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WANTED, FOR SALE, ETC. HOBSE WANTED- At .28 N. State Street, Ann Arbor. Must be young, sound and clieap. Weight about 1,200 pounds. Cali soon. FOK SALE OR EXCHANGE-Three farms, ocie, close to Ann Arbor. 85 acres, iirst class buildings, another in Limn, lüü acres well timbered and gnod buildings, and tbe third in Lodi, 40 acres, good ampie buildings. Gallon addrcss Wm. Usius, Box 155 Ann Arbor, Mich. WANTED, A young man of energy and inteírrity, Germán proforred. to takea half interest in Wash. Go. with me for the purpose of building fpnce with the "Little Gom" wire fence machine. The best of references required, also glven. Sce local on another page, F, D. Hatch, Anu Arbor, 76-79 LUST- A garnet breast pin of square design. Finder please return to 25} Lawrenee street, 78tf FOK SALE OR EXCHANGE- Three farms, one close to Ann Arbor, 85 acres, flrst class buildings, another in Lima, 10(i acres well timbered and good buildings, and the third in Lodi, 40 acres, good ampie buildings. Cali on or address Wm. Osius, Box 155 Ann Arbor, Mieh. 76-öt. F OH SALE OR BENT- Anew room house with agood barn, gtvöd well, two good cisterns, one and one-half lotsof land. Terms easy. Enquire at 33 Detroit St., Ann Arbor. ■mt. PIANO TUN1NG.-A. D. Brown, the .veil known piano tuner with C. J. Whitney, will bc in the city soon. Orders left at the Argus office will r""sive his attention. One of the best cures for catarrh ever known is rcade by the Warner Catarrh Cure Co. This eompany has a formula írom which they prepare a remedy that has worked some woudersul cures Ín this terrible disease, and so far as is known no one has ever used it without being benefltted. This medicine does not attempt to cure everything, but IT WIIL CUKE CATAJRRH, as thousands of people can testify. It is taken internallyand cures the disease by its action on the 1lood. If you'are afílicted with the disease give it a trial and you will never regret it. Large bottles $1.00. Sold by druggists or address The Warner Catarrh Cure Co., Ann Arbor, Mlcb. SIB NAPDimHO'5 OECHESTEA, Popular or High Olass Music Furnished for v PAKTIES, BALLS, Ki WEDDINGS, V SOCIETY MEETINGS. Harp Musió a Speoialty. Private Patrons ISolicited. Highest Reference. GAMILLO NAPOLITANO, 53 WilccxSt., - DETROIT, MICH.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News