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Sheriff's Sale. BY VIRTUEOF A WRTTOF FIEKI FACIA8 lasuedoutoi and under the seal of the .'irciiit Court for the Oounty ol Washtenaw ml State of Michigan. t me dircctedand deivered, agatnst the iroods and chatiele. lands .nd tenements of Adelia M Fisk, I did, ou be nlnth day of August, A. D. INflö, levy ipon and take all the right, title and interest ir sald Adella M. ïisk in nud to the following lescribed real estáte, situated In the County if Washtenaw and State of Michigan, to wit: Ulthone certaln pieces and pareéis of land ituated In the villaje of Chelsea, ( ounty of Vashtenaw and State of Michigan, known as he west half of all the iollowingf described arcel of land, viz: Commenclng at the south ine of Middle street in t' e Village of Chelsea, n said Oounty of Washtenaw, Michigan, at he northeast' corner of eertain lands deed:d September 28th, l!-83. by Loyel D. Loomla to Vlma Conkright.said deed being recorded in he office of the Kegistcrof Ueeds for said iVashtenaw County in Hber 111 of deeds, on age 174, and running thence southwardly ihinir the east line of said Conkright's land o the ëoutheast corner thereof; thenee eastvardly, parallel with said Middle street, to ft oint on the south line of lot (37 1 tnirty-seven. nblck(4) four of tbe original plat of said illage of Chelsea, five feet west of th outheast corner of said lot f37) thirty-sevea; hei ce nortb, parallel with and five feet west 'rom the east line of said ot (H7 thirty-seven, o the south line of said Middle street; thenee vest along the south line of taid Middl treet to the place of bezinning And also in easeinent in the east huif of said rteseribed jremises as follows: The owuershlp of one lalf of the wel! and pump on the same, and. he right to go on and about said well to draw iraier, and the tree joint use with the owner f eaid east half of said premises and to said veU. the owner of eacn respective half of lald land to beat the expense of maintalning ;aid woll and pump forever All of which 1 ;bnll exposé for safe at public auction or veniue to the hlghest bidder, as the law directa, it the south front door of the Court Hou.-e ia ;he City of Aun Arbor, (ihat being the buildng in which the Circuit Court for said Wasb;enaw County, State of Michigan, is heldi, on Monday the ninth day of December, A. D, 1895, at 12 o'clock noon. VM. JUDSON, Sheriff Nelson E. Fkeer, Chas. R. Whitmak, Defendant's Attorneys. 5 Dated October lst. A. D. 1896. Terms Of Court for the TwentySecond Judicial Circuit for 1896 and 1897. State of Michigan: The Twenty-Second fudicial Circuit, Terms )f Court in and for said Circuit for ;ne Years 1896 and 1897. I, E. D. Klnne, Circuit Judge in and forth rwenty-Second Judicial Cirouit, do hereby lix ind appoint the times of holding the several :ermsofthe Circuit Court In and within th Twenty-Second Judicial Circuit for the years S9G and 1S7 as follows, to wit: IN MONKOK COUNTY. The first Monda; of Ftbruary, the first MonJay of April, the first Mondny ot June, and he first Monday of November. IN WASHTENAW COUNTY. The first Mouday in Maren, the Hrst Monday n May, (he first Monday ia October, and the irst Monday in D cember. Dated Oct. M, 18H5. E. D. KINNE, Circuit Jüdqb. Estáte ot Henry R. Watson. