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Supt. Perry attended the State Teachers' Association at Lansing this week. Miss Kate C Campion, of Jackson, visited Ann Arbor .relatives this week. Prosecuting Attorney Randall was in Oakland county over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Maynard this week entertmned James Foley and wife, of Lansing. Mr. and Mis. John Burg and Har.iy Woodruff spent New Years day witü Saline friends. Wm. -T. Kirby, of the Tiruefi, paid a visit to bis pareuts iu Canada, preparatory to the breakiug out of the war. Geo. Halier, jr. , of the Times, visited Wonderland in Detroit yesterday. Mrs. Wilbur Short and children, of Manchester, are visiting Mrs. Short's unole, Chas. Binder, sr. , aud other relatives in the city. Mrs. .Tobu Smith and daughter AltJaea, of Detmit, visited Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Noll and family over Sunday. Mrs. Smith forroerly lived here. Rev. and Mrs. T. W. Young left Monday for Louisville, Ky., for a two weeks' stay. While south Mr. Young will visit his old home at Covington, leun., wnere nis parents now resiae. Will S. Cheever, of Bay City, spent a few days last week with his parents, Mr. and Airs. N. W. Cheever. Clyde and Miss Ruby V. Jones, of Plymouth, grandson and granddaughter of Mr, and Mrs. J. H. Davis.Miss Sadie Long, of Ypsilanti, and Miss Marnie Thompson, of Detroit, were entertained over the holidays by Mr. and Mre.Davis. Prof. A. C. McLanghlin spent the week in Washington, D. C. Prof. W. H. Wait and family were in Chicago this week. Prof. Trueblood and family were in Bloomingdale, Ind. , for a few days this week. Miss Mamie Wetzel entertained Miss Katie Tick, of Owosso, during the holidays. Misses Rose and Tessa Demmon are spending the holiday season with friends in northern Indiana. Herny Binder and Walter Gatirilski, of Detroit, spent Sunday with Mrs. Caroline Binder. John A. Zahn, of Detroit, formerly an Ann Arbor boy, has been in the city this week. Mr. Zahn is now traveling for the Vermont Life Insurance Co. Mr. anH Mrs. Will Stein and ohild spent Christmas with relatives in Detroit, returning home last Sunday night. Miss Mary Bell bas been visiting her cousin, V. Lathrop, of Hastings, for a week. Edward G. Mingay, of Toronto, Canada, was a New Year's guest of his brother, Torn W. Mingay. W. W. Wedemeyer attended the State Teachers' Asociation at Lansing last week. Miss Amelia Kemp spent Xnaas holidays with ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Keiap, of Northfield. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Krause had Airs Elizabeth and Miss Millie Hirth, o. Toledo as New Years day guests. Dr. Conrad Georg spent New Years With his parents in Canada. Chas. H. Kline was a Detroit visitor ibis week. M. Stsebler was a Toledo visitor this week. Mrs. F. B. Tibbals, of Detnit. has leturued home after a Christmas visifc with her sister, Mrs. J. L. Babcock. Prof. Fred L. Keeler, superintendent of the Mt. Pleasaut schools, was in the city ïor the holidays, returning home Tuesday. Miss Luella Granger visited Detroit relatives this week. a Minnie Bender spent New Years with Detroit friends. Mrs. W. S. Perry spent New ïeare with her son Paul and Ernest in Bay City. Mr. and Mrs. J. Q. A. Sessions entertained Prof. Seymour, of St. Louis, Mo, aud Frank M. Sossions, lit '88, of St. Louis, Mo. Mía. Geo. E. Bliss and Miss Ida Bliss are in New Yoik for an extended stay. Miss Bliss attends the "Junior Prom" at Yale the 31st inst. Mr. and Mrs. John Burg, C. Hardy Woodruff, and Wister Harris spent New Years day with Mr. and Mrs. George Johnson, of Lodi. L. E. Canfleld, of the Conrier office, spent Christmas with his parents at Portland. f . Old Santa Claus left a Christmas present at Titus Hutzel's. It was a little daughter. Prof and Mrs. D. W. Springer have ïü several days in Chicago, Miss M. Evelyn Waples, of Cincinnati, was entertained this week by her parents, Judge and Mrs. Waples. Mrs. N. W. Hadley and children, of ■o stoeet, and Miss Wines have ; Tisitei'! tbis week in Howell. Prof. Jas. R. Angell, of Chicago, ,.en in the city for the holidays. . George S. Morris is visiting ïori; friends. Miss Julia Pitkin has been spending : ho holidays with her son, Gilbert S, Pitkin, at Petrolia, Out. E. C. Lindlpy is visiting his brother st Düiville, Hls. Prof. Chas. H. Covell, was the guest of Ann Arbor friends last week and I return ed to 8t. Lonis Satnrday to resume bis work in the schools. Kev. and Mrs. gave a children's reception at Harris Hall yesterday afternoon. A. J. Waters, of Manchester, was in town yesterday. Miss Susie Whedon, teacher iu the Alt. Oieineiis schools, spent the vacation with her pareu ta in this city. The Misses Bertha and Carrie Christmanu spent New Years with i brother at Jackson. Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Clements spent New Years at Colon. The Misses Bertha and Eva Schairer, of Saline, spent the holiüays with Aun Arbor relativos. Miss .Toe Mead spent New Years with .Taeksou Mr and Mrs. J. H. Cutting made their New Years calis iu Detroit. The Misses Grace Fiagg and Susie Palmer speut New Years iu Detroit. Mrs. N. P. Kellogg, of Orange, Mass., who has l)8eu for flve weeks a guest of her mother. Mrs. Caroline Durheiia, returned home on Monday. Mr?. Zemis Sweet is the guest of friends in Chicago.. Dr. C. P. Kapp, of Manchester, was in the city yesterday. Miss Daisy Earle, of Lawrence Street, gave a New Year party and reception to her friends Tuesday evening. Misses Adelaide and Bessie Stevens are visiting Ypsilauti friends. George R. Cooper, of Ann Arbor, spent Christmas with relatives and