Paris Women Protest
The managers of the Theatre Francais have become frightened at the dimensions of the fashionable hat and have posted a ïiotiee to the effect that no bonnets of any description, large or small, will be allüwed in the stalls, either at matinee or evening performances. This has raised a storm of almost tearfnl protest from Paris womeu. They are willing (o leave the picture hat at home, but they beg for the privilege of wearing the tiny bonnet. Every woman knows how deinoralizing it is to the coiffnre to have to takeoff hat and veil, and Vvhen this must be accornplisbed in a dressing room crowded with. women bnrrying to join impatient escorts it may be assnmed that b6ads with chevelures dncidedly mnssy must be the result. One woman seeks refugo in print, objecting in strong Jauguage at leaving her beloved bonnet, au objet d'art as she calis it, to the tender mercies of a theater dressing room caretaker. Altogether it is a pretty muddle, and one from which the managers of the Francais must suffer if they persevere in their stern dietuin.
Ann Arbor Argus
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