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England's Dilemma

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Di. Jameson's invasión of the South African Republic, uotwithstanding the fact that his whole force was killed or ■captured, thereby putting an end to that episode, bids fair to be far reaching in its results. In consequence of his wholly nnjustifiable actio.n, England finds herself face to face with the possibility and even probability of a war with Germany backed probably by Russia and France. While Dr. Jameson's action has been disavowed by the British Colonial office, it is in accord with such a long line of British precedents, few are convinced that thé home government was not knowing to the thieatened dauger. Nor is the world conivnced that his act would havo been repudiated had the results been different. It ïnay be nnfortnnate for England that her protestations are not aceepted at their face jast at this jnnctnre, but for this condition she js herself to blame. Her loDg contiuned policy of nnwaranted iuterference and aggression in every quarter of the globe has familiarized the world with her tactics. This is not the first time that Britisb greed bas brought on warfare in this very quarter. The progenitors of the Boers who so soundly thrashed the forces of Dr. .lameson a few days ago, went from Holland to South África more than two centuries ago. In 1795 Englacd obtaiued in a way not above question, a foothold at the Cape. From that time on British infltience, through the right of might, increased nntil 1823, when the Dntch became so dissatisfled that they resolved to leave their homes and nrigrate into the interior. This exodus resnlted in the founding of the Trans vaal Republic. In 1852 its independence was recognized by England. Although in their former settlement the Boeis had cotumitted no overt act against the English, and notwithstanding the f act that their new settlement was undertaken for the purpose of riding themselves in a peacefnl way of British rnle, it is not to be supposed that they were allowed to hold tbeir riew posses8ions free from British aggression. .Diamond discoveries in the TraDsvaal bronght farther British aggression resnlting in the forceable annexation of the Transvaal. Later the Boers arose and overthrew their oppressors. Mr. Gladstone refused to recoginze the annexation or to avenge the British hnmiliation and again recognized the independence of the South African Republic. !: During the past year gol was discoverd iu the Transvaal country and this was the real cause of the látese British aggression Throughout the entire controversey the utterances of the British piess have iudicated the leanings of British policy, and if Jameson's invasión was uot made with the knowldge of the Colonial office, the Colonial office certainly was cognizant of the danger, and if aoting in good faith, should have prevented the act of treachery and invasión. That the Boer antborities were awake to the threatened danger is now well understood since it lias transpired that they had sought and gecured the protection of Germany. It is not surprisiag that England should be enraged over this discovey, especialy sinoe the British plan resulted in bumiliating defeat. All indications seem to point toward the conclusión that under the leadership of GermaDy the ñatioos of Europe are abont ready to cali a halt on English land grabbing, as are the nations of this continent under the leadership of the United States. It is high time. ■ It may not be generally understood bnt it is nevertheless a faot, that the recent treaty, settling the difficulties between Japan' and China, was drawn in the Euglish language. This is a new departure. The language of diplomacy has for several centnries been the French. If there ever were good reasons for this, they have long since oeased to be of weight. In faot the same reasons andothers of mnch greater poteney now favor the English language as the language of diplomacy. The wonderful suocess of the English speaking people in the field of oolonization and trade has carried this language around the ■world in ever widening zones of influence. The literatnre of this language is probably the riohest in the world. The language is strong and vigorous and made to convey idea 6 with clearness and precisión, not to conoeal thought. The people speaking this lunguage are in the van in everythiug which makes for the advancement of the race. Their iufluence is acknowledged in every sphere of action. No treaty can be written that does not concern Euglish speakiiig people with considerable directness. It is the language best nnderstood by the greatest nuruber of those who are most influential in shaping the att'airs of the world. All these things give it title to the rank pf the language of diplomacy. The senate fluauoe eommittee has reported a substituto for the house bond bill. It provides for the free and nnlimited coinage of silver at the preseut ratio. It also provideS for tha coinage of the socalled seignorage and to make thisimmediately availale for government expenses by directing the seoretary of the treasury to issue certificates against the coins before they are ininted. It also provides for the redemption of greenbacks and Sherman notes in gold or silver at the option of the government instead of at the option of the holder. It also provides for the reissue of these notes. Happily for the country there is no possibility of the bill becoming law. Should it pass the senate, which is doubtful, there is no chance for it in the house, and if it could run the gauntlet of the house it would die in the hands of the president. The only evil that it can psosibly do is to damage in some small degree the credit of the nation at this critical time. The report upon the state censas, taken in June, 1894, is nuw nearly completed at Lansing and reports -will be made on June 1. This report is expected to be different from any similar report ever made.


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