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WaBÈINGTOjï, Dees. 5 - Mcmbers of tha house wijo have had interviews with Speaker Reed during the last two or three days on the subject of eommittea nppomrmrnis bolieya that the committeo list will be announcad beforu or not later tlian the 15th of the inonth. Formerly speakors havo not baon able to make their Belactions bafore tho Christmas holi iays, as a general rule, but Mr. Reed has the adran lage of a year, practically, in which to maitj uphia mind. He has faid to sevural th;i( he is amious fc have congresj finish its business and djourn as soon ai posaible, and all the ti'ue he can savo on oommlttoe seleotion will tend tow;rl that, result. That he bainotyet finished hi3 Hs6 is upparent, because ho told two or tliDo congreástnen jyho talked hiiu about their oomruitCeo Hssignuients that ho wantod another interview witb tbem. Kerd'ö Chief Iiftlcalty. It is nnderscuod tliüS ono of the chief difflcnlties Heüd is coutending with is the appoLnCnlents f rom bis own stato. Dingley, Bouteü.; mui Millikea would each bo entiíled to a chainn;uiship ander ordinary conditions, becausa tliey are aruong tho oldest ïiiembcra in point of service. Tho nval affalra would fall to Mr. Boutelle, and public buildings to Mr. Milliken, but to have the gpeakersliip and fehrea committoesliips giren to a stato with four membors niight provoke feoling in loss favored delefjations. How to mako an cquitable adjustment of this matter and iacur no r -sentmsnts is among the most knotty prolilems whioh the spjaker has to deal with, apart frora the relative claims of Dingley, Cannon, and Henderson to the ehairmanship of appropriations, and Payne and Dalzell tothát of tho waysand means. Conoerted Effortof Labor Men. The labor organizations of tho country are making a concerted offort to securo the appointraent of Kepresontative Phillips of Pennsylvama to the ehairmanship of the committee on labor. Thoir action is a decidedly complimentary one,c since Mr. Phillips is not idontified with labor organiïations, but, on the coutrary, is an employer of many workmen in connection with hia extensivo oil interests in Ponnsylvania. Letters have bean presented to Speaker Reed from the chief officials of tho Knigtits of Labor and American Federation of Labor.'and some fifteen otlier organizations aaking for the appointmont.


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