Whitmore Lake
John Butterfield will go to Clinton Tnesday, where he is attending school. The Missefi Rachel and Olive Campbell, of Dixboro, ware the guests of Mr. and Mis. V. Smifch last week. Philip Sniith returned to Ann Arbor Mouday. He was home dnring vaoatÍOD. Tohn Weber visited frieuds and relatives here between Xmas aDd New Years, retui'uing home Thnrsday to Chelsea. Mr. George Green, who has been very ill. is oonsidered soruewhat better, but is still very sick. Mrs. Hnry VVeber is quite ill, but'is some bitter at this writinj?. Miss Leah Dodge, of Laiugsbnrg, is the guest of her brother, H. L. Dodge. Ihe Hamburg folks will hold a box social at Hamburg across f rom the M. E. church Satnrday evening, January 11. All are cordially invited. The I. O. O. F. will give an entertainment January S35th for the benefit of the M. E. church.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News