and an honest oprnioc, WTite te M U NN de CO., who have had nearly flf ty reara1 experience in the patent business. Commnnlcatione strictly confldential. A Handbook of In. formatlon concerninü Patenta and Dow to otain them sent free. Aiso a catalogue of mecnaaical and scientlflo books sent Iree. Patenta taken through Munn x Co. reeeiTO special noticeinthe Scientific Anierican. n thus are brmmht wldely beforethe pubhc wivBout coat to the inventor. Th8 splendld PW"itsued weekly, elefrantly illustrated. has by far the largest circulation oí any scientiflc worK in m world. S3 a year. Sample copies sent free. Building Editlon.monthly, $2.60 a year. 8IHRM copies, 25 cents. Every mimber contaras iemtfal plates, in colors, and photoRraphs oi : nejr houses, with plans, enablinghuilders to show tua LANS PIASTER! LIME AND CEMENT. DRAIirriLE. IiOUIS ROHDEi Main Office - 36 E. Huron Street. Yards- 50 West Huron Street. - H. WILLIAMS, VT. Attomv at L&w and Femion Claim AttornsT, MILAJÍ, M1CH. and Collections. jBs fowzibzd and pïsrnoD Bn, The tronBwt and paretI.T BHTA maio. Unliko otber Lye, t beinf BH pipe, dislufectlng '"„J4??? ■f wasflng bottlea, palnti, trees, eto. lftfc PEKÏA. BALT M'Ï'G CO■B wS Oea. Agtó., flilla., Pa. Pensions! Detroit Free Press.


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