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Local Brevities

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The street cars have been veatibuled. Jacobs & Allmand cali attention to their change of ad this week. City Treasurer Manly will eommeuce receiving taxes next Monday. Edgar B. Jewett, present mayor of Bnffalo, N Y., was born in Ann Arbor. That accounts for it. Geo. H. Jewett has been bound over at Howell to await trial in the circuit court on the charge of taking iinproper liberties with a young girl. Herman Armbruster receives a $50 gold medal f rom the Detroit Free Press for the best markmanship shown at the recent Shuctzenbund contest in Detroit. Some of the poor fellows in town wou ld havo liked to have been guests at the jail when they learned what a sumptnous bill of fare Sheriff Judson gave lns prisoners Thanksgiving day. The way in wbich Editor Pond discoursed ou that word " friend " this week was as appareut as the cold weather. Connty Cornmissioner Wedemeyer can teil you about it. Charles B. Davison oompleted his twenty--ninth year as foieman of the Conrier office last week Wednesday. Quite a lot of time that, and in it Mr. Davisou has seen many changes. His reputation in Ma3onic circles is state wide and he has been worshipful master of Fraternity lodge for five years past. Last Friday evening was a very enjoyable one for the members of the Y. M. C. A. A New England supper was given by them in their rooms and the way the boys knocked out the aesthetic Boston' baked wonld have made a Massachnsetts man beside himself with joy. Besides the festivo bean there were the oíd fashioned minee pie that "inother used to make," and the other delicacies that go to make up a New England dinner. After the snpper Nathan Stanger took his position as toastmaster or "roast" master, as yon please. The toasts were very good indeed and the young men showed an ability in that direction which would have done justioe to Channcey Depew. The sleighiug is the liuesfc ever knowi iu Ann Albor.. There will be au oyster sapper Monduy eveuiug in couuection with thi festival at Harris huil. Goethn Commandeiy. No. 28, U. P. of M. will hold thniv annual eloctiou ïhursrlay evening, December 1!. The rink bas beeu flooded for skating pnd thore is skating also at the atbletio gronnds, the oval beiug flooded. The fire department was called out Wednesday eveuiug by an incipieut bíaze i a Adanis' bazaar. Nodamage. Miss Francés Blackman died Tuesday at the bome of her gister, Mis. M. Soper, of Flint. The lemains were brought to Emory. It is reported on the streets this morning that Jacob Bower, residing uear Dexter, coininitted suioide last night by cntting his throat. The stamp sales of the Aun Arbor postofflce were 557 greater in Nuveru ber this year than they were in Novem ber of last year, au increase of about 20 per cent. The Detroit postoffice shows an increase of 8 per cent. Mrs . A. Wade, formerly of Manohes ter, but now residing for the presen with her niotlier, Mrs. Edward Burns, at 23 FoTintain street of this city, has beeu seriously ill for about etbree weeks with a .severo attack of rhemnatism. Harry R. Smith, of Ypsilanti, has ooruruencd divoroe poroaedinga in circnii court against his wife, alaimiug that she has beeu loóse in her ways of life and also charging ornelty. The conple were inarired November 11, 1892, at Waukesha, Wis. Ootober aud November of this year the remittances of the 'Aan Arbor postoffice to the Uuited Srates treasary were greater than for auy two months in its history, and this in spite of the increased expenses cansad by the imarovement iu the dliveery service. Wm. Clancy, aged 66 years, died at 9:30 last night at his home on Fourth street, of paralysis. The deceased leaves a sou, William, and a married daughter at Howell. He was formerly a briok mason. The fuueral will occur at iiine o'cloek Monday moruing from St. Thomas oburoh. Otner E. Neff, the law student frorn 3-sshen, Ind., whowas arrested Novemjer 1G ou a charge of forgery, bas bronght suit for darnages in the circuit furt against Merrill E. Wilson, of Elkhart, Ind., who, Neff claims, made misstatemeuts about bim when he Wilsou) carne he re. with the offioers ,vhen Neiï was arrested. Tho damages are placed at #10,000. E. Beal this week received general congratnlations upon the neat and original window display which he arrauged , at tüe Beal shoe store. The deoorations were in houor of the footüili victories aud the labels attached to he shoes were very pat and appropriate and made their author out to be a genline humorist Some of his friends, udging from his aptness in this particular case, believe that hp has mistaken lis calling and should be editing the unuy column in a nietropolitan newspaper. "Citizen" snms up the snow cleaung ordinance in the Times in a very acetious manner. He saysthat the ordiuance provides that every householder ruust, havo the suow cleaned off its walks by 8 a. m. This, he thinks, vould necessitate the head of the house arising at 5a. m.,to"look out of his window to see if any snow bas fallen and f there has get out and hustle and get t off. He fhinks that the oity shonld ook after the snosv and ita removal from walks, which is a very sensible view of the matter. Miss Mary E. Wadsworth spoke beore the Unity club Tuesday eveuing upon Tliackeray. The Englishmau was discussed as the cynical, but loviug nan, the jovial friend. " Henry Esmond " was i;onsidered as the best work of the author. He was quicker in ;ainiug oelebrity thau Dickeus because ie could not get himself down to the ïard work and drudgery of writing. Ris humor was wbolesome, hiscynicism more a well grounded satire. The ecture was greatly enjoyed.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News