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Carl A., infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Wenger, of Northfield, died Monday. The hardware firms have joined the early closers and their stores will be closed after six p. m. Ann Arbor Milling Oo. is offering mote for wheat than the Detroit market quotes - so said. Herman Maka, Jamps P. Baoon and Frank Richter were Tuesday admitted to full citizenship in open court. The city lock-up question has been settled by all parties concerned and city prisoners will be looked np at the jail as formoríy. Mrs. R. R. Hulbert, formerly of this city, died Saturday morning last at Michigan City, aged 82 years. The remains were brought here for interment. Prof. Volney M. Spalding was married Jan. 1, at Forestville, N. Y.,to Miss Effie Southworth. They Will reside at 50 Tbompson street where they are now at home to their friends. The Young Womon's Christian Association has engaged Miss Julia Roys as general secretary for one month, at the end of which time it is iroped an ad ditioual inembership will make it possible to permanently employ her. Some weeks ago the firm of Mank & Co., offered to give away a china tea set worth $20, numbers beiiig given with each cloak sold. The drawing occurred last Saturday and the lucky nnrnber, 65, was held by Airs. Anna Feldeheuser. The Phoenix Gesang Verein at its anntial meeting Jan. 2 elected the following offioeis for the ensuiug year: President, Matthew Fischer; vice president, G. Knapp; secretary, Qeo. B. Shcwab; flnancial seoretary, G. Winger ; treasurer, Chris. Gauss; steward, G. Gookenbach; director, J. G. Kurtz; runsic committee, J. G. Kurtz and Henry Otto. Miss Katie Wessel and Fred Zeeb were nnited in marriage at the home of tbe bride in Salem, on Thursday last. The ceremony was performed at 12 o'clock, noon, by Rev. Mr. Fisher, with Geo. Zeeb as best man and Miss Enima Wessel as bridesmaid. There was a fine wedding dinner following. The couple were the receipients of many beautifal presents. They went on a short wedding trip and on Monday began house keeping in their new home near Emory. The Forest Hill Cemetery Co. elected Frederick Sohmid, ïïm. Wagner and E. B. Pond as trustees for the ensuing year Tuesday morning. The total receipts for the past year were $3,868.02, total expenditures 1,665.25, Jeaving a balance on hand of $2,299,80. The company has $13,900 standing out in bonds and mortgages and $550 in notes.There is $2,739 in the memorial íund. During the past year there were 122 interments, of whioh 82 were from the city. Between the ages of 80 and 90 years there were Í 7, between 70 and 80 years, 15; between 60 and 70. years, 11; between 20 and 30 years, 13; and 19 less than one year old. Of these interments 40 were born in Ann Arbor, 1 in the conuty, 8 in the state, 1 in Canada, 14 in Germany, 6 in England, 8 in Ireland, 21 in New York state and othors are scattered. John Ellis is in jail ten days for bedrnnk. The Wolverine Cycle club installed its new officers Tuesday night. The city poor cost the oity $340.30 during the past month. Rev. C M. Cobern will exehange pulpits Sunday with Rev. P. R. Parrish, of Ronio. M. Staebler showed a pnny bioycle in Jus show window this week, ordered for a live year old boy. E. V. Hangsterfer is building an ice house addition whieh will increase the total capacity by 5.000 tons. Wm. Bonner was sentenced to 20 days in jail Wednesday by Justice Pond for imbibing too much alcohol. This is the last leap year of the century, likewise the last one for eight years. Girls, get in your deadly work ! The Venezuelean commission may make Q. W. Smith, stenographer for C. H. Kline, its official stenographer. Ediitor Tom W. Mingay of the Times, was presented with a fine oil paintig on Thursday last, on the occasion of his 41st birthday. The Ann Arbor Organ Co. has received a pletter of inquiry concerning their organ from Pretaoria, South African Republio. The oharge of forgery against Omer E. Neff, the law student arrested here and taken to Indiana, has been settled up aud disinissed. Frank L. Fisher, of this city, was on Monday licensed to marry Alice Selino, of Detroit. The license was issued in Detroit. Captain Gifford, of Detroit, staff captai of the Salvation Army, will speak at the Congregational church Sunday, on the work of the Salvation Army. Fred Andrews died at the home of his uncle, Michael Stein, in Ann Arbor township, on Sunday, of consumption, aged 26 years. The funeral occurred Wednesday and the remains were taken to Dexter, the deceased's formei home, Eor iutennent. Attoruey Norris, who has been looking up the mattor, is of the opinión that owners of dogs are subject to pay two dog licenses, one to tbe city and one to the state, The amount of sausage that will be made forthwith in tbis city will be very likely greatly in excess of the quantity consuined - yea, even in the city of college boarders. . A merry war is on between the Wasbtenaw Tirnes and Detroit News siuce the recent divorce between the two was made. The News is getting out an Ann Arbor editiou with a column of uews from here and the