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The uext .faculty oouoert will take pluoe Deomber 19. Tbe trustees of the M. E. ebnroh will hold ; meeting Monday night. A Suitable shed will be built for tlie ! housiug of the c.ty stoue roller. Hrs. Josrph Godfrey bas found a Detroit publisher for a new soug of her au'.horship. Look out for colda at this season. Keep yourseli' well and stroug by taliiug Hoods Sarsaparilla, the great touic and blood pnrifier. Tbe amount colleoted Tbanksgiviug day for the charitiable uuion amouuted to $32. 25 at tlie Cougregütioual union meeting aud $20.47 at St. Andrews. W Sextou, who was engaged in putting in tbe loug distance telephone line botween Adrián and this city, was found dead in bed Tnesday ruorniug at Adrián. Messr. Colvan and Soper, of the Hay & Todd mannfacturing company, have been east to purchase the maohinery for the Ann Arbor branch of the corinern. Calvin Bliss bas vaoated bis house, haviug rsnted it to George Stirupson, who took possession Thauksgiving day. He bas goue to live with his daugbter, Mrs. HiÏÏT of Detroit. Haller's J?welry Btore is branehing out groaler tban over before, aud they are advertisiug inore beautiful Cbristmas gifts in anotber column of tho Argus. "Redd?" Snyder and Anna Sackett were up before Justice (Jibson Monday rnorning on a charge of lewd aud laspivious conduot. " Rcddy " had to be ready with a $10 fine and costs. Toe Blackburn, the dog catcher, irnpouuded 35 canines since Nov. 5 The most of them go to tho medies who proceed to ascertain the reason of the wbatness from their inanimate forma. Chris. Brenner has faith in the veather and that it wiJl be kiud nough to furnish lots of good sleighng this wiuter. Be has put in six I lew cutters in bis livery bam. The Wiards, of Ypsilanti, have ■ ;rouud devil's kiudliug wood to the mount of 38,500 gallons of eider this i all. Before the season is over they ' iop t-n raake the total 48,000 gallons, : A special meeting of the Woman's uxiliary of tbe Y. M. C. A. is to be leid Monday, December 9, at three ; j'olock, in tbe Y. M. C. A rooms. This s a very important meeting and it is - loped that every lady interested will niake an effort to be present. It is not ofteu that sleighing as soon nakes the streets merry with the jinging bells and awakers trade into a lealthy glow of prosperity at this sea3on of the year. Last year although there were three mouths of solid sleighug it did not begin until after New Years. Miss JFW-a Charlotte Finley, of this iity, a niece of the lateJMrs. Clara Doty 3ates, gave the second of her parlor alks at the Young Woman's hoine in Detroit Tuesday afternoon The talk was npon childrens' books ai'd what autbors mothers would best buy for their children. Mies Charlotte A. Hewitt, aged 57 years, died at an early honr Sunday morniüg of Bright'sdisease, at the home of her brother-in-law, John Ross, 63 Jefferson street. The deceased, who i aad made her home with Mr. Ross for the past two years, had been in poor health for a long time. The remaios were on Monday taken to Jackson, ;he former home of the dceeased, for interinent in that city. A nnmber of young people of this city will givo an entertainment in the A. O. U. W. hall (over John Burg's store) Friday evening, December 6, at eight o'olock, for the benefit of the orphans' home of Detroit. They will present tho very popular and amusing play entitled " The Deestrict Skule," after which ice cream and cake will be served. The admission for the play has been put at the nominal surn of 15 cents for adults and 10 cents for children. The object is a very worthy one and every one should go and contribute bis mite and enjoy a very pleasaut eveniug with these young people. Mrs. Thomas Collier, who resides on Fourteenth street, is tne viotim of a mental derangement which causes her friends a deep solicitude in her behalf. The day before Thanksgiving she becarne quite violent and the services of Marhal Peterson and Oflicer Armbruster were needed to convey her to a place of safety. She was taken to the jail where Drs. Darling and Breakey attended iier. Her malady takes a religious turn and it is said was biought about by religious excitement at a recent revival. An order admitting Mrs. Collier to the Pontiac asylurn' was issued Mouday by Judge Bubbitt. Commenting upon the Argus item with reference to the intention of Humane Officer Petersou to arrest drivers who leave their horses nnblauketed, the Livingston Herald says: " Howell should have