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Monroe Democrat Items

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Monroe Democrat Items.

"The newest thing in winter caps" is the girl baby of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Lockwood, of Dundee.

Peter Dusbiber, of Ypsilanti, fed the ends of a couple of fingers into a sausage machine the other day and there are those in the city who insensibly may commit the crime of cannibalism. 

Ninety-three per cent of the pupil in one department at Milan neither absent or tardy during the months. How's that.—Ann Arbor Courier. That is just what puzzles us. It seems that the pupils left seven percent of themselves at home. 

A Jackson county school ma'am asks Prof. Pattengill which should take a bath the oftener, "the farmer or the student?" The Superintendent of Public Instruction is beginning to experience the retribution that some of his examination questions have brought upon him. The worm has turned. 

The first typewriter has at last arrived in Milan. In other respects Milan had always kept abreast of the rest of the world. She has a common council, fire department, schools, Sunday schools, a poker room (reached by a ladder) and the recollection off a stupendous scheme for making electric sugar and breaking New York greenhorns, who had little dreamed of the attainments reached by science in this "neck of the woods."


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