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Mrs. IS. (Jarpenter returnea irom Jrettysville Friday. John Doody spentThanksgiviug with his daughter ia Detroit. Miss Nettie Mowers has retnrned home after a two ruoutbs stay in the itale of New York. Geo. Bell and family were gnosts of friends near Piackney one day last week. Alley & Sons, dry goods merchants, have their windows decorated with Christmas goods. Our blacksmiths were all kept busy last week. This is a cold starter for a mild winter. A splendid way for neighbors to be n good terms aud stop quarreling , is to keep the line fence in repair. Chas. Oarpenter and wife entertained their daughter from Ann Arbor the latter part of the weak. John Sohieferstein and mother ,were at Anu Arbor Friday The first entertainment of the Dexter leoture course ws given at the opera konse Nov. 27 and was fairly atteuded. Byron Hopkins and wife entertained friends last week. Miss Clark visited Ann Arbor friends ïriday last. Frank Erwin entered the Hudson gohool Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Lowry and daughters, f St. Ignaoe, are here to spend the winter. Mr.Fiske and family have moved' into ur vieinity. G. Clark, of Hamburg, was sbaking hands with his old friends here Saturay. G. Sutzer and wife are entertaining friends. John Pratt, jr., was in Hudson Wed■esday. Mr. Goodard was here several days last week. Torn Shehan and sister Lorefto were home from ïpsilanti over Sunday. Mrs. F. Carpenter and sons were the jnests of her parents Thanksgiving. Mr. Staelber, of Ann Arbor, was here on Thursday. W. G. Carpenter speut Thursday and Triday in Livingston county. Mrs. Darrow, of Pinokney, was the guest of friends Wednesday. Mrs. Schnlts entertained her danghter frorn Ann Arbor Thursday Mrs. ReasoD and son were in Ann Arbor Friday. Bart Taylor was at Hamburg Saturday. F. S. Al ley speiit one day last week iu Ann Arbor. John G-allagher is havingr his honse rpeaired. Nearly one hnndred couples atteuded ;he dance at the opera house Thanksjiving evenirig. Miss Maggie Armstrong is at Jackson, as the guest of her sister for a few weeks. Mrs. James McCiuskey, of Jaokson, visited her parents Thanksgiving. Theron Benedict left Monday for Goldwater where he has a good paying position. The Misses Savey entertained their cousius from Jacksou the past week. Mrs. Frank Carpouter will spend two weeks with her Jackson friends. Hiram Pierce is at home from Ann Arbor. Miss May Guiñan is the guest of her rnany frienda in this vieinity. Will Crofoot and wife, of Pinckney, called ou their friends Monday. Win Voorhis and wife ontertained friends last Sabbath. Miss Alice Devine, teacher of the Podnak school, gave a box social at her home Tuesday evening for the benefit oj thé school. Mr. and Mrs. Denges entertained a uumber of friends on Thursday afternoon, being victims of a surprise party. Tbe happy conple received quite a few handfiome presents.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News