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Catarrh in the Heud Is due to iinpure blood and cannot be ' cured with local applications. Hood's Sarsaparilla has cured hnndreds of oases of catarrh beoauso it purifles the blood and iu this way rswoves the canse of disease. It also builds up the system and prevents attaeks of pneumonía, diphtberia aud typhoid f ever, Hoods' Pilis become the faorite cathartic with everyone who tries thero. 25c. A Fif'y Cent Calendar Free. The Publishers of The Youht's Compauon are sending free to the subsoribers to the paper, a haudsomo fonr page Calendar, 7x10 in., in uine colors. It is made up of fonr eharrning pictnres, each pleas'mg iu desigu, nuder each oí wbioh are the raouthly calendars for the year 1896. The retaü price of thís Calendar is 50 New Mibscribers to The Youtli's Companiou will receive thiR beautifnl Calendar freo and besides.TbeConipaniou free every week uutil January 1, 1890. Also tbe Tbauksgivng.Christnias and New Year's donble nnrubers tree, and The Companion fifty-two weeks, a ñill yeav to -Tamiary 1, 1897. Address, The Yonth's Companion, 3 95 Colmnbus Avenue, Boston. Look Here! You can get fine pbotographs, cabinet size, warranted ot to fade, for only$1.00 per dozen. Come and see our work aud you will save mouey. The Photo. Car, No. 33. W. Jefferson stroet. 78-84 Only pure. Havana nsed as fi lier in Gorraan's Royal Red Top Cigars.


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