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The ice men fail to jubilate. The nuiversity and uity schools will nol re-open tintil Jan. 7. J. K. Sage7oTtbis city, bas organized a singing class at Pinckney. The Ann Arbor Savings Bank has declared a semi-aumiul dividend of 5 per cent. The weather bnrean saya Ootober, 1895, was the coldest October in fifteen years. The Crescent Cl aap Works have moved frotn the Conrier building to the new Pratt building, on 8 Main strect. Helen White, who was receDtly arrested cbarged with stealing a cloak. bas been returned to her parents on coudition of her future good behavior. The railroad crossing board met at Lausiug Monday, and approved the map of the Toledo, Arm Arbor & Northern Michigan railroad where the route has bepu changed near Alma. Gerraauia Lodge, No. 467, D. O. H., elected officers reoently as follows: President, J. Cutrs; vice prosident, Sam HeDne; seoretary, Geo. Reicher; record keeper, Chris. Lutz; treasurer, Wm. Weimar. C. R. Marquardt, of Ann Arbor, bas made a prelirainary examination of the Mt. Clemens Rapid Railway'selectrical appliauces, and will make a practical efficienoy test of the plant and system for the Michigan university. I The WolverineCyclers elected offlcers asfollows: Presidpnt, G. H. Fisher; vice president, Ed. Stoll; secretary, George Kyer; treasurer, Ed. Stabler; auditor, F. G. Muehlig; atarais. George Coats; captaiu. Ed. Stoll; lst lientenant, Howard Cofiñn ; 2nd lieutenant, John Tice. The work on the removal of the dome hau been going on with avidity thia week. Prof. JRolfe is said to have a novel idea for its disposal. He would remove it to the oampus and nse it for a band stand. "VVhat are they going to do with yon?" -asked the two wings of the arcbitestual octopus. "Domed 'fino," was the reply. The ladies of the Woman's Auxiliary cf the Yonng Men's Chrietian Association, will keep open honse at the rooms on New Year's day. Dnring the afternoon and evening a regular program ■will be given. All menibers of the association and their friends and all people wbo are iuterestert in the worW are invited to cali during the day. Agaïn has Petoskey shown its advan fcage over the ooutral and southern part of the state in the matter cf winter climate. It was 24 degrees below zero at Lansing during the recent cold snap and eorrespoudingly lop wall thiough the southern part of the península, while here it is abont twenty above. - Petoskey Democrat How is it now? Roht. BurdPlte amused a largp andience at the Presbyterian ehuroh last Frirlay night in the Y. M. C. A. course. His jokes weren't all new, in fact the last part of his lectnre was reooguized as beiiif,' the last part of another lectnre the hnmorist gives, bnt nevertheless it ! was Bob., and whatever Bob. says can ! stand repetition. A large house greeted i him and laughed heartily at him and witb him. Mrs. Thomas Ooilier, whoee sad case of insanity was meDtioued in these columns recently, died at the Pontiac asylum Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Sbe had been ill but a day, and her malady was the result of her iusanity. Tho deceased was 51 years of age. The funeral services were held in this city, froin her late home, 23 Fnur teenth street, Tuesday afternoon, Rev. John Nemnann offlciating. People wbo heard Prof. Grawford's two loctnres Saturday and Snnday evenings, at tho Methodist clmrch say that no finer lecturerwill be heard here this season. Every person spoke of bis lectures in tbe most flatterinf; terms. Saturday night he spoke upon "Savanarola," and on Sunday night npou "Wyclif." The lectmes -were all the better by reason of the visits paid to Florence and Oxford by tho speaker in learning more about these two great reformers. The funeral of Mrs. Charles Grossman, who committed suicide Wednesay night, occurred Snnday fternoon rom tbe house. She and her little augbter, Annie, were laid to rest in he same casket. The funeral was very largely attended, the members of the ecret orders to wbich Mr. Grossman nd bis wife belonged oomrrising lone two blocks of the funeral procesión. Rev. Max Hein officiated at the uneral services. The pall bearers were: Chris. Martin John Mayer, Frank Steeb, Michael Grossman, Geo. Lrant and Julian Trojanowski. Mother and babe were buried in the same casket at Forest Hill cemetery. Anna V., wife of Daniel B. Brown, died of ciropsy at the family resideDoe, 158 S. Main "street, riaturday afternoon. Her illness bad been a lingering oue. Sbe had reaobed the advanoed age of 89 years, and was au old pioneer of the oifcy. The deceasod was bom in New York state, aud was married to Mr. Brown in 1826, mnoving with him to Ann Arbor shortly afterwards. They celedrated their 6Öth wedding anniversary a short time ago. The deceased was a highly respected woman and during her long risidence in our midft had won th9 warm esteom of all with wbom she oaroe iu contact. The funeral oooured Monday aftsmoon. Rev.T. Y. Young's offioiatting. Intornient was made at Forest Hill oemetery. Win. W. Wallaoe has been made a special policeman to protect the j variou Army. There was suoh a rnsh of Christnias : packages at the postoffice that an extra stamp wiudow was opened. Ex-Shenff Win. Walsta and Chris. Brenner have been appointed local i agents for the Deering harvester. The nniversity gradnated uurses have j piaced a register iii the regalar [ tal. Auy oue requirug service may ' tain saiae by applyinj; there. Geire Bryant, the Whittaker colored man who slashed Tim -Tohusou with an axe, has furnished bail in the snru of $509 aud been released froin the jail. Dr. J. W. Foley, '94 medie, who bas been acting as assistant to Dr. J. W. Martin, has acoepted a position as surgeon of Mercy hospital at Leadville, Colo. Dr. D. D. McNaughton, of Argylo. Sauilac county, aud Miss Clara Ottley, of this city, were uuited in niarriage Christmas morning at the home of thj bride's mother, Mrs. Jane Ottley, on Geddes avenue. Lucy, wife of John S. Nowland, of 39 E. Hnron street, died Monday mornng of inflammation of the bowels, aged B5 years. The funeral services were beid from the house Wednesday afterQoon, Rev. T W, Youug offioiating. Frod C. Brown, the founder of the Washteuaw Times and who has been in Chicago for the past year, has returued to his editorial counectiou with his paper, and will grind out editorials at the old stand once more. Fire did $100 worth of damage Saturday evening at Mrs Brewrfter's lionse, 27 Maynard street. The flro started in the furuace and was haviug a great blow out by the time the department arrived. Their speedy Woik averted a bad flre. Not much of a holiday week this. "If the snow could oiily havo-tayed ou," seems to be on every merchant's lips. Anu Arbor was jiroinised two weeks agu, nne of the biggest holiday trades it ever saw, but it went glimmering when the snow left. The oíd saying, "As goes Mouday so goes all the week," isagaiu shown to be nureliable. Mr. aiad Mrs. C. E. Ratbfou had a little daughter born to them last Mcmday. but the same thing did not happen auy of the other days of the week. -