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Dexter had so many guests Tbankjgiviug that the turkey supply rau short. Miss Mary esteemedyoung lady of Dexter towuship. (lied lase week of cousuuiptiou, aged 17 years. W. E. Sinith. fonnerly of Ypsilantt, ■bas the proud distirietiou of having en finaucially iuterested in a lanndry which buined receutly in Chicago, witli a $3,000 loss. The CoDgregational chnrch at Chelsea bas beeu provided with souie ueW hyruDS aud the youug ladiea ure at-tending chnruh more regularJy thau they did. Chelsea people are perusiug the one copy of the life of Savonarola whiuhthe Tillage library contaius aud will be all posted ou that Florentina nHiker of soap vhen Presideut Crawford lectores tlierö about birn ufxt Monday nigbt. Rev. W. H. Walker is talk ing aboat Oermauy at Cbelsea, whère he is p;istor of the rhnrob. If une reiuem'mra rightly Rev. Walker had a leuture npon the Germaus whïcb b delivered iuAau Arbor once upou a time. Mark Viniug of Ypsilanti, has hung onto a berta iu the anditur's office at Lausiui nuder degjooraticStoue and repnbbcan Tnruer. He bus a "'hagta heye" whic-h makes the olerks fly to the cat hole aud soratoh off 'laúd s liednies" at lightning speed Vimu's on in Wusbiugtou vras also haugiug on to a bit of politii-al pap, but bo isn't auy iuore. It is cluirued that he ias been removing stauips fiom leitars fceloiiKiug to the governmeat aud has feit (he descendiug of the ase. A now hardware! store will be looatei) at Dexrir m the spring. Ypsrlanti has hpeu baring a"Mrs. Jarley's wax workV tina week. J. A Eisemau will make cigars in Owosso horeafíer iusfead of at Clielsea. Nowcoruh Mead died last wt'ek Thnrsday af" hifl home two miles southeust of Milán. Cflielsea's re;il swell yonng men liad to wear theiv sbirts all last week without a ehangfi. The village lauudry was beiiig repaired. Mrs. A. Sfreeter went to Detroit Wednesday morninK of last week tovisit her daBRhter Mrs. P. U. Pp.tteiigill. That uiyht the bnildiu in which they ere living was bnrued, aud the oecupaiits bad a narro w escape, not haviug t me to save iny of their possessions. - Chelsea Standard. The Milaa Laader, in view of the " Snudayed " exprossion, goes the Conrier oue better ou its "Mondayed" and called attention to thefaot that oue of its towusmen " Ypsilantied" several day last week"Wereyon erer thioigb rhetoiio?" fibe asked. A pnzzled look st]e o'er his face. "Er - only iu the. night, " he eairl; "I Biiw bnt little of the place." - Milan high sohool uotes. Thieves are so thick at Ypsilanti that the meu sleep with revolvers nnder their pillows aüd the - i ■■.■- awake their Iiufbands at the vsee sma' haiirs with that delightfnlly feminiue "what's that!" Ponnd in the Piuckney Dispatch . "Are yon the nian who ruDS this paper?" "No sir, I'm spinily the editor and proprietor. The non-snbscribers rnnit. " The effete editors of the Detroit press have an idea that the state is a howling wilderness beyond the river Rouge. The Tribune t'other day had a caribon killed near Pinckuey, "the first f=eeu iu that rioinity in a number ofyears. " The oiily thiug the people of Pinckney oaribont tbat item is that it gives them a halo of notoriety whioh they caunot wear and feel real houest iu the ornameut. Talk abont yonr fish storiesl Hear tbis from the Dextei Leader: Township Olerk Brley was not a litrle ainazed last Saturday to have a little girl about 12 years oíd cali for the bonuty on 18 woodchock scalps, stating that sne and her dog captureri them all. Thanksgiivng day n woman whose name is nnknown, narrowly escapep eerions injury andperhipa deach, whüe making a trip on the motor line. She Was seen to walk delibe'ately out of the car and step from the platform. Conductor Man ia and a passenger seized her in time to reiain their hold until tbp train conld be stopper!. - Ypsüanti Sentinel. Whioh remiods ns once more that however much wotuaukind may know she never bas yet sertled the laws of eqnilibrinm, as a sex. She can Dever fully satisfy her.self whether she ia going to or from until she h;is tried - aud nsually with disastrons rp.sulta. Mis. R. H. Teeple sppnt thn flrst of thí week with her sister, Mrs C. B. Ea:nau, of Ann Arbor. Her sister