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The viUage of Wayue has voted watei Works. The Livingston connty fair grounds will be sold. Glen V. Mills expects to have bie connty directory ready for delivery by December 15. Mrs. Bush, of Peabody, Kansas, ie a guest at the home of Géorge Sherman, in Saline. Geo. Richel, an Ypsilanti saloonist, has got to answer for three distinct and separate charges of violating the liquor law. The heavy wind the other morning broke a number of things at MUan, including the uight's rest of numerous good citizens. Mr. and Mrs. M. Edger, who have spent the past year in and about Milan, have returned to their forrner home at Monticello, Wis. The heavy wind of last week Monday night tore up sonie steel roofing on S. M. Bixby's uufinished mili at Saline entailing qnite a loss. Prof. McConnell has resigned as anperintendeut of the Grass Lake union school and will go to El Paso, Texas, for a pnlmouary tronble. Jas Roberts and Orville Stauton, of Webster, will dehorn cattle by an improved appaiatus reoentiy pnrchased by them for tha purpose. Ed Easterly, of Milan, comes to Anu Arbor to do work abont the connty and city buildings and criticize produotions at the opera house in his capacity as janitor. Milan is a wild and wooly town and nobody can disoredit that statement since a tnrkey was shot in a tree on the main Street. The gobbler had escaped frorn a rafflo. Fred B. Hatten, of Tompkins, and Miss Mae, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chris. Uesterle, of Chelsea, were ïnarired iu Jackson recentiy. They will ies'de in Jackson. Milan has a new club christened the "IV LD." The Leader guesses that meaus "four lovely dauisels. " It ruay be au old maids' club, in which event it may be the "fonr lonely damsels. " Milao has one aro light which in being lowered the other day feil and broke. Milanites now grope in the dnrk and have excuses to kiss other men 's wives apon the supposition that they are their o wil. Milan people are fast learning the differente between Shakespearo"s "Oh, Wliat a Night,"' and one of Charloy Hoyt's tragedies. They have excursions to the swaiiip angel town every night thero is a good productinu there. Saline has a pastor who berates base ball from his pulpit. He is a littJe behind time just now. It is tlíe proper thing this time of year to advance afev? iders on the death deal ing football game. Gt out yonr football of derision and make a timely touchdown, Mr. Pastor. Rev. Mc B. Milne, the Baptist preacher at Dundee,hearda"still, small voice" caliiiij; hini to Plymoutii at a salary of 1,000 per year, and be will obey the voice of the Lord and bogin his work among the Piigrims about the second Sunday of next ( December ) month. - Milan Leader. The Adrián Press cama down $5,000 on its price last week. Two weeks ago Stearns otïered the plant to Bill - no ' Willain- Bogardus, of Milan, for a ; hundredth part of his expected J 000 legacy, and last week he offered it to Mrs. Starkweather, of Ypsilanti, for $10,000. What'll ye take for it this ' week, brother. - Milan Leader. ' H. A. Yonng is having poor luck in picking out a good day for his auntion. He first advertised it for the 19th. It was a very stormy day and the sale was postponed to the 2oth, and that was a very, very storm yday, and the sale ! ■was further postponed to tomorrow, the . SOth, at 12 o'clock sharp. We've not been compiaining, as we have printed ( three sets of bilis for this oue sale. - Milau Leader. , Advertising does pay the advertiser. A Hudson mau is getting weaifhy by advertising "15c dishwashers. " Orders, accompauied hy fcbo c;ish, roll in by the bushel. For the twenty-five cents the enterprising advertiser seuds the purcIiaKer a coihidou piece of olotb about fourteen iuches ou the square ■with printed instruction? to "wet the cloth iu warm water coutainiug a liberal allowance of soap, pull back the sleeves and proceed in the good old fashioned way." - Milan Leader. ( it-ke & Blnm, ülauoLester merohants, will go out of business. Tbo Ypsiliiriti ponltry assocation will hold a meeting January 1, 2, 3 and 4, 1896. The Washtenaw County Mutual adjusted losses last Satnrday aggregating $3,200. A Mancbester boy found the water wet and cold when he broke throngh the ice tho other day while skating on the mili pond. Milán has