The Ann Arbor Savings Bank!
REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF At Ann üioor, jyiicmgan, ai me ciose 01 Dusmess, Jjecemuei ia, ioa RESOURCES. LIAB1LIT1ES. Loans and Discounts,- féS2,rl8 20 ,-,„;,._, _t„„v mm „ rj mn ras Sa!3' etc TS g S&!--:::::::::'m8íS S U-verararts .-.- - i.uo ao pj, profltsless currentexpenFnrifrP pfïhVres'"" 1r7 32 ses. interest and taxespaid........ 20,613 20 oÖtali HtSe -:::::::.::-::::::: SS I nmdends unpaid, & oo CASH. DEPOSITS. Due f rom banks in reserve cities ... 118,506 16 Duefromother banks and bankers.. 100(10 Commercial deposita, subject to Checks an1 cash items 945 93 check - 137.574 39 Due froin Washtenaw County 5,334 23 Saving-8 deposite 691,782 43 Niekels and pennies 32(191 Savings certiflcates of deposit, 96.K4 16 Gold coiu, 29,072 50 Due tótenks and bankers 1,131 T9 Silver coin 2.6:0 00 ü. S. and National Bank Notes, 27,716 00 m w ■1,187,742 97 STATE OF MICHIGAN, (e8 ""charles % ffiscock, cashier of the above named bank, do swear that the abovV statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. Chas. E. Hiscock, Cashier. Subsoribed and sworn to befor me. ttais 19ih day of December, 1. Notary Correct Attest: Chrigtian Mack, W. D. Harriman, L. Gruner, Directora. Capital seeurity, - $100,000 I Toal assets, - $1'000'000.00 Capital stock paid in, 50,000 Surplus, - - 150,000.00 Transacts a general banking business; buys and sells exchanges on New York Detroit and Chicago: sells drafts on all the principal cities of Europe. This bank already having a large business, invites nierchants and othera to open accounts with them with the assurance of the most liberal dealmg conS1SteinntTetSavingsaDepaltment interest at the rate of f our per cent. is paid semi-annually. on the flrst days of January and July, on all sums that were deposited three months previous to those days, thus affordmg the people of this citv and county a perfectly safe depository for their funds, together with a return in interest for the same. Money to loan on apDroved secunties. Directors.- Christian Mack, W. D. Hamman, Daniel Hiscock, vVilham Denbel, Willard B. Smith, Dad Rinsey, and L. Gruner. Officbrs -Christian Mack, President; W. D. Harriman, Vice-TTesident Chas. E. Hiscock, Cashier M. J. Fritz Ass'i-Cashier.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News