Miss Villa Marli, who bas been visiting there for everal days, retarned wtth ber. - Pinckney Dispatch. Talk about Pinckney being dull aud slow if yon will, but we who are here kuow better. H. H. Svvaj-tbout starts his ponltry picking establishment this week aud saya he has gottohave 80,000 poauds of poultry to fill his orders. - Piuckuey Dispatch. The Pinokney Dispatoh ariias to remark, "aud It'a language ispluin,' that "for ways that are dark aud tiicks tbat are vain, " the press that said that the vülage vvould huveeleotric lights before Ohristmaa is peculiar. The only liglits j for Pinckney are to be the flickering atreet lampa. Otio of Ypsilanti's ministers took for his text Sunday night, "Where shall I trade?" Easyenouíh; with the man who advertises, of course. The Livingston Herald man can digest auythiug in his paper. It has a j "pateut inside. " Last week one of the , iuternal organs slipped a cog in Detroit and rhe Livingston organ was a day or two behiud in getting out. Five brothers, re6iding a coupíe of miles out of Saline, arnused a large and select audience recently by filüng up with budge and having a free flght nn the street at Saline. They were fiued i before Justice How. The Dundee cornet band will proceed to toot anotheryear, and have re-elected offlcers. A great note I Dundee will hayo a masquerade ball Christmas. The arrnattire of the inoandescent dynamo at Duudee went on a spree the other day aud refased to work Jonger. Themerchantshnstled around and made their wives give up the parlor lamps with those cunning spring bonuets on, and these with lauterns and a few kitchen lamps lighted their storeR until the armatnre was fixed at Toledo. Then thfire was a seoond break, a second repair, and at last accounts about half of the population was worrying along out of sight. Now if we were like Mr. Stearna, of the Adrián Presa, we would denounce the Grass Lake News hip and thigh for printing a lengthy death notice frorn these columns and giving credit to the Register. We don 't believe tbat the News is edited by a blind man either, as the Press tbonght the Argus was recently, becanse in a similar way an Adrián item was credited to the Times instead of the Press. We believe that he simply got things 'ligbfc'y twisted and that, nevertheless, he isstill olothed and in his right mind. Bat, oh wbat ehastisement and pen lashing he might have received if the mistake had been made with respect to "that genial humorist and affable gentleman," Mr. Stearns. Tho ioe on the pond at Pinekney, it is giveu uut, is 12 feet thick. How do thcy inake that caloulation wbere the sand bar is? L. L, James and Kd. Croarkin, of Dextor, contémplate going iuto the clotbing business at Belding. acob Bower, of Webster, who comraitted suicide last Thursday week, at the home of John Mast, his brother-in law, was deterruined to. end his lie. When foand with his throat cut he tore the wonnd open with his hands in the faces of those who would atay him in his ruadness. Ho is believed to bave been ttjinporarily iusane frorn long illness. Not long since Doe Snyder, of Webster, became seriously indisposed, and it was foared that he wonld go into a decline. He appeared liaggard, and wan, and his mind seemed to wander occusionally. Oue day he stole away with his team, but bis fainily were net appreheusive of self injury, as his taking the team did not indícate suicidal intent. After an absence of half a day he returued with wbat bore a slight setublauce of a wiudmill. It then developed that sene one had reported to him that a farmer, a few miles out, had a windmill that he wanted to give away, or jay for its ïemoval from his premisos. Doe had been and got it; but how much he got with it he has never told His arrival with the thiug rendered a diagnosis of bis ailment possible. He had "windmill on the brain. " But the maohine looked as though the wind had all been knocked out of it. He bad faith in it, tbough, and believed tbat it could be resuscirated ; so he sent for Dr. Holmes and between the two they succeeded . It does good busines--. Doo is again in a norma' oonriition, and the neighbors havefooled away all their ridicule.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News