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Mortgage Sale. WHEKEAS DEKAÜLT HAS BEEN' MADE in the payuient of tlie inoney seeured by i mortgage dated the Otli dy of September, n the year A. D, 1X88, executed by Hiohael iteffanoski and Caroline Sreffanoski, his wlfe, }f Brldgewater, Washtenaw Oouuty, Michigan, to i Ihristlan Saley, of Brldgewaler, wasbtenaw Oounty, Michigan, which said mortgago was recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of the Connty of Washte oaw, in Líber 68, of Mort agres, on page ill, un the 28th day of September, iu the year A. I) 1886, at 6.30 o'clocit A. M. And whereas, tbe eatd Mortgage has been duly assigued by tbe said Christian Saley to Albert Brunski by assigDment bearing date the 30ih day ol' July. in the yéar 1882 and remorded in the office of the Register of Deedsof the said County of Waslm naw, on the 18th day of November in the year 1802, at l.yO o'clock P. M. in LiberJll'Of assigninents of Mortages on page 279, and the saine Is now owned by him, And wtaereas, the amount claimed to be due on said Mort gage at the date of this notice 8 the sum of two hundred seventytwo dollars and flfty-elght cents of principal and interest, and which is the whole amount claimed to be unpaid on said mortgage and no suit orproceed ing havingbeen instituted at law to recover the dobt now remalnlng secured by eaid Mortgage or any part tbereqf, wherebv the power of sale contained in said Mortgage has beeome operativu. Now, Therefore, notice Is hereby given, that by virtue of the eaid power of sale, and In pursuanceof thestatute insuchcase made and provided, the said Mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale of the premises therein dei-cribed. at public auctiou, to the highest bidder, at thesouth front door of the court house in the City of Ann Arbor, in said Connty of Washtenaw [that being the place where the Circuit Court for tbe County of Washienaw is held], on Friday, the 13th day of March 189)5, at ten o'clock in the foreaoon of that day; Which faid premlsls are described in said Mortnageas follows, to wit: All that pteoe ro parcel of land being on section number L20J twenty in the ïownship of Bridge - water, in the County of Washtenaw and Stal e "of Michigan, bounded as follows. to wit: ün the nortn by the Bridgewater mili pond and on ihe east by lands owned by Stabler, and on the south aud west by the high way, the same eontainlng eight acres of land. be tbe same more or lesa, üaled December lltb., 18. ALBERT BRCNSKI, Aesignee of Mortgage. G, R GILTE8PIE, Attorney for Assignee of Mortgagee. Mortgage Sale WHEREAS, DEFAULT HAS BEEN MAPE in the paynient of the money secured by a mortgage dated the Sist day of March, in the yearA. D. 1881, uxeented by Micbncl Stellan owski, ot the township of Bridgewater, Washtenaw County, Michigan, to tVlon'o ClarV of Clinton, Lënawee County, Michigan, wliich said mortgage was recorded in the office of Begloter of Decds of the County of Waabtenaw, in Liber53, of mortgages, on page 718, on the 4ih day ol' April, in the year A. D. ltSl; at 7:15 p m. And, whereas, the said mortgage has been duly assigned tiy the said Alonzo Clark to James Hogan, by nssignment beai1iOftdate the 27th day ol April, in the year 1892, and reeorded in the office of the register rif dieds cf the eaid Connty of Witsh.tenaw.OH the28th day of April, ín the year 1892 at 10 o'clock a. va. on Líber 11 of asslgnments of morigageB on page 178 and said mortgage having been again duly assigned by the said James Hogan to Albert Biunski, by assign ment bearing dato the llth day of May, In the year 18M and recorded in the office oí register óf deeds of the said Couuty of Washtenaw, on the 18tU dny oí November in tbo year 1892 at 1: o'cloek p. m., ia Líber 11 of assignments of moitgages on page 278 and the same is now owned by him, the said Albert Brunski. Aud whereas, the amount claimed to be due on said uiongage at the date of this notice is the sum of Two Hundred