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Auotber ray of hope has dawned upon Manchester, to the effect that her barnyard appearance on the four corners by the hotel is soon to be changed into a place of beauty, aud the old windmill and derrick that now adoin the place is soon to be kuown as one of the has beens. May their hopes be gratified this time is the wish of their sister village. - Saline Observer. John P. Wood, one of the old time pioneers of Sylvan township, is dead. A Chelsea school boy took the village dootor's horse the other day to take nis best girl driving. Wheu he carne back from the ride and was busily engaged in making "tulip salve" the horse ran away and smashed the cutter. Is it true that a well known Dexter man, at a recent social gathering in Ann Arbor, was fined $6. 75 f or being bald headed? - Dexter Leader. That's what we want to know. Is it true? Is such a dam - able outrage to be perpetrated in this great aud glorions ooautry without the perpetrator or perpetrees being bronght before the bar of justioeV Right bas been shocked, equity throwu froin its perch, inodesty's oheek inade to burn with shame, and if it is true, if this is the bald headed, knock kneed truth, divested of all verbiage and standing uuclotned in all its hideous horror, Marshal Peterson has a job worthy of his inettle. "Pete," do your duty. Find if these thiugs are thus. A shooked community awaits the resnlt of your investigations with a baited breath. I will teil you a story abont Iittle Miss Morey, aud now ruy story's begun. She used to live at Manchester, but sbe moved to Detroit, and there she was met, wooed aud won by a Kentuckyiaii and she hiis uow gone to the BlueGrass country to reside. I will teil y oa auother about her brother. He has gone to Lausing to clerk. And now my story is done. The North Lake correspondent of Chelsea Herald says there are do ducks on the lake now, "the ice being about six inches in thickness. " Too muoh for a duck to thaw throagh to the water probably. North Lake has a new pastor narned Thistle. He proinises to prlck several backsliders with the word. Incideutally Mr. Thistle is also the f'ather of a new boy, who will very likely be named for the Queen's Dominion. The Union Savings Bank at Manchester hád its pulae'felt the other day by the stockholders, including Senator Smith of Jackson, and it was pronounced to be in a healtby coudition. The social whirl at Saline is dizzying. Last week there were fonr socials, an elocutiouary entertainment, concert, four or five parties and a dauce. Washteuaw county news is "dished up" in the Argus with a spicy flavor. The cook uuderstands his business. - Monroe Democrat. We have been called a "blind man, "an "architect" a "oontortiouist, " aud now a "cook." We're not a jack of all trades, but wo desire to arii-e in our place at the press club table, aud thank Bro. Smith very kindly, for he is the head cook iu the"spicy flavor" business in these parts, and a compliment from hirn is worth carrying arouud in your hat. Snrprise parties and chicken pox have broken out at Milan. The Dundee Ledger couldn't strike a balance on its right side and has retired from the newspaper field. Pinckney has clothspin socials. Snorers are especially invited as they furnish the illustrations for the workiug of the latest social craze. Al. Burkett was arrested at Ypsilanti recently charged with a larcery at Buffalo. Burkett says he chaperoned a man who desired to Jsee the elephaut, and who didn't like the show af ter he got sober. C. L. Bussey and A. C. Wheeler have opened a new grocery at Salem. The rapidity with which hogs are being shipped ont of Dexter causes drovers to predict - a fall off in populaton? - oh, no! a higher price for pork. Hugh Quinn, sober and sane, swears that he saw a white swan near the red bridge last Thursday. A white swan on a red bridge background is said to be a very protty thing. The Dexter Leader snms np the situation as f ollows : Nine outof every ton f armer's wives have too much drudgery. Tney wear out before they have reached middle life. Inventive genius bas been mach busier in lightenirg the outsido farm work than in devising labor eaving w-ays and meaDS for the kitchen and general household. A saloonist at Dexter s the new posessor of the oíd Dexter milis. Instunces are rare wnere a man goes from the selliug of liqnid reí'reshments to the rnaufaoture of tbat from which the stalï of hie is raised. Lewis Godfrey, of Anu Arbor, caine to this plaoe last Tuesday, and procediuy south üve miles bought 30 tuns of hay. It wil) 0e bailed and sbipped to Aun Arbor where he has 30 or 40 head of cows to f eed - Qrass Lake News. The Qrass Lake News man gives out the following information from the "inside. " The skillfnl brush of Osoar Cleveland has made the inside of the Welch school house north of town, as eliok as a school ma'am. Grass Lake's town hall is in a dangerous conditiou, and is apt to fall and do injuiy to the populace at any time. Mat. Blosser, of the Manchester Enterprise, as a resulfc of bis recent trip to Atlanta, is telling his readers in an interesting manner how the battles were fougbt arouud Chattanooga, Atlanta, etc., and spilling blood in a recKless sort of a way - on paper. Fonr Manchester youths will seek their fortunes in Alabama Millard Case, a Manchester school boy, has drawn a pioture that when finislied was pronounoed a striking likeness of Whittier, the poet. What rnakes it remaikable is the f act that the youth had the idea it was to be Whittier when he started it. Friends assisted Mrs. Thomas Morgan, of Manchester, to celébrate her 84th birthday recently. Mrs. Lucy Lowe Bush, once a milliner at Grass Lake, died recently at Canandaigua, N. Y. J. C. Wirt, near Munith, has a pair of spectacles stated to be over 300 years old. We hardly see through that. Ypsilantians have tired evidently of taking their annual bath in the river, and there is talk of erecting a $50,000 bath house there. It will be after the plan of those at Mi Clements in which case the Central can only do their trafflo justice by building a sidetrack around the malodorous place. Themother-in-law has found achampion. Not that she needed one particularly, but the old stock joke about that often misrepresented and misquoted individual formed a part of Max O'fteU's remarks recently at Ypsilanti and Rev. Bastían Smits has taken the Frenohman in earnest and bas proceeded to "ronse up and testify. " Mr. Smits said the ïnother was aocorded the greatest devotion in the world, but as soon as her domestic relations became those of mother-in-law she was made the target for all sorts of funny jokes and paragraphs. Rev. Smits takes the motherin-law joketodseriously. The man who jokes nowadays about that piece of feminnity is behind the light house. Clark Charnberlain has confessed at Ypsilanti to being the author of a number of petty thefts which have recently occurred there. Mrs. Dell Saxion, a resident of Dundse, died suddenly last week Friday. If Ypsilanti swains do not win out ;his winter it will not be for lack of ■ fine personal appearance. Every beau eau change his collar twice a day. since aundries have reduced the price of work one-half. In July last Eugene Manu and Bertha ïarber, a Pinckney couple, listened to he cooing of the dove and the lowing of the cattle and surrendered theinelves as willing victims at little Cupid's hrine. Mann was not man enough to )rovide for his new wife's earthly com'orts, however.and she insisted on living jeneath her parental roof. Manu hought to make himself wealthy by going west. He returned the other day without having carved ont a fortune of any great dimensión. Thereupon he ailed to return to bis bride of the suininer. What makes the matter one of pecial embarrassment is the fact tbat be families of the young people attend he same church and the minister bas to rovide for the spiritual wants of both, vhile husband and wite maren down separate aisles and size up the new vilage bonuets from opposite sides of the room.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News