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Guilty Or Not Guilty

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atac6feiBai2iLSsci &S90'üfsíeé'=22!ios2iigaae I s ü R s I DiSEASED HEN CURED g f TUflIïQflHQ of 5Onnr nlPn' m'u'dlo awsd non nnd oíd men e:,n look back at 5 I ' nSJUOl 'O theirbojnond days or c.irly marnood with a wph of remorse. U S The ipür.rancw of early yortili, or '■ ?r or a miespont liíp aft "one of the boys" has eown J2 "" fveils for (n-urr míliTÍi.u. SEL.F ABUSE ir a '■ rrih! tín axsins! nature and " 1 wül briiiR u rich liarvee'. liloi ü Private In exseí sap ihe veo lií and vitaliry 0 of victira. UorNV.' .".■lii'HUU TilEAiMEíiT wi:lpositivcly cnreall'tlie followU 1 ing ilisiíiuios: Q VARiCOCELE, EMISSiONIS, NERVÖUS DEB1UTY, g ' SYP. ÍLSS, STRICTURE, G EET. SEMINAL WEAK I NESS, PIMPLES, LO T MANiKOÜD, UNINATURAL K ? D.SCHARGES.KiDMEY AND BLA'JDER DbEASES & i u - SSC YflH 9 NEltyOUíanddespondent; wakordebilitnteri: tirwl morn rss; no H'C ful' ■ aniJjition- lifeíeae; roemory pooi ; ftaaily fatiíjüsd; excitable and irriae Dtable; eyes Banken, rmi and blnrred; pimplen on face; üreiimf. and j:ii;ht iossea; restF4 l'"88; hassnrd loolting; wnk bac'.t. Done painnj hair loóte; ulcera; eoie tliroat; v:ricof Kcele; depo-itin u-ineaji'l drttixie vt f.rool; dietniRifnl; wftni of oí fuicnrc; lack of ö CAN CURE YOU OR ASK NO PAY . S CURLS GUARANTEED OR Nü PAY-COWFiDEMTíAL ÍS NATPíiCn tPHI TUÍ A Warninsr frnm Living. "At (V I oFlAlütü f tiUm Int Un'íll. ISliearneSabaababit. Trio 1 fonr ft Sdoctoi h and nervn toni a by theficore witbont bentnt; eniiüc-ions aiid ■ rainsincre&eed. m 1 b("':um a m't on;-; wn k. A fríend who had be-n oured by I 're. Kennedy & Kergfvn %g Kof a similar den' I me to try ihi-m. 1 di'l sfl nad i.i !m mouthe vraspoüiave# lycnrod. This vnn eight yearó aso. 1 ata now n.arried ccd have two Ue.lthy childSI j ren."- C. W. LEWIS, Sug naw, 3 íífiCfrinr'CIC rí'DCn "Varlcocelomaíloln'flnusxrable. I wns wpak and p ]i IÍMníí.l'üLí,L tlíní.J. nervons, eyeB scaken. borhfal in society, hair thin. U i noambition. 3'he 'Golden Moaitor' opeited my eyea. The New Mt' od Ireatment & f Drs. Kennedy and Keryan enrvd mo in u few wivkk. - I. L. PBTEHÖON, ionia, Jf 8 CüËlCCifirUC PIIDCÍI EMíOIs lae. Ín esiriencu. "I Iived on e S Clfíií'OlUiiO bURLUí afann. AtschopU leürni an early babiu whioh 3 yfeakened me phjsically, eesnally anii mentftliy. i'amiiy rioutors f.úd i wns going ' into 'decline' (eonsamptiouO Kically 'I'be Golden Monitor,' editvd by l'ra. Konnedy L & Kersnn, feil intumy bands. I learnodthe TKUTH ami „;,a H I liad napped my vitaüty. 1 took ll New Method Treatmeut and v Si y q r friendo think i was curt'l of t')íití'.jn;i. ion. I have seni tUern jii.lii ;,il of Jy g -whom wete cart'd. Their New :Jftliod Treabpaent tíuiipiies vigor, viii.uty and Tf t manhood." Pi S CVDUIilv Pil'1'''! "Tbi torriblo Wbod diseaae was ín my. system fot e'ght Lï tw '1 iliL! ' uUOlU' : tak n mercury for two yeara. bilt the dÍHoase J, "s retmne.1. Kye" rl, 'imnlss and Wotoheson Iho skiu, nlrera n the rnouth und on I toiifni', bon fu1 of nair, wpaknees, etc. My brother, who luid bo' n I cured of Oteet 'inil Stri ttn-ft by Ir. Kfnnciy and Kenruxj. recomrneiiUGd them. S 'flieycured mo in a few wck, and 1 thank (iod 1 conaiilted them. Nu retarn of tito O 1 d.seaseinsix yo rs."- W. F. M., Jackson. I 7 YEA.S IN DETHOiT, 200,000 CUKfcD. NO RISK. U Rf flflFR! Aroyon a victnn.' Have you lo-r hope? Aro yon eontPtrmlntinR r ' nCrtUtlS. niarriacef Has yonr bood been diseased; Have von any weaknees? El j Onr New Wothod Treatinint wi! cnre yoa. Wüat it hn done for f)tliers it will do for #j f you. CONSULTA" ION FREE. iNo maitpr whn has tr ated yon. write for an honent Sj K' opinión b' ree of ('huree. i 'har ns reasonable. COOKS FHEE.- "The ■lolden Monitor" ïï (ülnstrated), on Dioeaees of Men-lnclobe piuttage, 2 cents, öeal . 6Ï B"NO NMhS UaEU WIIHOUT WRllTEN CONSENT. PRIï m VAT E. Nom'dl' IneaentC O. D. No ñames on boxes or envel2 I opes. bverytülng confldential. Questlon list and cost of [1 1 Treatment FREE. U i DRSÍENNEOY&KERGANde'S,1 I


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