At Wahr's - SPECIAL SALE OF HoJiday Book$ and paney Qoocfjs . . . Wc offer all our Sets at Wholesale cosí. :;u toSOper cent discount on all Misoellaneous and Juveiiile Books. 1,000 volumes finely bound books for 25c each; 5 for $1.00. 500 volumes Standard Authors, bound in Morocco, for 50c each. Genuine Oxford Teachers' Bible, complete edition, with maps, fine morocco, for $1.50. Iarj;est collections of Germán and French Books In the city. AU the new and popular Holiday Books at special discount. New stock of Imponed PhotoRraph Albums Bafenders and Booklets. Special Discount to. teachers and Sunday School librarles, George Wahr, IMPORTER, BOOKSELLER and STAT1ONER, ANN ARBOK, - - MICH. ü 1 ■3 W I A ISÍeW Lii)e 11 fu I ill II W 1 Sust receivetl a complete i lineof Humphrey's Homj oeopathic Speeitics. We í v also have tlie more eoml mon homoeoputliic lucí tures add pellets. m i) 1 L W Palmer's Pharmacy, I 46 S. State St. i ü M if lu 1 ñ TI _x , ■ ,-,-■■■ j-j-i"
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