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Ü THE BACKACHE? Tf Ion Hare, Here's the Way to Rid Yonrself of the Weariness and Pain Attending It. nome people suffer with headaches, ! many people are wom out and weary all T time, many more people have lame v,rk and backache. Few people understand the real cause of their aches, and fpwer vet know how easily they can find a cure Justa word of explanation before 4e prove that what we say is true. The luck is the key-note of the kidneys. It ; that's a sign that the kidneys are not working properly ; it is lame ; another j sirn the kidneys are out of order. : nevs you know, are the filters of the blood, ! l)ut 'filters sometimes get clogged up. Tliis means in their case that the blood courses through the entire system nated with poisonous uric acid, bringing on many a disorder which, if neglected, ■ nieans disease perhaps incurable. And uow about the cure:- Don't take our word for it; read what others say : - Mr. David C. Oaks is proprietor of the : well known hardware and paint shop at 220 East Main Street, Kalamazoo. Mr. i Oaks hassuffered a greatdeal f rom kidney ailments; he described his condition and i ure as follows : "I had a bad, lame back, I whicli I suppose was caused by my ueys ; was confined to my bed during bad j attacks. I might say, from time to time, j I have been in that condition for years. ! The urinary organism was aftected, urine beiug scanty, highly colored, and difflcult in passage. I was in a bad shape when I got a box of Doan's Kidney Pilis, about which I had heard. I have used now two boxes of them, and the pills have removed all the pain and trouble. There was a marked improvement right from the first, and it has continued right along. Doan's Kidney Pills are the right thing in the right place." For sale by all dealers - price, 50 cents. Mailed by Foster Milburn Co.. Buffalo, Tí. Y. , sole agents for the U. S. Remember ihe name, Doan's, and take no other. piRE INSURANCE. CÜBISTiAN MáCK, Airent (or the followlnff Flrat ülass Companic rèpreseutini over twenty-eiht Milliou Dollars A uee'.s, issnex polioies at thfl lowept ratea 9Stna Of Hartford S9,192,6.(K. Franklin of Phila 8418,713,00 Germaniaof N. Y 2,700,729.00 American of N.Y. 4,065,968.00 iiondon Aasuranee, Lond'n 1,416,788.00 Michigan F. & M., Detroit 287,608.00 . Y. Underwriters, N. Y. 2,596,679.00 National, Hartford 1 ,774,505.00 Fhenix, N.Y. ...- 8,759,086.00 -- if Special attCDtion given to the narance o' dwellings, schools. chuTChee and pobllc bufUling 53 terms ot ffiiree and flve years !íi aEiADULlo BAKER!, &B0CEBT AND FLOUR PM FEES 8TT We keep consv-nUy on hand 8READ, CRACKERS, CAKES, &o. For Wholesale or Ketail Trade. We shall also keep a suppiy ol GOLD DUST FLOUR. J. BL Swlft & Oo.'s Best White Whest Flour, Bye Flonr, Buckwheat Floury Oom Meal, F tea, &c, &c, &c, At Wholesale ïnd Retsi). A eenera] stock ol GB0Q2JIES AND PSOTISIONS onstantly on hand, which will be soid on as reasonable terms as at :my other house in the city Cash paid for Butter, Eggs, and Countr Produce eneraliv. S"Goods Delivered to aiy pnrt o( the city wit): out extri charge. Hinoor & Se Sbolt. CA I OBTAIN A PATENT? Fora prompr ans'er and an lioïiest op'mon, wnte to M IJ N N &; ('O., who havn iuid nearly flity years' xpeiience in the patent business. Commimica. tionsstrictly confldenti.'!l. A IlamlbooK of Information coneerninR l'atents and bow to obtain them sent (reo. Also a catalogue of mecuanical and scientiflc books sent freo. Patents taken tbroueh Munn & Co. recelve 8peoialnoticeinthe Scionlïlic Anicrirnn. ana 'hun are browsbt widely belorethe public wi-hnt cost to the inventor. This splendid paper, iisued weekly, elegautly illustrated, has by far tbe ateest circu'lation of any scientiflc work in tne ■WO:ia. S3 a vear. Sample copies sent free. Buiding Bdition, monthiy, Í2.6O a year. Single copi's, '25 cents. Kvery uumber contains beautiful plates, in colors, and pbotoirrupbs of new bouaftj with plans, enabling Duilders to show the latestieaigns and secure contracis. Address MUÏN & CO.. NEW YOKK, 3il No mcrphine er opium in Dr. Miles' Vaxs 'Vt.t.s. Cuke All Pain. "Oau cent a dose." In Evenine Dress. For thotewho don evening dress only infrequent'.y ruuuh danger lurks, as all know, in the reiuoval of high necked nuderwear and the sudden exposnre of nnaccustomod neok and shoulders to Winter temptrature. In such an. event a wise course to 'pursue is to begin the day bef ore tht fectal occasion to bathe the chest, uecli and shoulders profusely with alcohol and to continue this treatment tliroughcrat the follo-wing day. There is no better pi'eveutive of colds, and alcohol does not, as is the casewith so many snch helps, leave an unpleasant odor behind. For the last 12 hours bef-re putting on the evening clothes it is ■wèl to wear atjout the house a lighter ■weijjjt bodicn )T thinner fiannels to accnstoxi oueself aydegrees to the coming changt "My bibaud had two cancera taken froin bis Oe, and another was coming on his lip. He took two bottles of Burdock Blooditters and it disappeared. He iscomplitely well." 5 Mrs. VVm. 'ürby, Akron, Erie Co.l ir, t. v % fllSkfi#5l!l"' Tumor -ci-nHnrallT ttrnted 1 MbSHH ÍS ffi '"'"■ "■■ R"frM. 2S Wll BWáil US w. ïth at-, clDotnuU, Ohlo.


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