a humaDe offlcer made up of the same hustling qualities as the Ann Arbor officer. It is a burning shame, but nevertheless a fact, that there are men (?) in this vicinity who are heartless enough to tie their horses to a hitching post, where they will let them remain for hoïirs at a time in the coldest of weather without coverng or protecton of any kind. With a commodious ten cent barn in our village there is no excuse whatevor for bis oruelty to dumb animáis. George E. Foote of Ypsilanti bas beeu granted an origiual peusiou. The juuior exhibitiou of the hïgh ! school will not take place nntil April ' tuis year. It nsn;illy oocurs in Febi-uary I The case of DePne vs. city of Anu Arbor will very likcly Ie tried iu the circuit conrt ncxt ve;k. The Typograpbical Uniou wiH fielebrate Beu Franklin's birtbday, Jauuary lli, witn a hop at Light Infautry hall. The entertainment coiiunittee of the Y. il. C. A. reportad this week that the Detroit Y. M. .O. A. excursión wa a fiiiaiicial -winoor to the anionnt of $135.35. Rev. and Mrs. Cobern are listening to the sweetest mtisic ever heard. It emauates from the lnngs of a new baby boy wbo arrived at the parsouage Wednestlay. The petitiou íor a mandaruna to compel the removal of tho homeopathie department to Detroit was withdrawn Tnesday. The attomeys await only to agree upou certain facts which it is nocessary to show iu the petitiou when the action will be re-comirienced. Mrs. Magdalene Schneider died at her home, corner Fountain and Felch streets.Tuesday evening, aged 50 years. She leaves a husband, two sons and two daughters. The funeral services will occur this afternoon from Zion Lutheran church. The remains will be placed at rest in the vault at Forest Hill cemetery. On Monday evening Rev. John Snyder, of St Louis. Mo. , will lecture before the Unity club,upon"The Evolution of American Humor." This lecture is full of wit and fun and is greatly enjoyed by audiences who have heard it. No one who enjoys a good tl ing eau afford to miss the lecture. Single admission 15 cents. At the annual meeting of Y. M. C. A. Tuesday evening the following were elected new members of the board of directors: G. G. Stimson, R. C. Mc Allaster, G. H. Pond and E. S. Gilmore. The board organized by the eleotion of the following officers: President, C. W. Wagner; vice president, N.'J Stanger; treasurer, Geo L. Moore. The Ann Arbor roati escaped luckily Monday froin haviijg a bad accident with loss of life at Azalia. The passenger train sonth bound which passes tbrough here about uoon rau into a spread rail. The cars rau along on the grouud for quite a little distance but luYkily were iiot overturned. The passengers were badly shaken np but no one was seriously hurt. 5 Saturday "All the Comforts nf Home" will be presented at the opera hous-í by a first class conipany. This comedy has pleased as raany audiences as " Jaue " " Chai ley 's Aunt " and the otber comedies of that stsmp which have beconie famous as "exceedingly funuy. " Tiie play was written by Gillette whose comedies always make a hit for the season in New York City. Marshal Peterson was informnd Satudrdav night that about 75 or 100 peopie had gathered in Andrés' ice house to witness a dog fight. They bad hot coffee and sandwiches and eveiything ready for an enjoyable (?) eveaing when "Pete" and his depnties swooped down upon them a"nd made them close np the show. There were "sports" present from Dexter, Chelsea and Ypsilanti in addition to Ann Arbor's delegation. A peculiar and sad death was that of Freddie Gemeroth Wednesday morning. About four months ago the little fellow drank some washing compound which contained potash. The etuíT ate away the lining of the stomach and the boy was unable to take any nourishment, gradually wasting away. He was four years of age. The funeral will oocur from the house this afternoon, and interment will take pace in the German cemetery. The supreme court Wednesday ordered Circuit Court Cmmissioner Cropsey, of Kalamazoo, to take testimony in the case of the child Margaret Clancy conceroing whose possession there is so much strife. The testimony will bear upon Mrs. Clancy's fitness to have charge of the child. The Kalamazoo humane society sent a telegram to the supreme court asking that the ohild be left with its present foster parent, Mrs. Arnold Senon. of Kalamazoo. Justice Long called down the society for their action aud said that cases had to be disposed of in the supreme court upon the law and not upon sentiment.