Porty-Slx dollars and. Ntnetyroneoents Of principal and interc-st and which is the whole amount claimod to b' inipaid on said mortgage, and no suit or prüceedings hHVinsr been instituted at law to recover the debt now reniaininjr 6ecurod by said mortgage or any part tnereof whereby the power of sale contained in said mortgage has becom" operative. Now, therefore, noMce is hereby given, that by viriuc of the said power of sale, ann in pursuance of tlie statute in suoh case mudo and provided, the said mortgage willbeforeclosed by a sale of the premises therein deiorlbed, at Public Auction, to the highest bidder, at the South front door of tbe Court house in the City of Ann Arbor. in said Couuty of Washtenaw, (that being the place wliero tle Ciroult Court for the County of Washtenaw is held) on Friday the 18th day of March, 1890, at eleven oYlock iu the foreuoon: Whiehsaid pre-misus are described in said mortgage as follows, towit: All that pieee or parcel f land sitúate or b, ing in the townsliip of Bridgewater, Couuiy of Waantenaw and state i'f Michigan known and desorlbed asfollóws towit: (Jommencing in the middle of the high way in thequartor sention line in sectioD number (20) tweuty in townsliip number foni south, of 'lange four east, twenty-two (22) chiiins and :wentv two Í22) links soutb from the quarter post on north line of said section number (20) twenty, thenee south alqngsaid quarter Bectlon line sixteen rods and'six links io a stake, thenee north-easterly twenty-t bree rods and rour and one-hnlf links to aatake henee north to center of nu!! ro&d sixteen rods and six links, henee soul n-westerly along the center of mili road to the piano of beginnlng eontalning three (3) acreB of land, be the same more or leas, Dated December, llth, 1896 ADBERT BHCNSKI. Assignee. G. R. Gilmsspie, Attorney for Assiguee, Chancery Sale. WNPTJR3UANCB AND OF VIRTÜE OF A J ilci'K of the circuit Court for tbe Counjt.y of Washtenaw, State of Michigan, In Cnan( ■!■ . made ai o entered on tbe twenty 3 eond day of May 1 S!5, in a certam oause llanin pending wlieicin James 1.. Babcock is complainant aud Caleb Krause, Caroline Krause, Alice Krausc, Olive Poster, Mary Van ('orden, Frederick Krause, Sarah Kra su and Ed,ward A. Bdmunds'are defendant. Notlcol8 bereby elven tnat I sliall sell at public auction to the highest bidder at the easterly entrance to the court house in the i iv of Ann Arbor, County of Washtenaw, and State of Michigan, (that being the building In h hich the Circuit Court 1'or tlie County oí Washtenaw is held) on Wednesday the twenty niuth day of January, I8W, ar ten o'elock iu the foreuoon of said day, the followtng desoribed propurty: All those ceiiain pleces or pareéis of land situated In the town anlp of Lodi, Oounty and State 8cribed as follows: Tne north-west quarter of section number thirteen iu towoship number three south, range Bveeast, State of ilieh Igan, excepting the lollowing wit: ( ommuncing in the north-west corner of said quarter running thenoe east along tbe north line t hen of ten rods aud ten mclies, thenee sontb parallel wltb the west line of said section ten roda and ten inohea; thenco west parallel with the north line of said S'ction ten rods and ten inches to the west line of said section; thenee north on the west line of sa id section ten rods and ten inches to the place of beginning; also comniencing at the west quarter stake of said seotion, thenco north on the west line of said section thirteen chains and seveutv-threo links; thenco east one degree, east tliirteen chains and flfty links, thenee south twenty and three-fonrths degrees e,ast four teen chains to the east and west quarter line: thenee west on the easi and west quarter line of said seotion eighteen chBins to ne place of beginning. Dated Dee. 11. MM o. ELMRR BU1TEKFIKLÍ). Circuit Court Commissioner, Washtfnaw, County Michitrn. 1 K. B. NOHKIS, Solicitor for Complainant.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News