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Waühi tenaw, ss. At a session of the Probate Court for the County ol Washtenaw, holden at the Probate i'tliue in the city of Aun rbr, on Frldaj .the lóth day of November,! n the year one thou and eigbt hundred and five. Present, J. Willard Babb tt, Judifeof Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Ht'iiry K. Watxon, déceaaed. üideon L. Hoyt. the adminietrator de bonis non, with the wil] annexed of eaid estáte, comes into oourt and representa that he is now piepared to render nis final ccount as such admlnistrator Tbereupon it is ordered ihat Monday, the ]6th day of December next, at Hl o'cluck in t'e forenoon, be asafgned tor examiniqg and allowlng sucb account, and that t he devíseos, legateü and beirs at lawoi sald deceased, and all persons interested in said estuts, are required to appear Kt a sessinn of said Court, then to bo holdon at the Probate Office, In the -ity of Aun Arbor, In sald (Sounty, and show cause, if any there be, why the said aocount should not be allowed: And it is further ordered that said Adtnlnlatrator give notice to the persons Intereated In sald etate, of the pendenoy if sald account, .va ' lic bearing t herent, by oauslng a copy of Ihls oi der to be publi bed m the Ann ftrbor Arirus. a uewspapeí prlnted and clr ulatlng in said county, three Bucce88lve weeks prevlous to said day of hearJ. W'ILLARU BABBITT, [A true copy.] Judge of Probate. w ii, mam G. Doty. Probate KeuGte Sheriff's Sale. BY VIKTUEOF A WK. [TOK PIER] FACÍAS Issued out of and undt-r seat of the Circuit 'ourt for the County of Washtenaw and Siate of Michigan, to me dlrected and dellvered, against the goods and ohattels, lands and tenemeutsof vvilUam BlgrgS, 1 did.ou the twenty-ninth day of Janaary, . ) 18S6, levy upou and take all ihe right, tiúe and interestof said Wiliiam iiiiíKS ti and to the following deBoriBed real ettate, situaied in the County of Washtenaw and State of Uioblgan, to wit: All those eertain pieces and parcela of land situated in the City of Ann Arbor, County of Washtenaw and tute of Michigan, known and describea s lots numbered fouri4).twelve (12). forty-three (43 1 and forty-four (4i), In A. Tenbrook's Addition to the City of Ann Arbor, County of Washtenaw and state of Michigan, and lots numbered thirty-one (31). thirty-two (32) and thirty-three (33), in U. S. Smith's First Addition to the said City of Ann Arbor, County of Washtenaw and State of Michigan, all of which 1 shall expose for sale at public auction or vendue to the highest bidder, as the law directa, at the south front door of the Court House, in the City ot Ann Arbor, (that boingf he building in which tht; Circuit Court for said Washtenaw County, State of Michigan, is held), on Monday the ninth day of i)ecember, A. D. 1885. at 12 o'clock noon. WM. JUDSON, Sheriff. Cbas. R. Whitman, Plaintiff's Attorney. Dated October lst, A. D. 1895. , Estáte of John W. Cowan. STATE ÜF MICHIGAN, COUNTY of Wüshtenav ,sh. At a seseion of tb( Probate Court for iho Uounty of Washtemiw,hoïtlen at the Probate Office in the City of Add Arbor. on Uonday, the Ulh day of November, in the year one thnusaud eitfht huurt red and mnety five. Present, J. Wiliurd Itubbitt, Judeof Probate. InttiC matter oí the estáte of Johu W. (Jowan, dect'ascil. On readiog nndfilinirthopetiliou, duly vcrified, of Dorcaa M. Oowan, prayinj? that admini-stration oi eaideetate muy we granted 10 Pamelia (J. Taylor, or othei BuitabTe p Thereupon U Ï8 rKrfij, Mor day the iKh duy oi December next, at'ten o'clock in the fbreiioon, assivned or the bearing of tsnid petition, and thai tbe heira at Law it sald (iccoased, : and uil othei pertone ïntcn.'ateci in said estáte, are requirtd to appear at session of Huid couri tlir-D to be holden at the Probate otfice in the city of Ann Arbor, and shoiv cause, if any there 1"', why the prnyerofthe petitioner ' should not bc pranted: And it iölurthei orderd that f;:üd pttitioner give notice to the per one interested in snid eBtateof the pendency ol aaid petition, and the hearing thereof, ny ftausiug a copy of this order to be piiblished in the iw HBotí rous, a riMvr-pupor printed anvl circulated iueairt oouuty, three sucr-eatve wi orevlo iie ti Rft'U day of hftarin. J. Wil. KAKI) tíJLB ITV. [A trueoopy.] Judge of Krobató. 1 Wji. G. Doty. Probaio Register


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News