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Mi. Kuorpp has been in Toledo on business. Howard Macoinber has returned home from his eastem trip. John Lehaiann, of Ann Arbor was in town on husinoss recently. Miss Minnie McAdam spent Sunday at her home in Clinton. George Curry began delivering milk to customers last Monday. Mr. Dearmeyer.of Brooklyn, has been visiting her father, Mr. Pfieffle. Miss Ida Gwinner. of Ypsilanti, is visiting frionds in and abont Manchester. Mr. Tifcus and two children drove over from Auu Arbor last Snnday, and were the guests of N. Schmid and family. Mr. Whinuery, froin Adrián, a most excellent drawing teacher, has organized a drawing class here. Tbanksgiving sevices were held at the Baptist and Lutheran churohes Thursaay at 10:30 a. m. The uew firm of Yocum, Mars & Co. are busy reoeivin? and arranging their new goods in the store formerly occupied byKempf &Co., for the opening Saturday, November 30. The Thanksgiving party given by the young men at Arbeiter hall Thursday evening was largely attended and enjoyed by all. The opening of the M. E. church last Sunday was largely attended. Rev. L. P. Davis, of Detroit, preaohed in the forenoon, Rev. Dan Shier, of Marine City, preached in the evening. Nearly euough rnoney was ráised to pay the church debt. The Alpha Sigma held their reglnar meeting in the chapel Monday evening. A very good program was carried out. The election of officers for the coming term resulted as follows: President, Lizzie Farrell ; vice president. James Kellam; secretary, Clarence Berger; treasurer, Libbie Rawson.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News