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" The Jfiasara FaUsficZu"" CENTRAL STANDARD TIME. TaHiuj Effect JS'ov. 4, 1895. GOING EAST. Detroit Nipht Ex 5 40 a. m. Atlantic Express 730 '■ Grsnd Rapids Ex n 05 Mail and Express 3 50p.ra N. Y. & Boston Sp'l ,5 00 Past Eastern 10 13 GOIMU WEST. Gd. Rapids Fa't N'pa'r....2 5:j a. m Boston. N. V. &Ch 730 Malí & Express 8 38 North Hhore Limited 9 25 Past Western Ex 2 OOp.m. G. lí. & Kal. Ex 5 55 Chicago Niht Ex 10 28 Pacific Expre3s ...12 15 O. W. BÜGGLES H. W . HA YES, a. P. & T. Asront Chicho, Asr't Aan Arbor. THE ART AMATEUR Best and Larpest Practical Art Magazine. (Theonly Art 1'crioílicnl awarded a Medaíat the World's Ka r.) Invaluable to all vho urisft to makt fheir living bu art nr Ut mnke homes beauíiful Fír lOf we w'" Bonl t(' any oue ) á 1 ui 1 ii toentioning this 1 flA tion specimen eopy. with uperb Ww color platea (forcopying or fraining1) and 8 supplenientary pages ofdeeig-ns (regular price 35e). Or FOK 5c we wiil send also "faintinsr for Be-iimers" (SK) pagesl IHONTAGI'E MARKX, 23 Union Square. N.V. idliA úl ma IfSdfJi íTí Via Qjl I " Via I iO Via -Q PENNSYLVANfA SHORT LINES. Most direct f rem Michigan tothe East, Soutb jast and Souib. For details address F. M. husHOM Traveling Passougur Agent, Detroit, Michigan. CA IV I OBTATN A PATENT? Fora prompt answer and an bonest opinión, write t M U SN ifc CO., who have had nearly flfty years experience in the patent business. Communica tione strictly confldential. A Hnncluook of Inormation concerninR la tenis and bow to ol tain them sent free. Also a catalogue oí mechanleal and scientlfle books sent free. Patenta taken throufth Munn & Co. receira special notice in the Soientilic Aineiicnn, and thus are broucht widely before the public wi.hout cost to the inventor. This splemha pnper, lssued weekly, elesantly illustrai pcl. has by far ttie larirest circulatinn of any scientific work In tne world. S3 a year. Sample copies sert free. Building Edition, monthly, $2.50 a year. Sinüle copies, üS cents, fevcry number contains beautlful piafes, in colors, and pliotouraphs or new houses. with plans, enabline builders to show tu tetest designs and spture contracta. Address MUNN & CO., Nkw Yokk, 301 BuoadwaT. Iktm PLÁSTESÚ LIME AND CEMENT. DRAINJILE. LOUIS ROHDE, Main Office - 36 E. Hurón Street. Yards- 50 West Hurón Street. p K. WILLIAMS, ttomer at La and Pension Claim Attorne?, MILÁN, MICH. Convoyancing and C!ollectionB. fCblchratcr't Encll.h E"i'?7níI L .jYBOYAL PILLS _,rK rlelnul n.l Only Ccnuine. A Solil by ail Locu.1 lrucLÍt. Pensions! for the month of August, 18U0; 603 alloweu Detroit Free Proas.


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