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Fay your taxes. South Lyon wants the curfew to ring at night. Manchester's school flag was dedicated last Thursday. The Goodyear house at Manchester is being repaired. Miss .Tennie Cook and Will Peter were inarried at Saline reoently. Livingston county farmers held a profitable institute at South Lyon last ■week. A company has been organized iu Boston to handle the Ypsilanti mineral water. Manchester will have its youth and ohivalry meet to chase the hours with flying feet at its Arbeiter hall New Year's night. Messrs. Ernest Elsasser and A. Robbins succee Messrs. Birkett, Francisco and Robbins in the management of the Dexter Flour Mills. Ypsilanti high school children will grapple ith natkuial issues and publish school doings in a paper of uew cnnstruction, entitled "High School Chat." The conucil last eveningelected Fred Widmayer trustee, to fill the acancy made by Wm. Rfihfuss ïuoving to Ann Arbor, but Fred says that he will not accept. - Manchester Enterprise. The barrels and plank overtopping them have all been removed from the Baptist ehurch at Saline, and the intenor has a low neck and short sleere appearance with all its new paper on the walls. L. A. Parsons has sub-leased the residence occupied by his family at Ann Arbor, and Mrs. Parsons returns to permanently remain. The cbauge will be grarifying to their many Grasa Jjake friends. - Grass Lake News. Grass Lake people have been eating watermeloas all the fall. They just put them on the cellar bottom and when they are ready to carve them, flnd them as juioy and luscious as they were in August. The latest innovation in the Bied line is the oscillating cutter. It is as far ashead of the ordinary cutter, as the late iinproved bob-sleighs are ahead of the old long sleigh. Each runner is independent and will adjnst itself to ■oneven ground. The body is carried on the hind beam and pivoted on oenter of frout beam. The knees are made of angïe steel hinged to the beam. Smith Batt and Lew Allyn, two farmers residing near Grass Lake, had an interesting raoe to Grass Lake the other day, and hoth desired the atteudance of the same physician at onoe. The doctor put on his extra pair of hands, jumped his other self into a outter, took his ownself in the other direction, and before he was through with his morning'a work there was a ten ponnd bov at Batt's, and a little girl at Allyn'8. The Southern Washt9iaw Farmers' Mutnal Fire Insurauce Co. has had another faovrable year - luoky, the officers cali it, bat we are willing to say that it is mostly on account of good management. Tbe officers have always been particular in taking risks, and again, the western portion of the county is made up of intelligent aud industrious farmers who have great regard for their neighbor, as well au their own welfare, and believe that honesty is the best policy. - Manchester Enterprise. Here's a poom, short, sweet and simple, but as expressive as a cow'a hoof in the face of a milkmaid. It i from the pen of the Willis correspond ent of the Ypsilantian : The beautiful snow came down wit! a whirl, It lodged in the bangs of a beautifu girl. Till the beautifnl girl and the beanti ful snow Formed a beautiful picture - at leas we thought so. George Saunder had a return of hi heart trouble last week, the most sever he ever experienced . He lay for nearl an hoar unconscions at the residence o AndreiV Fisher, where he was at th time it occurred. Willis correspoudence of the Ypsilautian - We are glad to b set right in this case. We had supposed that the victim of the heart trouble had been rendered nuconscions, and walked to the resideuce of Andrew Fisher, and that he was not there at the time it occurred, but that he was elsewhere, and ünding himself elsewhere nnconscious, he at once came henee and got where he was at the time It oconrred. Clearness is what we want and always strive for. , t _i N. H. Wells, of Manchester, has a new uncle. It's a carb-unole. John M Ottinan suoceeds ïl. O. liiiukiii in the livery business in Saline. Dexter school childreu had to get alung with a week's Christmas vaoation. Every merohant in the county kicken ou the sndrlen termination of the good sleighiug. Mrs. B. Mi;Narry,while entering her oarriage at Chelsea, alipped and feil, bi Rak ing her wrist. Duriug the past three monthsGeo. J. Nissly has sbipped Í2.000 pounds of poultry from Saline. Ex-Oongressrnan Gorman, of Chelsea, has presented several new volumes to tbe Dexcer sohool library. Miss Leua Faxon Worden, and Prof. Chas. T. McFarlane, of Ypsilanti, were united in marriage Tuesday. Pinckney advises the U. of M. medies to oome there and make a seleotiou uf dogs for their experimental purposes. Hay was shipped from Saline last week, bringing $10 a ton. Farmers believed that hay would be worth $20 by this time. Johnson Backns has pnrohased 40 acres in Sec. 2&, Webster, belonging to the Clara Rosie's estáte. Cousideration, $1,000. Miss Myrta H. Kempf and Clarence J. Chandler, of Chelsea, will begin the new year right, invitations being issued for their inarriage on that day. The Bellville Banner has it this way: " We onderstand that the new mother-in-law will wear bloomers. Perhaps we'll get a ohance at our suspeaders then. ' ' Jap. MoKay's eldest son at Milan, while prowling around for soniething to eat, overturned the family lamp. H3 had his hands quite badly burned while flghting the flames. Ex-Mayor Henry R. Scovil, of Ypsilanti, and Henry R. Pattengill supepintendent of public instrnotion, look as nmch alike as two Dromios. Eaoh thinks it's a horse on him. A very conspicuous placard is hung np in the Union ohurch at Lyons, whioh reads as f ollows : Persons must not occupy rear seats during religious serTioe unless all others are takeu. Wirt Newkirk, of Dexter, is getting np a museum. The latest additions are bullets from southern battle fields, and an Austrian inaaketthat Pat Dolan claims to have carried through the Mexican war. A seat was broken recently in the Howell sohool, whioh was of the vintage of 1837. It was a wooden seat and not one belonging lo one of the small boys, as it might be thought to be by reason of its age. Dexter's school rooms are all decrated with the stars and stripes. The girls fall down the sohool house balustrade and furnish the stars, aud the boys' mi8understandiag3 with the pedagogues lead to tbe furnishing of the stripes. j burr acoiöentally feil into the hop)ei' at the Miiau grist mili recentJy, nd the damage Aaron Burr did the ation wasn't in it with the high dudeon that little piece of iron did. The machinary was so badly broken that vork ceased aud the mi lier had to send o Lancaster, Pa. , for repairs. Walter Rogers, the champion train topper, who at different times has anoyed the Michigan Central officials, ia3 been released from jail at Jackson. 'be railroad hasnegotiated a deal with ie champion by the provisión of which ïogers is to olear the state, leaving ehind him the promisa never to retnrn o the Wolverine country. The Sharon correspondent of the Manchester Enterprise is no slonch. Je trips off a recent social gathering bere in this style : And it came to ass that on the 13th day of the 12th nonth the people ronnd about Sharon niet at the house of one Berkley, whose urname is Osborn, a hnsbandman widely known in the land, who in iines past has wisely supervised the affairs of his people. There came to ittj house one Louise, of th9 household oí Crefts, a shepherdess muoh loved by her flock, who leads them through deviouf ways. There also came the record keeper of the house of Comstock and one Elizabeth, a keeper of the treasury, women who are well thought of in the land. The people did talk one with the other and were made exceedingly merry wben the handmaidens bade them to partake of the good things of the land. After tarrying for a sea son tbey departed to meet in three weeks from that day at the house o one Randolph, whose súmame is Fel lows.


Ann Arbor Argus
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