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Real Estáte tor Sale. STATE O F MÍCIIIGAN COUNTY j of VVashtellRw- ss . J Iu the matter of the est ate of Cecilia A. Unc derhijl, deeeased. hi Notice is hereby griven t h:tt In purgoance of ii an order granted to the undersifjned adminisg trator of the estáte oí said estáte by the tl Hon Judge ol' Probate fur the Comity of a Wiishtenavv, on the 12th day of November A. q I), lí-9.", there will ne eokl t public vendue, d to the highest bidder, a. front door of the l'ost o office in the city of Ypsilanti in the Couniy of A Washtenaw, in said State, on the 2lst si day of January, A D, 1S96, at ten o'clock w in the forenoon of that day (subject to uil tl oneumbranees by mortgage or otherwlse n existing at the time of thedeaihof said defi ceased) the tollowing deseribed real estáte, ii to-wit: tl That certain plece or parcel of land sitúate e in the township of Ypsilanti, county of WashA tenaw and State of Michigan, vlz: Cqmmenctl ing in thO center of the highway at the northV east cornor of the soutb-west quarter of 8ecp tion number three, running thence eouth oue a deíf'ee east along the north and 6Outh quarter ti liue of said section ten chains andseveuty w links, to the north east corner of landowned p by J. H. Marvin; thence eoutn eighty-nine ii dgrees and thirty-six minutes, west alonar the north line of said Marvin's land and the si north line of land owned by J. Horner, ten t chains; thence uorth onc degree west ten f chains and sixty-one links ti the center of t the highway on the east and west quarter w line of said seetion; thence north eiirhty-eight s degrees and thirty-six minutes east along a the center of said highway ten chains to the p place of beginning, containing ten acres of fi land, more or iess. t Dated November 12, 18fl5. ■? CIIAKLESE SAMSON, o Administrator. v - - H Notice to Creditors. s STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY of Washtenaw, ss. Notice is hereby given, thatbyan order of the Probate Oourt for tht '' County of Washtenaw, made on the lltb day of I November, A. D. 189, six monthe from that dati :' were allowed for creditor to present their claim J against the estáte of Edward Olney, late of , said county. deceased, and thut all ereditors cf said deceasedare lequiredto present theirclaimsto said Prohate Court, at the Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor, forexaminaiion and allowaiice, on or before the 1 1 tb day of May next, and , that such claims will bc heiird before said Court on tbe llth day of February, and on the II tb - day of Mav next, at ten o'clock in the fore noon of each of Said days. Dated Ann Arbor, Nov. 11, A. T). 189-i. J.WILLARD BaBUITT, Tudire of Probate. J Estáte of Edmund Clancy. ' STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY i ol Wauhtenaw, Sb. At a sesbionof the Probate q Court for tbe County of Washtenaw, holden at the t Probate Uöice in the oity of Ann Arbor, on i Tuesday, the 12th day ol November, in the year one thousnnd eight hundred and iinety-fivi prenem, J . Willairt babbitt, Judge of Probate. Ir the matter of the state ol Edmuud Claocy, deceased. David Rinsey. the administrator with the wil! anrieied, oí said estáte, coinés into court and representa that he is now preparad to reuder h)a tlnal account ai sucn adminiatrator. Thereupon it iw ordered, thwt Tuesday, the IOth day of December, next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon be assig-ned tor examinio and allowing such account, and that the devineee, légate, e anfl heirs at Iaw ot said deceaecd, and al other persone iniereetedin said eötate are required to apnear at a session of eaM court theu tobe holden at the Probate Ofiïee in the city ot Ann Arbor, in said county, ;nd shov cause, if uny there be, why the áaíd account should not be allowed. And it is further orderetl, that said adminiatrator give notice to the pernonf interested iu said estáte of the peadeDqy oí said account and the hearing theref, by eaiulng n copj of fchil order to be publialied in the Ann Aiíboií Argus, a newspfiper printedand irftitlattnft in said county, three succeasive weeks previous to said day of hearing: J.WILLARD BABBLTT, [A truecopy.] Jndgeof Probate. Wm. tí. Doty. Probate Register Estáte of Zachary Roath. