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Russian "colic Stones."

Russian "colic Stones." image
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Travelers who have penetrated into the eastern portion of sonthern Rnssia find that the people have many strange beiiefs in the power of charms. The oharm most generally wom by the people in that part of the czar 's vast donaain is a round, flat bone which is fónnd in the head of a certain species of northern fish. They are called "colic stones," and the superstitious wearers of snch charins believá that they have the power to prevent colic and a host of othër diseases among the minor ailments to which hnmau flesh is heir. This queer superstition is not confined to the ignorant, poorer classes, but appears to exist in all kirds of society. The wealthy have their "colic stones" mounted in gold, ana in thie shape1:hey are worn on the necklace iiext to the ever present cross. - St. Lonis Republic. Christian Endeavor Platform. Here is one plank in the platform of principies which the trustees adopted at the Boston convention : "Sixth. - Christian Endeavor stands always and everywhere for Christian citizenship. It is forever opposed to the saloon, the gambling den, the brothel and every like iniquity. It stands for temperance, for law, for order, for Sab bath keeping, for a pure political atmosphere ; in a word, for righteonsness. And this it does, not by allying itself ■with a political party, but by attempting, tbrough the quick conscience of ita individual members, to permeate and influence all parties and all communities. ' '


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News