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The uew Bethlehem chnrch wiJl be ready for occupaucy New Years Mr. aud Mrs. Ross Granger will give a Chiistmas dancing party tunight. L. J. Liesemer bas boen appoiutect guardián nL James Watson, of Saline. Chas. Dwyer'sbursesinasbed n cufter for Mr. Dwyer Monday by ruiming away. Arthnr, aged seveii, son of Mr. and Mrs. Geratner, died Thursday uight of whooping cough. A baby will be "given away" at the Salvation Army barraoks a week from tomorrow night. Register of Deeds McKiustry's examination bas been adjourned at Ypsilanti nutil Jan. 6. J. T. Jacobs is offeriner bis handsorae residence, corner of Thompson aud Monroe streets, for sale. There will be a faoulty concert in Frieze Memorial hall on Thursday e%'ening, Deo. 19, at 8 o'clock. The Cook house is to have an addition built and the entire ürst floor reniodeled. Work has been commenced on the improvements. "Chris," the oíd horse that has done service for the American express office for ten years, has been laid on the shelf and a new horse takes its place on one of the wagons, City Engineer Key's new nietbod of manufacturing steel evidently will rnake Mr. Key wealthy. A corporation with a million dollars capital has been formeel in Chicago for its manufacture. Wm. Huddy and John Wilson on Saturday were senteuced to 90 days in the Detroit house of correction by Justice Pond, on the chaige of the larceny of a pair of boots. Huddy appealed his case. George Lernon, of Whitmore Lake, died last Friday after a lingering illness with cáncer of the stomach. He leaves a widow, three daughters and a son. The funeral occurred Tuesday and intermont was made at Hamburg. The races on N. Ing.ills street last Friday, attracted a large crowd. The free-for-all was wou by George. against Cotton King ; tho 2 :45 by Sutton, against Irwin and Yost; the green race by Berry. The race this week is at Dexter today. Prof. Louis McLouth of South Dakota college, was in the city over Sunday, he and his wife being guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Doty. Tbey left for Cleveland Monday to visit their son. Mr. McLouth laas become an avowed candidate for the President Gorton's shoes at the Agricultural ooilege. A sneak thief giving the name of Fay A. Cushrnan and claiming to hail froin St. Louis, Mo. , was arrested here Sunday and taken to Ypsilanti. He pleaded guüty to the charge of taking jewelry and clothing from the Occidental hotel, and was sentenced to the De troit house of correctiou for (Í5 days. Áld. A. P. Ferguson is nursing a broken arm. Sunday morniug he and Cbas. F. Stabler were driving together when their borse became frightened ou Detroit street at a passing car. Tho cutter was upset and Mr. Ferguson was thrown so violeutly to the ground that his arm was broken and his shoulclcr dislouated. Mr. Stabler was unhart. Jo Blickburn, an Ann Arbor drg catcher, impounded 35 dogsin 30 d.vss Most of tse K9s are given to medical studeuts who make a cursory investigation of dog anatomy. Blackbtirn has been known to try and sell their bark for fuel. No dog has ever lived to return home and teil his tale. - Adrián Press. The officers for 1896 of the M. E. Sunday school are as follows: Superintendent, E. E. Calkins; assistant superintendent, B. Hilton ; lady superintendent, Miss Florence Serrett; primary superintendent, Mise Ella Bennett; secretary, Miss Nina Davison ; tieasurer.Miss Bessie Turner ; librarían, John A. Schlee; assistant librarían, Walter Bain. An exhibition of rare and valuable curiousities will form one of the features annexed to a fair for the sale of fancy and useful articles, to be held by the young people of the Congregational church in the Opera house, Dexter, on Friday and Saturday of this week. A warm diuner with scaDoped oys'ers will be served on Satnrday, froru 12 till 2 p. m. at 15 cents. The Anu Arbor Demoorat's "Man about town." favors employing men by the oity to "shovel off the sidewalks. '" We think that the man wouldn't be "about town" nearly as mnch if these walks were shoveled off. Most too bad to ooropel people to build walks, and then make 'em pay tax to shovel thern off. It would be cheaper to shovel the snow, and lease the walks. - Adrián Press. t The following offlcers of Welch Post, No. 1,37, O. A. R., will be installed next Tnesday evening, having been elected to serve for the ensuing year at the meeting last Tnesday eveuing : Comnaander, F. Pistorius; senior vice commander, H. P. Danforth ; junior vioe commander, M. E. Crandall ; chaplain, W. K. Childs; surgeon, Dij E. B. Egglestou; officer of the day, J. Q. A. Öessions; quartermaster, H. A. Sweet; officer of the guard, H. P. Hill; inside sentinel, Hanison Sonle; outside sentinel, Col. H. S. Dean ; delegates to state enoampment, 3. H. Webb and P. Irwin ; alternates, W. A. Clark and H. P. Danforth. " The Germán Methodist ohureh vvill hold their Xmas exeroises in Win. StimsoB's hall ou Auu street. Prof. Carhart bas been thanked by ; resolution of counoil for 8ervices 1 dered the city in making the electiic I ligbt contract. Arnbrose B., sou of Mr. aod Mrs. i Henry L. Clark, of Miller ave., diod Tbursday eveniug last of internrittent fever, agod 1 1 years Mrs. ,T. Willnrd Babbitt, of 1 lanti, is very desirousof bíiving a monument erected in honor of exGov. Felch. Tbat is a very good idea iudeed. M. J. Lehman, of Ann Arbor, H. B. Adams aud E. H. Hinckley, of this city, intend soon to forin a co-partnership in the law business, and au office wiil be opened in Detroit. - Ypsilanti Seutinel. Au ordinance has been passed by the city conucil providing that trains while in the city, shall blow whistles only in signaliug, and in case of emergency ; and tl at at all times the bell ninst be rang if tbe train is in motion. Americau Schools, au ilinstrated school magazine published in Chicago, prints tbis rnontb a fine half tone picture of M. J. Cavanaugh, ex-commisouer of the Washtenaw county schools. The write up accompanying was noteworthy for its accuracy and cornpleteness. Richard Pearson died at his home, corner of Monroe and Packard streets, Friday morning of Bright's disease, aged 59 years. The remains were taken to Van Wert.Obio, for interment. Mr. Pearsou was a soldier in the HOth Ohio regiment, pnd was three times wounded in service. An Ypsilanti merchant is studyiug the percentage of profifc in credit onstom from Ann Arbor. One day last week he made a motor trip to that city to oollect some accounts Resnlts - uothing in cash, except the cost of bed and breakfast, for he missed the car back and had to stay all night. -Ypsilanti Sentinel. The following corumittees have been appointed by the Masona to look after the distribntion of provisions to the needy düriüg holiday time. On pnrchasiiig supplies; N. J. Kyei, G. B. Read, W. W. Wadharns, Geo. E. Apfel; on distributiou: H.B Dodsley, Elmer E. Beal, A. C. Nichols, C. J. Price: to receive names of families to whom distribution will be made : C. E. Hiscock, C. W. Greermian, N. D. Gates: to confer with Shrine members : L. C. Goodrich and A. C. Nichols.