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Gray Hair

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"Gray hair is honorable" - so runs a trite proverb that is often flippantly qnoted - but there are few womeri wlio do not regard with at least sonie litcle regret the fading and changing of once bright and glossy tresses. Provided there is no hereditary tendency to premature grayness, it is quite possible to keep the hair uncbanged past mature liie. The present sty Ie of hairdressing is most inimical to a healthy state of the hair. All the natural pil, which isso essential to its nourishnient and requisite for it to retain it pristine color, is methodically washed out in order that the tresses may be frizzed and critnped to meet the deruands of fashion. Hot curling irons burn out the natural oii, and this destroys the very life of the hair. But where is the use of going over the ground of protest traveled so often before? Fewtake heed or warning until prophesied consequences appear, and then there is a great outcry as if soniething grievous aud totally unexpected had hiippened. It issurprisinghowwillfully blind people are, or can be,


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News