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COÜNTY 0 of Washteuaw, ss. At asession ol the Probate Court for thE County of Washtenaw, hulden at ihe Protaie Office in the City of Awn Arbor, on Tuesday, the 12th öay of Noveinber, in the yearone tboitsand eight Lundivd and niiiety-fiye. Present, Willard Babbilt, Jiuige 01 fro biite. In the matter of the estáte of Zachary Koath, i ilcceiux d . John Ii. Miner, expeutor of the last will and 1 testament of said licceasnl, comes Into court uiirt reprPsenlR that he is uow pre pared to render bis liiial account ue such esecut r. ThereupOD it is ordereó that Tueeday, the 1 th day ol December uext, at fn o'clock in , 'the forenoou, be assined for xamintsg and allowinp; sucii account, und that the devise s, P légateos and luirs ut law of snid öeceaaed. and all other pereonö intcrusted in aait! S estáte, are reqnitéu to ppear tt a sescioti oí ;r aid court, then to be holden at Ihe Probate otiicc, m tho city of Ann Arbor, in said county, and show cause.ifany there be, why tlie said account '- should uot be allowed. And iL if t'urtbei ordered, thut said executor give notice to the persons intcresied in said estáte of the pi'ndt'ncy of aaid account, and the hearing thereof, b P causi'ng a oopy of thisorder to bc publithed in tht Ann Ardor Augur, a newspiipor printed andcirculating in said county, Ihrec successive weeks previous to said dav ot henring. J. WILLABJ) BA BRITT, (A truecopy.) Judjr e of Probate. WIL.LIA.M (i. DOTY. Probate Iif19ter. Mortgage Sale. nEFAULT HAV'INÖ HEEN MADE IN THE 1 conditions of payment of a eertain mortgage made the !ith diy of April. A.D. 18!t2. tiy John Pflsterer and Mary Pfisterer, hi wile, to John O. Schmid, administrator of the estáte of Christian Gnssman, deceased. I whereby the power of sale therein contained has become operativo, which mortgaife was I recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for the County of Washtenaw, on the 9th day of April, 1892, in Liber 7üol Mortgages on page 118, which mortgage was duly assigned by the said mortgageeto the utKlersigned administrator de bonis non, with the wi 1 annexed, by deed of asstpnment, dated the I9th day of October, 18Ü5, which asslgnment was recorded on tho last named dav iu the office of the Kepister of Deeds aföresald, in Liber 12 of Assignments of Mortgagee, on page 244; on which mortgage there is ciaimed to be due, at the date of this no'ice, the sum of eleven luiiulre1 and fivt! dollars, and no proceedings at law or iu equity having been instituted to collect the Mnd rudj of money or any part thereof. Notice is therefore hereby given that on the 27th day of January, A. D. 1WW, at eleven o'cloek in the forenoon of sairt day, at the south front door of the Court House, in the City of Ann Arbor. State ol Michigan, the said ' mortgage wiil be foreclosed and the lanrls nnd teñamente by the said mortgage cönveyed ; will be aold at public anotionor vendue totbe higheBt lililer tu satisfy the principal and lnI terest seoared thereby nnd íhe cost and expenses of these proceedings, including an at, toiney'8 fee of thirty-livc dollars provided for i therein. 'ihe lands. tenemonts and premises in the .u.itl mortgage mentloned and then and there bo besold are deecribed as follows: All that certain parcel of land siluated in i he city ol Ann Arbor, Miohigan, bonnded and I nescribed aa follows, to-wií: ihe west one1 fourth of Lot -o. livi in lilock No. three, i north of Huion Btreet, Bange gix east, according to the recorrted plat of the City of Ann Ar' bor, and eontaining one-filth of an aere of land. Dated, Ann Arbor, OrtoberSOth, 105. .1 GOU.l UFICHERT. Administrator d' bonis ti"ii with the will aniixd of tho estáte of Uhristlan Grossman, deceased , E. B. NüRllIS. Attornay lor Assignee of Mortgage.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News