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The Old York Of Today

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There crn lie no doubt tbat one of the most interes:ng towns of England is the city of York. There will be foiind distributed in a lavish marmer what all the v?ealth of America conld not possibly perchase or ere;;' o. Indeed thé same may bc said of every other ccr.ntry, for nowhere can vre dow reproduce the marveious architectnre or the staiued glass of tiio tweiftb and thirtéenth centnries, aud no towu is so rioh in these nnequnled werk of the past as tho town of ierk. Ibat this is fully nppreciated by Arncricaus is best set; forth by the f act that recent ly do lc?s than 500 Americana visited York ia oue single day. York minster is tho kiug of English cathedrals. Apart, however, from the catbeural, York bas amneli greaternnmber cf ohurches as old and, iu thoir way, as remarkable iis the cafhodral. Wbat, however, seems to rus most exceptional I is net these accient montmenta, but theirsurroni:diugs. Throngbont Etirope, in Londen, Paris and elsevvhere, medifeval cathedrals. rown baüs and other buildings still subsift, but they are surrounded by a framework of modern honses and stieets. At York, on the coutrary, as at Frankfort, Nuremberg and a few ether contineulal towns, the streets as well as thecburches recall the middle ages. York is jnst tboopposite toHtill. The latter town ovres its very esistence to its commercial capabilities, while York never was a commercial town. Huil is a town which has absolntely nnthing to show, yet it has a pcpulatiou of more than 200,000 iuhabitants, and many of its citizcus are extremely wealthy. Huil fought for the parliament agaiust King Charles, and Huil was celebrated for its cruelty toward the Catholics. York, on the contrary, fought for the king against the parliament, and, as Catholics were not so crnelly used in the York prisons, they were sent from York to Huil when it was thought desirable to treat tbem more harfíhly. M;iny very excellent families have selected to reside in York, but there are very few large fortunes. York is a town'of poor geutlomen; Hniï is a town of wealthy vulgarians. York bas religiously sought to preserve what is of historical and artistic valne; Huil has rutblessly destroyed all that was of no imniediate business use. These two towns, so close to each other, constitate excellent object lessons, illustrating the two great forces, the two great currents of opinión, whicb for several centuries have straggled against each other. -


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News