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BUCKLEN'S ÁRNICA SALVE. The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulsers, Salt Rheuffi, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains.Corns.and al! Skin Eruprions and positively cures Piles ,or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction. or money relunded. Price. 25 ecnts xPr box. For gale by The Eberbach Drug and Chemical Co., vnn Arbor, and Geo. J. Haussler, Manchester. Notice to Creditors. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY ! O of Washtenaw, s. Notice is hereby given, thathyan order of the Prohate Cour) for tht County of Wasbtenaw, made on 27H1 dar 01 DeMrinber, A. TJ. t89, six muntlis from tlmt date wcrealUiwpdfor ereditorsto pr.i-nt ihi-ir clim anainst the estáte of John W . Cowvn lale of said i-oimty. deceasea, and that all redttora ff i saindecoasedare ipqnirea to present theirclaigiito said Probate Qonrt, at the Probate Office in tht city of Anti Vrbor, (orexaminaMon and allowunco. ' on or t.efore the 27 day of Jute nart, and ttiat such claims will bc henrd hefore saifl on the 2Tth dav of Maroh, and on the 271b dny of June nest, at ten ó'clock in the fu■ noini ofeach ot s.ii days. DatedAnnArbHA.B.J ludsri of IVohaie Estte of Mercbant H. Goodrich. O Ï T B O F M ICH IG A N , COÜN T V O oí Wshtcnaw,ss. ,-,„,,,' . i tn ' mntj '■ "■ ■■■ ' iw, hoJ. mat the (ilute in the cfty i' Ann Arbor, on Weanèsday, the Iftb ilny ol December, in the "iv' thoiieand pight hunfliwl and i inety-fle. , ut J . Willaid balshitt, Judge nf Probate. ter of tbe estáte oí Mfcrchant H, Noati W Uheever a mi Jospph H. Vanee tle iministrators coma intn court aml répret&tnx ud ■!■ thtir as íiicb special ailminU at rs' 'fhoreupon it i ordered, iht T.needaj ' -.1 nary, iu-x' . at ten o'olc k íd the foreoed Por eiaminirgand allowing snen aecnimt, aud tbat devisees, legatets ana heirs at law ' sajd íeoeasfá. aod al otner iiersuie nieresteaiñ sata estáte ars required pear at a sessión oi sal couri, tbon to bi' tolden at the Prrthate Offire in tlu-oityoi Ann Arbor.iu saiil cuunty, nd Show cause, ii any ihtrc be wbj the said account sbonlá allowe1.' And H i fiu-tner ordeiea, tbat snia admittistrator give notioe to the persona ínteresteí In said i state o( the pendíney of said accoont mid the hearing thereof, by oauBing -xopj of tln.., i,t puoUahed in the Inn Abeoh Akgus, ■i newspnper printedand áreulatiiig in said county, ihr.i snocewive weeks previous to aiu i WILLARD BABBITT, [A truo OPPT.I Judge of Probate. Wm.ií. Doíri. Probata Register Commissioners' Notice. OTATE OP MICHIGAN, COUNTY O ut' Washtenaw. The undersigned hnving been ipppinted by the Prohste Conrt said Gou u tv ccmmiissioiiois to reieive, examine and adjust all cl.ums nnd diinnnils of all fiersona Minst Ihe estáte of Jacob Hilïateler late "f suidcouoty, cieceie3,lireby üítc notice thal siï mcfnths Erom date u allowea, by order of said Probate Court , or craitoreto present thelr claims againstthe estáte of s&iil eceased, and tbat they will meet at die Store of üooflspecd & Son, in ttaeCltyof Ann Arbor. In sdid oiuiity, 01 the 24lh day of Kebruary. aud on the 9ind (tav of May, nexl, t ten o'clock a. m. ot ech ooinid duy to receir. examine and afliuit iid claims. niod November 22ní, U9. D. 0. UOODkPEED. WILLIAM ARNOLD. Commisstoncfs


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