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Adrian Press Impressions

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J. B. Allen, in a oard to the Rccordgaya tbat oonsisteucy crmpela hiru to eek a place in the repnblicau pam . - Petoskey Deruoorat. What's r-e been doing. Rtealing sbeep, or does he waut an office? The Washtenaw Times is a "romaner." Itsays the putato erop uear Hart thia year is 100 miliions bushels. We have the best of reasoas for believing that this is more than 153 bushels too higb. Had Miss Pitohel, the lady wbo teaches in Dexter's schools, been ai newspaper, she wonld not have lost $30. as she did a few days ago - wheu sho ïuissed her wallet on tue train, as ghe was on her way to her borne in Ann Avbor. In the first place she wonld not have been on the cars; in theuext place she wonldn't have had $30 in her wallet, nor any wbero else. That's where a newspaper man has the bulge on all otber professiona or vo ations. It is stated on pretty good anthority that the row in the Agricnltnral College wil never be settled permaneutly till a clear nnderstanding is reached between the board and any future president as to whether a cow's off spring ghould be learned to drink, by gving it three fingers, or the whole hand. Tbis is vital. There has also existed, it is true, a difference between the boarrd and the last two presidents on the question of whether the ooruucopia aud the corumon cutworm were idéntica!, or were gerruinated through separate protoplasms ; but the diflerence was never serious enough to precipítate an open rupture. The alacrity with which candidatos have sprnug up in Washtenaw for the office of register of deeds in case Register McKinstry, now under arrest for embezzleruent, should be removed, is astonisiiing to the dernocracy, who had been led to suypose that none but democrats had tbaf'orgauized appetite" for doe. On the mere scggestion of McKiustry's removal a dozen candidatos have ranaed along the line like Oklahoma boomers on the border, ready for a rusb, the instaDt the ax falls. This shows a vitality and business entorprise that vecalls an incident of a funeral. Said the parson, as he returned from the grave to courfc the pretty widow, "Be mine." "Awful sorry, Eider," sobbed the bereaved, "bnt yon see the deacon proposed attbe grave, and I have aecepted bim. " Hives are iiofc dangerous to life, bnt they are a prolific breeder of misery and profanity. Doan's Ointment gives instaut relief, even in the worst cases of this and other exasperating diseases of the skin.


Ann Arbor Argus
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