Decline Of The Folding Bed
The folding bed, once an immensely popular institntion, is losing its grip. Nofc one is called for now where two or three years ago a dozen were ordered. Two big factories we know of, wbich a very few years ago had difflculty in keeping np with orders for folding beds even by workiug night and day, are now making other liues of furniture, aud the folding bed production in all factories is steadily dee-Liing. The accidents which frequeutly occurred with the folding bed doubtless had some bad influence on its popularity, but this was not the only disadvantage the multum in parvo furniture had to contend against. The beds were heavy, clumsy affairs, even under the most favorable conditions. Many are hard to handle without a derrick or a yoke of oxen, and they are also hard to keep clean. Then also there is au increased cali for beds of brass and iron. Such beds are practically the only kind sold in Engjand, and they have steadily increased in popularity in this country during the last five years. - :
Ann Arbor Argus
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