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ONEMAfS SÜFFERING. ] The Trials and Trümlations of a 1 tle Creek Citizen- How He Comes to Teil This Story. (From the Battle Creek Moon.) Among the moulders at tbc w'ovks ■' ■ the Michigan foundry company eau bc , found Mr. Araos Maynard; he has lived in Battle Creek for over ten years, is honored and respected hy all who know him; such is the man who makes this statement, he says: "I have had kidney trouble for years, and il. lias made my Ufe miserable. The heavy lifting, neces sary in my business, made me worse. f have been compelled to lie in bod in n helpless condtion for as long as nine days at a time ; the greatest pain was from my baek, whieh soinetimes feit as though a bayonet was being run through me ia the región of my kidneys; many citizens of Battle Creek knew how bad I was. I could not move without the greatest caution, for as soon as I attemptcd to stoop over, bend to one side, or even turn in bed, the pain was simply unbearable. I wore porous piasters eonstantly for the little temporary relief .tliey brought me. Whenever I caught the slightest cold it went straight to my kidneys and made me worse. I was advised to try Doan's Kidney Pilis, and got some. I have taken in all four boxes of them, and I now feel as active as ever. A few monthsago I would have ridiculed the idea of being cured so ouickly, and being able to work as I can now. All the long-standing pains are gone, and the former traces of kidney disorders found in my urine have disappeared. I have recommended Doan's Kidney Pilis to many friends who were troubied as I was, and in every case I havo iearned they proved as beneficial as with me. Doan's Kidney Pilis would be cheap to me at almost any price." For sale by all dealers, price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y., sole aigents for the U. S. Remember the name, JDoan's, and take no other. piRE INSURANCE. CHRISTIAN MACK, Ajfent lor the followinR First Class Companic? representing over twenty-eight Million Dollars Asseta,i3sue8 polioieBat the lowest ratea iEtna of Hartford $9,192,644.0. Franklin of Phila 3,118,71 3,"! Germaniaof N. Y .. 2,700,729.00 American of N.Y. 4,065,968.(X) London Assurance, Lond'n 1,416,788.00 Michigan F. & M., DetTOit 287,608.00 N. Y. Underwriters, N. Y. 2,596,679.00 National, Hartford 1 ,774,-505.00 Phenix, N.Y 3,759,036.00 JMPSpecial attontlon given to ttoo Insurance ui dwalllngs, schools, churches and pjbltr hulldinf Tl term of three and fl vean." min l mum BAKERT. dHöCEEI AND FlOUFi ANO FEEO ST08E. We keep consiantly on haud SREAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, er. For Wholesale or Retail Trada." We shall also keep a supply ot O8BDR1VF.'i GOLD DUST FLOUK. J. M. Swift & Oo.'s Best White Wliesi Flour, Eye Florar, Buckwheat Flour, Oorn Meal, ped, &c, fec, &c, At Wholesale and Retail. A srcnera) stock oi ffEOOEJISS AND PB0VISI0N3 onstantly on hand, which will be sold on as reasonable terms as at -inv otlier house in the city . ÖF-Cash paid for Batte, Egps, and Conntr Produce generallv. pGoods Dclivered to aay partot the city wlth out extri charire. Rimr & Sb ibnlt. CA I OlïTAIW A PATENT? Fora prompt, answer and an honcrt opinión , write to BlilNN Jtt!O.,wlu have l.jd nearlyflfty yeara' ezperlenoe tn the patent business. Communie, tions strictly confldentlül. A Ilandbook of In. formatlon concerninK Patenta and how to ob. tain thetn sent tree. Also a catalogue of mechan, ical and scientiflc books sent free. Fatents taken tbrouRb Munn & Co. recelva special nottoe In the Scientiflc American, iid thus ave brom:bt widely beloretbe puhllcwivhout cost to the Inventor. Thls rolenaid jpaper, isBoed woekly. elegantly Ulustrated.baB by far the larsost clroulatiou oí any scicntiöe work in tne world. SSnyi-ar. Sample copies sent free. Building Kdit ion, montlily, 2.0 a year. Sinsla cónica, -J."} cents. Every number contains beau. tiful In colors, and photographs of new bouspa with plans, enabling bunders to show tha latest deslKiis and secure coótracts. Address Ï1UNN & CO.. NBW YoiíK, 3il BlíüAUWAT.


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