The May Festival Dates
The dates of the May Festival have been definitely settled for May 21, 22, 28, 1S96. There will be flvft concrts in all. The Boston Festival Orchestra will play at all concerts, and the fnll list of soloists and arrangements of concerts will be given next week. The sale of reserved seats for the Festival will begin Saturday, Jin. 11. at 10 a. in., at the School)f Music. As stated in the annonncement, the price of reserved seats for the entire series will be Í1. This ad vanee sale of seats bas been found necesary in order to give the holders of season tickets an opportnnity of reserving seats for themselves and friends, and tbat the nuinber of tickets wbicb can be sold to ont-oftown parties can be known. It is absolutely necessary to ascertain these facts before any arran geinen ts can be inade with referenoe to advertising the Festival through the state, and that the difliculties of last year may be avoided.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News