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Mortgage Sale. W HEREAS DEFAÜLT HAS BEEN MADE in tbe payment oí the money seeured by % mortgage da.Ua the ÜOth diy of September, in the year A. D. 1H8B, executcd by Miohael ïiteffanoski and Caroline Stettanoski, bis wife, dï Bridtrewater, Washtenaw Oounty, Michieau, ro Christian Saley, of Bridgewater. Was) te ïaw County. Michigan, which said morga ík was recorded in the office of the Regimer oí Deeds of the Couuty of Washte. naw, in Liber 68, of Mort ages, on page lll, on the 28th day of September, in the year A. D 1886, at 6 30 o'cIock A. M And wnereas, the said Mortgage has been duly assifined by the said Christian Saley to Albert Brunski by assignment bearing date the SOih day of July. in the year 1892 and remorded in the office of the Register of Deeds oí ttie said County of Washtenaw, on the I8th day of November in the year 1892, at 1.30 o'clock P. M. in Liber tll'Of assisnments of Mortages on page 2T9, and the same is now owned by him. And v.-hereas, the amount claimed to be due on said Mortgage at tbe date of this notiee is the sum of two hundred seventytwo dollars and flfty-elght cents of principal and intrrest, and which is the whole amount claimed to be unpaid on said mortgage and no suit orproceeding havingbeen instituted ai law to recover the debt now remaining secursd by said Mortgage or any part thereqf, wherebv tbe power of sale contalned in said Mortgage bas become operative. Now, Therefore, notiee is hereby given, that by virtue of the said power of sale, and in pursuance of the statute in such case made and provided, the said Mortgage will b-' foreclosed by a sale of the premises therein de■eribeci. av public auction, to the highest bidder, at the south front door of thecourt house in the Oitv of Arm Arbor, In said County of Washtenaw [that being the place where the Circuit Court f or the County of Washtenaw is held], on Friday, the 13th day of Mareh 1898, at ten o'cloek in the foreaoon of that day; Whiuh aid premisis are described in said Murt-rafreasfollows, to wit: All that pieoe ro parcel of land beins on seotion number [20 twenty in the Township of Bridgewatei-, in the County of Washtenaw and State "of Michigan, bounded as follows. to wit: Uu the nortn by the Bridgewater mili pond and on the east by lands owned by Stahler, and on the south and west by the hifrhway, the same eontaining eight acres of land, be the satce more or less. Dated December lltb., 18ö. ALBERT BRUNSKI, Assignee of Mortgage. G, R GILT.ESPIE, Attorney for Assignee of Mortagee. Mortgae Sale W REREIS, DEFAULT HAS BEEN MADE in the payment of the money secured by a tnortgage dated the Sist day of the year A. 1881, executed by Michuel Steffan owski ot the township of Bridgewater, Waslitenaw County, Michigan, to Alón o Clart oï Clinton, LeDaivt-n County, Michigan, which said rnortgagre was reeorded in the office of KegL-ter of De ds of the County of Wastatenaw, in Liber 53, of mortcages, ou page 71o, on the -tth day ot April, in the year A. D. 1-81, at 15 p m. And, whereas, the said .rnortsrasre bas been duly assigned ïiy the eaid Alonzo Clark to James Hogau, by asBisrnment hearing date the "Tth day oi April, in te year 592 .nd reeorded in the office of the regis er (.f deeds of the eaicl Count of Washtenaw.n the 28th day of April, in the year 1S92 at 10 o'clocka. m. on Liber U of assignments of mor ïïasres on paire 178 and eaul mortpage bavin" been asain daly assiirned by the said Jatnes Uogán to Albert Briinsk!, by ussign ment bearing date the llth day of May, in the year I89Ï and reeorded in the office of register bf deed of the said County of Washtenaw, on Ihe :pthdayof November in the year 1S92 at l:3o't-Iock p. m., in Liber 11 of assigaments of moi tajres on pafre 278 and the same is noiv owued by him, the said Albert Bruneki. Ani whereas the araouut claimect to be