twelve secret sooieties, ono to each 83 iuhabitauts. It takes the whole village commou to pasture the goats. Died at the home nf Mrs. J. A. Marshall, of Lodi, Monday, of cancer, Miss Ella Drake, age 41 years. The funeral 9ccurröd 'm Wednesday. Miss Fitchell, who teaches in Dexter ;md spouds her Snndays in Ann Arboi-, had her pocket picked at the Dexrer ïepot reoentlty of her pnrse oontaining m. The Standard Oil Co. will make Dhelsea a distributing station for Dexr and Grass Lake, and will put in ;ank i there with a total capacity of 0,000 gallons. Fifteen new chicks are being nursed ly a Manchester chicken raiser. A ben stole her nest under the barn and came off the other day very proud of her aohievement. The builder of the first Baptist church , in this oity is dead at Kalamazoo. He was Henry W. Coddington, who died Sunday of an apoleptio stroke, aged 67 years. Manuheater is headquarters for trapv pera and the festive polecat is shipped 1 ín large numbers from the expresa 1 offioe, mnoh to the regret of the very seleot people of the village. Mrs. Lee Williams, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Shirley, of Benjamin street, died at her home in Quincy, Hl., last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Shir■ ley Jeft Monday to attend the funeral. "There will be two fnll moons next month, " says the Dexter Leader. In whioh event of oourse Bibulous will have no fanlt fonnd with hira if he sees "two moons rise ov r the oity where thore should have been but one. " Sediment ao inoh thiek has formed ia the pipes of the water works at Howell and the Herald thinks the water shonld be tested by a chemist to see if the animalcnlae in the mud contaius the deadly typhoid germs. Room 9 iu the Western house, at Brighton, is said to bring good Iuok to bachelors, inasmuch aa whoever sleeps in it speediiy beoomes a benediot. if he is uot already one. It is said that the nnmbr of men who shun this room as hny would sure death is fabulons. Mr. and Mrs. ft. H. Soadin, of L)exter, who have neon at Highlands, N. C, all suinmer, are now at the Atlanta exposition. Mr. Scadin will spend t,he winter iu Clay Springs, Florida, and Mrs. Soadin will pass the winter with her people iu Webster. fiev. W. H. Walker, ofChelsea, is on the saloonists' ear most of the time. Last Snnday he preached upon "The ftconomios of the Chelsea Saloon." lust hpw Mr. Walker gets all bis infornaation is not known for it is stated ou good authority that he doesn't drink a drop. It is estiinated that it wonld cos Dexter Jl.nOO to pnt in an electric plaut aud $3,000 more to wire the village. The matter of putting in an elctric syntem is still tieing agitated and Mr. Birkett has been to Cbelsea and Howeli looking over the plants there. Henry C. Harris, who once resided at Pinckney, is now a real estáte man at Cripple Creek, Col., where everybody is getting rich or going broke. Henry once attended the Dexter high school which act, it is believed, has mnch to do with bis sncoess in life, if he is successfnl, aud nothing to do with it ií he is't. Dexter, Thanksgiving night, had a dance at the rink. It began at a fashionable honr, 10:30, fora man by the name of McVeagh, from Detroit, had to flrst entertain the crowd with a magie lanteni show of tbeKillarney lakes and Blaruey Castle and other Irish points of interest. Stndfintsgalore were there and nobody expected nobody and the ovehestra playod Ben Bolt with base horn pedal attachment which would have fwnt Svengali into oonvulsions. tf (he boys had expected the big crowd they bad they wonld have had an Ann Arbor or Jaokson orchestra and done the right thing. Capt. Allen will, leotnre before the Unity olnb upon "The Greatest American."- Ann ArborArgns. The Captain intends, probably to trofcJoshua Windham, of Toledo, to the front. Josh woighs 517 pounds. - örassLake Newa. We see by the Argus that the medical deparfcment of the state university is out of "stiffs. " The snpply f rom tb e poor honses and prisons bas nearly ceased and dissection threatens to become a lost art at Ann Arbor. The News sees an easy way out of the difficnlty. Let the medies cast lots and pitcb every ffitb man into the pickling vats. This would fnrnish "snbjects" and oorrespondingly redoce the mortality in cornmnnities suoh young sawbones would devástate after graduation