Times is hustling in good shape to keep its local columns well filled with local happenings. Edwaitë W. Clark died in this citv oh Saturday, aged 38 years. Mr. Clark was a gradúate of the University in the class of 1885, having already completed a course in pharmacy in New York city. He was for several years a druggist in Amsterdam, N. Y. Three little children and a wife, who is an invalid, are left to mourn a kind husband's and indulgent father's loss. Adrián faas a man who never in warmest or coldest weather wears undiirclothing. He never wears an overcoat about the streets and his winter clothes are of light weight goods. He is an old soldier of therebelliob, enjoys good health and does not know what it i.s to have a cold. - Adriau Press. What's the use of advertising the editor? He would probably like to dress as other people do if he could aft'ord it. The Adrián Press speaks thus glowingly of Jimmie Blithmann, recently sent up from here: Jimmie BJithmann the natural born little crook, who was in jail here about halt' the time, aud should have been in Jackson the other half, succeeded in raiding a store and stealing $22 over at Ann Arbor a few days since. He was sent to the reform school for two years. He has been there once, and stole almost as inucb as the republican clerk of the state board of auditors and the deputy secretaiy of state. The Res Gestae board offer a cash prize of $15 for the best short story on a legal subject. The senior medical class has received an invitation to visit the Battle Creok surgical sauitarium. lts raembers wil! go - afc least soms of thátn. Farmers complain tbat tho sleighing is about whipped on the roatls that are travelled mnch. Twoor three inches of snow would be a godsend at this time. The damage suit of Herman Hutzel vs. the city of Ann Arbor bas been settled ouc of court. Hutzel claimed that $Ü,427.91 was owing iiim by the city on bis sewer contract. Hutzel sottled for abont $1,200. Luiris J. Leisemer has flled a bilí in chancery asking that the coart compel John Burg to file an inventory of the assets of the trust fuuds held by Burg for Liesemer's daughter.Lulu, aged ten, and a statement of the value of the trust. Sarah Bety has had Walter Fic;k arrested cbarging him with assault and battery. Fick, who has just finished a long sentence in jail, waived examination before Justice Pond and was Dound over to the circuit court for trial. He is in jail in default of $1,000 bail. Rev. E. M. Duff, formerly assistant rector of St. Andrew's, was married recently in Grand Rapids to Miss Daisy Konkel. Rev. Mr. Doff is the rector of St Paul's pariih in Grand Rapids and his newly made wife was the organist there. The case of Edward O'Neil vs. Dr. J. G. Lynds was tried in Justice Gibson's court last Friday and resulted in a disagreement by the jury. O'Neil claimed that while Dr. Lynds was driving in from Whitmore Lake last September the physician ran over him. Wm. W. White, owner of the opera house, the Tappan park addition and othor valuable Ann Arbor real estate, died at his home in Utica, N. Y., last week. He as one of the heaviest taxpayers of the city. A. J. Sawyer, manager of his Ann Arbor affairs, attended the funeral which occurred at Utica Sunday. Next Monday evening Mrs. Louise Hall-Walker will lecture before the Unity club, giving a description of her journey, made a few mouths ago, from Cairo to Damascus, across the Holy Land. The lecture will be illustrated by young ladies dressed in the costumes of the east, a feature th t will add much to the interest of the lecture. Single sdmission 15 cents. Sir Michael Meyendorff, a former Polish exile, will give an address in Universiry hall, on Saturday evening, under the auspices of the University OraW'ical association. He took part in the Polish rebellion of 1863, was sent to Siberia for it, and released by Russia shortly after at the intervention of President Lincoln. Coming to rhis country, he made his way to Ann Arbor and graduated from the University in 1870. His addresses on the Russian system of dealing with prisoners and the Polish question have attracted much attention of late in the northwest. The lecturer was secured for Saturday evening at the suggestion of President Angell. - Times. Miss Genevieve Allen gave a very pleasant birthday party to a large cirole of friends New Yeais evening, at her home on the Whitmore Lake rond.. The merry party gathered at Mrs. Dr. Cheever's, 44 Washington street, at 5 :30 p. m., and were driven out to Mr. Allen's. The chaperons were Mr. and Mrs.T. W. Mingay, Mrs. M. G. Stark, Mrs. A. C. Miller. Games, rnnsie, dancing and Newport flies furnished amusements. Prasents were showered in profusión, from home as wpII as distant friends, the most noticeable being a gold watch and chain. Bountiful and elabórate refreshments were served in the dining room, prettily decorated with evergreens. At a late hour the 1 party wished Miss Genevieve many [happy returns of the day. They returned to the city well pleased with the bright and happy ending of New Years day. Only pure Havana used as filler in Gorman 's Royal Red Top Cigars.