due on said mortgage at tlie date of this notiee is the sumofTwo Hundred Forty-Six dollars aud Nine' y-one cents of principal ana interest; and wbicb is the whole amount claimed to be unnaid on said mortgape. and no suit or proceedniïs hiivinc been inrtitutea at law to recover the debt nöw remaininir secured by said morta"eor auy part tbereof wbereby the powei of sale contained in said mortgage has becom operstive. Dlow tln-refore, no'ice is hereby giren, that by Wr.ueof the saidcowerof sale, an'inpursuance of the statute in such case made ano provided. the said moi tgage will be foreelosed 1 by a sale of the piemises therein deseribed ■ t Public the h'jihest bidder, at the touth front door of the Court house in the City of Ann Arbor. in said County of VVash tenaw, (that bemg the place where the Cir ouit Court for the County of Washtenaw is . v,,.irti n TTi-idav the I8th dav of Maren, 1896, at elev.-n oYl -vk iu the foreooón: Whichsaid remises are descri'oed in said mortga i follows, towit: AU that pieoe or paveel o land sitúate nr b inii in the township of Bndewater, Coumy of Wasntenaw and state fMieuigan known anti deseribed as follows towit: Oommencing iu the iniddle of the highwayinthequarterseotion Hoe In section ruimber 3ü) twenty in township numberfont south, of rangre four east, Lwe.ty-twpi22j chaiueand wentv-two (22) links south from the cmarter post ou uorth line of said si numter(S!0) twenty, ihence south alongeaid qnarter section luie sixteenrods anchstx lïnKs to a stake, thenee north-easterly tweuty-thvee rod8 and four and one-hair links to astaltö henee north to centar of mtll poad 9! roda and six links, henee south-westerly along i ter oí mili road to the place of begin■ three (3) acres of land. I same more or less, ÜatedDeCembeÍ-1Ubi8JaTBBUN8KI Assignee. G. R. Gillespie, Attoruey for Assignee. Chancery Sale. ,NlTK!l".WCE AND OF VIBTUE Oï A Idecreeofthe circuit Court for the County of VVashtenaw, State of Michigan, in Chan1,,.,.v d on the twenty-seeond davofMay 1895, in a certaiu cause therein pending whereln James L. Babcqck is comnlalnaot and Kaleb Krause, Caroline Kranse, Alice Krau-e. Olive laster, Mary Van Corlen : Krause, Sarah Kra se and Ëdward A. Bdmunds are deffendantR. i-oticels li, nliy liven tnat 1 sliall sell at jauction to the highest bidder easterty entrance to the court house in the ,i Ann Arbor, County of Wash ,f Michigan, (that being Öiebuildwhich the Circuit Court for the County ishtena-w is heldi on Wedne6d v ninih day of Jañuary, o'olock in the forenoon of Baid day, the.foliow jna.Aihai1 tiriinürt V Al! MïOt' CUitlUll n Ices or pareéis of land situated in the tova shiool Lodi, County and State scribed as follnws: Tne north-wesj quarter o Mviion Dumbèrthlrteen i., township aumher three souta, range Uve east. State oí lean exceptlng the tollowlng parcela to-wit : i 'ommi'iu-iiiíi-intlie north-west oornej ot sala auarter running thenoe east along the nortn line thereof ten rods and ten Inches, thence eonth parallel wlth the west line ot sata section ten rods and ten inches; thence west naralle] with the north Une oí sata seotion ten rods and ten inches to the est line of satd section: thence north on the west am ut said seotion ten rods and ten inches tothe nlaceof beglnnin?; also oommencing at the est quarter Btake oí said seoWon. thence north on the vest line of said sectiön thirteen chalnsand seventv-three links: tlieiu-e east one desree, east thirteen chains and flfty links, thence eoutn twenty and three-fonrths dcrees east fmirtcen chalus to the east and wostquarter line: theuee west on the east and westquarter line of ssid seotion eighteen chaina to the place of beglnnlrur, Dated D.e, &."$„,„ BtrPraRFTSLn. Ciroult Court Conmiliciouer, Wah-aw, CouDty Michigan. , . I. B. NORUI8, Solicttor for Cosaplaiant.


Ann Arbor Argus
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