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Schairer & Millen

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HALF M ATI PC HALF PRICE. HU bt PRIOE. ... AT THE BUS Y STORE OF ... Our Annual January Mark Down Clearing Sale a Big Success. Hundreds of yards of Black and Colored Silks. Black and Colored Dress Goods and Table Linens cut up this week. The Greatest Bargains and the Greatest Sale of the Year. A Stock of Over $40,000. No Reserve. Our Entire Stock of Cloth Jackets, Cloth Capes and Fur Capes all go at Half Price. One-Half ■ Off FROM FOHMER FHZCES. Remnants Dress Goods, Black and Colored, closing out at Half Price. Selling out Black and Colored Silks 25 per cent. off. Ladies! You will want some Fiije Table Lii)ei)s-ir Attend this sale and piek up the Bargains. Corsets and Kid Gloves all go with a BSO MARK DOWÍJ B Closing out the Lace Curtains at 25 per cent. yjF off. 3H yeather Collars and Boas Selling at 39c, 59c and 79c. SCHEER & Bttnzi


Ann Arbor Argus
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